does anybody else feel change?

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by cancerpersonality on Friday, March 15, 2013 and has 30 replies.
I have been feel this crazy feeling like something is changing, Its like my intuition is off the charts lol I don't know what it is but I just want to know if It's me or not .
Anybody else feeling like this?
depending on what kind of change you are feeling. neptune entered pieces sign this year, which has a very musical pink glansses on feeling on ur water planet. However another outer planet pluto in cap makes opposition to cancer sign, bringing transformative catalisator (not easy) effect. The year or two when u feel these effects more prominently will depend on which day u r born.
hm i forgot about lucky jupiter which is coming ur way this summer and should bring many opportunities for very positive changes in your lifesmile
hm i forgot about lucky jupiter which is coming ur way this summer and should bring many opportunities for very positive changes in your lifesmile
I'm glad I'm not alone in this feeling. I just can't put my finger on this change that I feel & I know I posted this in cancer forum but I was just asking in general to anyone.
I really hope it is a good change because 2012 was shitty so I hope this year doesn't take off in that direction. I just hate having this feeling It's driving me crazy lol
YES! Going to see a psychic about it. It is bothering me soooo
I've been feeling excited like too but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Almost like when you have huge plans to party or go somewhere fun, etc. and super excited about ... a little jump in your step, more lauging and smiling. Whatever it is, it feels huge and exciting and I feel positive, like this is IT. I just keep getting this feeling of financial gain or stability, and love life is going to take a big turn for the good .. finally! Can't wait and I hope he's as hot has I have him pictured Tongue
I am a cancer and I have been going through a very nostalgic change in my life. I have been rethinking my life and all the memories. I just feel like I am progressing and my mental thoughts are my physical manifestations. I feel this inner qualm ready to explode.
OMG!!! ME TOO!!! Although the feeling has intensified over the past few weeks. I feel something is brewing...what exactly, I don't know. Sometimes I'm dreading what's to come, other times I'm more optimistic.
I feel all kinds of way lol excited , anxious ,a tad nervous happy confused etc. I just cant wait to know or experience this change that is coming. the suspense is killing me but the anticipation is quite fun ahah (:I wonder when its going to happen.
Posted by OceanDeep
I've been feeling excited like too but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Almost like when you have huge plans to party or go somewhere fun, etc. and super excited about ... a little jump in your step, more lauging and smiling. Whatever it is, it feels huge and exciting and I feel positive, like this is IT. I just keep getting this feeling of financial gain or stability, and love life is going to take a big turn for the good .. finally! Can't wait and I hope he's as hot has I have him pictured Tongue

If you keep up this mentality, exuding this attractive'd bag the man exactly as you've pictured him to be Tongue
The feeling must be contagious!
Although I am wary after reading that beware the end of March for Cancers thread..........
@mycancergal whats at the end of the month for cancers ? o.O
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by OceanDeep
I've been feeling excited like too but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Almost like when you have huge plans to party or go somewhere fun, etc. and super excited about ... a little jump in your step, more lauging and smiling. Whatever it is, it feels huge and exciting and I feel positive, like this is IT. I just keep getting this feeling of financial gain or stability, and love life is going to take a big turn for the good .. finally! Can't wait and I hope he's as hot has I have him pictured Tongue

If you keep up this mentality, exuding this attractive'd bag the man exactly as you've pictured him to be Tongue
click to expand

Ooooo, I hope you'e right! Yey! lol At the rate I'm going I'll end up an old maid, not to mention keeping my legs shaved 24/7 would be all for nothingTongue
Posted by cancerpersonality
I feel all kinds of way lol excited , anxious ,a tad nervous happy confused etc. I just cant wait to know or experience this change that is coming. the suspense is killing me but the anticipation is quite fun ahah (:I wonder when its going to happen.

Something has to be going on ... we all are having the same type of excitement of changes to come, about damn time! haha
And DON'T read that thread, you'll freak yourself out ... and if you're like me, I'm too superstitious the way it is! lol
yeah i feel nervous , excited , happy.... like something is gonna happen!
Posted by CluelessCancer
Sorry I ain't feeling shit, but a little heart break. Twiddles thumbs.

Sad Wha hoppen?
Posted by cancerpersonality
@mycancergal whats at the end of the month for cancers ? o.O

The thread with the title-Beware the end of March, dear Cancers or something like that. It's in this forum. Just scroll down. I am SCARED!!!!
Look up "Ascension".and or.."5th dimension" on youtube. Yes. Something is definayely happening. Its good.
psychictold me, lots of men and $ $ $ are coming my way. change in career, type of men I date is coming and soon. we will see....
I just got a new job and im leaving one ive been with for 2 years and they treat me like family there,
so i feel like im standing in the wind here watching a change unfold infront of me and I have no idea whats up. I hope it gets better and not worse!
Good Morning , I feel the change getting closer and closer lol still don't know what lies ahead. Hope all is Good with all of you as well (:
Oh yes, I'm feeling it too. I both feel great change coming and (like a crabby crab) fear it. Plus my intuition is heightened. Yeah, these are some interesting times for the water sign. We have or at least had a stellium of planets in Pisces so all water signs are feeling keyed up and that changes are upon them.
Back to update my change feeling lol well I physically changed (: .. I changed my hair color lol does that count? Other than that I got nothing ahah but I'll be sure to keep you all in the loop
Yes, there is change happening. I have been feeling it all month, and it is the most powerful force I have felt in some time. Things over the past 6-12 months have been rough, and all of the sudden the tides are turning. There is fresh energy and power ascending, forces of good to be put to good use for the ultimate cause of serving others.
You must know your calling to capture this.
hello everyone keeping you all posted as promised. As of last night a MAJOR & DRASTIC change occurred within my family & it is definitely NOT a good change ); I really hope with the sad change a beautiful change follows . Hope all is well with all of you
BlackIndian22: nice name by the way. Thank you for the motivation you just gave me. I have been stressing since the terrible change happened. I have been having crazy dreams too but you are completely right prayer helps a whole lot & I just need to trust that GOD knows what he is doing everything happens for a reason.
Thanks again (:
Cancer Personality I hope the best. I am gonna try to be humble and emphatic. I do not know what happened to you cause I did not experience myself as of now but the only thing you can do is be yourself and love yourself at these moments. As cancers we love everyone so much and are focused on the outside we forget to visit home which us. We have to smile at the person we see in the mirror because that person is strong. I hope the best for you and I hope your heart heals.
@Ruh thank you for your kind words.. my grandmother passed away 2 weeks ago & the funeral is this weekend so I have been stressing out to the Max. I have yet to see a good change or to see some good in this change ): alot has been happening with my family as well so I'm just taking things one step at a time. Thanks again for your words I'm trying to stay strong & stay focused.
Posted by cancerpersonality
@Ruh thank you for your kind words.. my grandmother passed away 2 weeks ago & the funeral is this weekend so I have been stressing out to the Max. I have yet to see a good change or to see some good in this change ): alot has been happening with my family as well so I'm just taking things one step at a time. Thanks again for your words I'm trying to stay strong & stay focused.

You are welcome. I know how that is. It hurts seeing a grandmother go but it happens. Life always throws curvballs at you. Just gotta know how to manage it. I am sure you are a busy bee but you got find time for yourself to rest up and mourn.