Don't tell me what to do

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by CalmCrab22 on Sunday, September 4, 2016 and has 30 replies.
Because I'm never going to listen. I'm perfectly capable of doing what's best for me & I don't need you telling me what to do in any circumstances.

I DO WHAT I WANT. F what you say.

Am I the only one that feels this way or are all cancers like this? Maybe it's magnified for me bc I raised myself & my parents never knew what I did or told me what to do so who TF else in this world has that right especially since I'm grown with 2 kids & 2 homes of my own I think I got this.
It boils my blood when someone tells me to go ahead & do what I want, when I know they don't mean it.

I can confirm.
Posted by Lovely20
You don't sound like you're very calm calmcrab22

But anyways, my bf is also like that and he's a cancer, at least from the stories i heard from things that happened at his work and etc, people telling him what to do specially when he was already gonna do it, he freaking hates it. but i think it could also be your aqua moon?
Beat me to it! He doesn't sound calm at all! ?

Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Lovely20
You don't sound like you're very calm calmcrab22

But anyways, my bf is also like that and he's a cancer, at least from the stories i heard from things that happened at his work and etc, people telling him what to do specially when he was already gonna do it, he freaking hates it. but i think it could also be your aqua moon?
Beat me to it! He doesn't sound calm at all! ?

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Posted by themagnetoreborn
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Lovely20
You don't sound like you're very calm calmcrab22

But anyways, my bf is also like that and he's a cancer, at least from the stories i heard from things that happened at his work and etc, people telling him what to do specially when he was already gonna do it, he freaking hates it. but i think it could also be your aqua moon?
Beat me to it! He doesn't sound calm at all! ?


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Maybe a little bit. Oh well, I constantly call people by the wrong gender.

Calm bc I'm very unemotional for a cancer. Or should I say I am good at controlling my emotions for a cancer.

Unless you tell me what to do. Like I said don't even tell me to do what I want if you're not sincere bc I'll pluck ur eyes out ?

Super Sunday ?

glad I'm not solo here
Posted by Solitude
I love to undermine authority. It's one of my favorite pastimes, but it sounds like you have a problem with authority rather than having fun with it.
you want to undermine my authority?

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what a fucking rebel
lol Big Grin I do this too...if you try and MAKE me do something ..I will ignore you...

User Submitted Image
Posted by Solitude
I love to undermine authority. It's one of my favorite pastimes, but it sounds like you have a problem with authority rather than having fun with it.
It's not authorities most of the time. At work I can only have one person above me who is the owner typically and I work very well with them mostly because they respect my knowledge & opinions & trust me to work independently. Once in a blue moon I'll bump heads with the boss.

I do prefer to always have an income such as side business or my rental incomes bc if the boss gives me shit I'm outtie.

I find this more on a personal level and DEF with dudes I don't care about that I know r full of it & just want to get the Cookie.
Has anyone ever actually 'calmed the fuck down' after being told to 'calm the fuck down'?

Asking for a friend.

Its human, people want to be respected and treated like somebody who can think for themselves. But if you cant stand it being told what to by your boss. Your career will be hurting sooner or later.
My nephew is a Cancer. Or maybe it's because he's 21. Nah, I'm gonna say it's because hes a Cancer. He's always been the type that will undermine authority then when his ass gets in trouble, he comes crying. I hate to say it but I'm the queen of I told you so, especially extremely hard headed people. Lol.

Don't come crying to me when we tell you the burning house is gonna burn ya. After you got an attitude for us telling you the house was burning in the first place.

I stand by my advice statement. It's advice not an order.

You are free to take whatever knowledge is given to you then make the choice yourself. It's your life.
Posted by Parkourler

Its human, people want to be respected and treated like somebody who can think for themselves. But if you cant stand it being told what to by your boss. Your career will be hurting sooner or later.
That's why I'm working on becoming a doctor & currently have 2 other sources of income. My cancer bf owns 3 companies bc he wants to be the boss.

HOWEVER, like I previously said, it's way more on a personal level that o have issues with ppl.
Posted by CalmCrab22
Because I'm never going to listen. I'm perfectly capable of doing what's best for me & I don't need you telling me what to do in any circumstances.

I DO WHAT I WANT. F what you say.

Am I the only one that feels this way or are all cancers like this? Maybe it's magnified for me bc I raised myself & my parents never knew what I did or told me what to do so who TF else in this world has that right especially since I'm grown with 2 kids & 2 homes of my own I think I got this.
Your DXP code-name should be AngryCrab22

When I get sincere advice from someone I am genuinely appreciative. After all, I do not want to go wrong, make mistakes or be set back in any way. But more than 90% of the time, it is self serving advice, especially if it is in the workplace.

Regardless. if I am given the advice it is up to me whether to take it or not. If the person giving me the advice is really pushy about me taking it, I will do a sincere inventory of why they want me to take it so much (and if it is in the workplace, I am itemizing and adding up what everything costs and how much they gain in return). If it is because they care but are wrong, then I'm ok with it, because they are trying. But if they barely know me and are pushing hard for me to take it,that's a pretty good sign that something is up.

If it is advice about working out or eating healthier or something like that, it's usually because the person just is getting into it themselves and needs a partner or friend to keep them motivated, again somewhat self serving and not upfront. I'm a little more lenient with this and I'd probably help out (read that statement again, i'm not taking the advice for me but for them) but I still will get annoyed if they push too hard, especially if I dont have the time for it.

I try not to fall for the same tricks more than once or twice, but if they keep coming especially from the same person, that is something else to think about. If a person repeatedly gives you self-serving or bad advice you really should at some point take an inventory of how positive a person this is and if they should remain in your life, maybe start backing away from this. At this point it is a matter of self-respect and survival.

Uhm. Can you post your chart?
Posted by CalmCrab22
Posted by Parkourler

Its human, people want to be respected and treated like somebody who can think for themselves. But if you cant stand it being told what to by your boss. Your career will be hurting sooner or later.
That's why I'm working on becoming a doctor & currently have 2 other sources of income. My cancer bf owns 3 companies bc he wants to be the boss.

HOWEVER, like I previously said, it's way more on a personal level that o have issues with ppl.
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If personal level means not in the working environment then I totally agree with you, thats when I stop being nice. No private contact is above me and has the right to give me orders. I can be very aggressive if somebody does that outside work.
It really depends on the person and their moon sign + dominant planet, but based on personal experience, most of my cancer friends usually reach out for advice to their close friends. They seek companionship after a long day. They will, however, remain contained so they don't tell you how they really feel on the inside, if this is what you mean? If you don't want people to tell you what to do, then tell them you are capable of making your own decisions and show them you don't need help or butting in.
Posted by AnOdeToNoOne
Posted by CalmCrab22
Because I'm never going to listen. I'm perfectly capable of doing what's best for me & I don't need you telling me what to do in any circumstances.

I DO WHAT I WANT. F what you say.

Am I the only one that feels this way or are all cancers like this? Maybe it's magnified for me bc I raised myself & my parents never knew what I did or told me what to do so who TF else in this world has that right especially since I'm grown with 2 kids & 2 homes of my own I think I got this.
Your DXP code-name should be AngryCrab22

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I'm very rarely upset in any fashion. I think my tear ducts are broken. All my coworkers peg me as the calm one that deals with all problematic patients.

Posted by rabidtalker
When I get sincere advice from someone I am genuinely appreciative. After all, I do not want to go wrong, make mistakes or be set back in any way. But more than 90% of the time, it is self serving advice, especially if it is in the workplace.

Regardless. if I am given the advice it is up to me whether to take it or not. If the person giving me the advice is really pushy about me taking it, I will do a sincere inventory of why they want me to take it so much (and if it is in the workplace, I am itemizing and adding up what everything costs and how much they gain in return). If it is because they care but are wrong, then I'm ok with it, because they are trying. But if they barely know me and are pushing hard for me to take it,that's a pretty good sign that something is up.

If it is advice about working out or eating healthier or something like that, it's usually because the person just is getting into it themselves and needs a partner or friend to keep them motivated, again somewhat self serving and not upfront. I'm a little more lenient with this and I'd probably help out (read that statement again, i'm not taking the advice for me but for them) but I still will get annoyed if they push too hard, especially if I dont have the time for it.

I try not to fall for the same tricks more than once or twice, but if they keep coming especially from the same person, that is something else to think about. If a person repeatedly gives you self-serving or bad advice you really should at some point take an inventory of how positive a person this is and if they should remain in your life, maybe start backing away from this. At this point it is a matter of self-respect and survival.

I'm intuitive enough to know when someone tells me something bc they're throwing a hissy fit or trying to make me look stupid vs. helping me grow.

Posted by Parkourler
Posted by CalmCrab22
Posted by Parkourler

Its human, people want to be respected and treated like somebody who can think for themselves. But if you cant stand it being told what to by your boss. Your career will be hurting sooner or later.
That's why I'm working on becoming a doctor & currently have 2 other sources of income. My cancer bf owns 3 companies bc he wants to be the boss.

HOWEVER, like I previously said, it's way more on a personal level that o have issues with ppl.
If personal level means not in the working environment then I totally agree with you, thats when I stop being nice. No private contact is above me and has the right to give me orders. I can be very aggressive if somebody does that outside work.
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Completely OP not referring to work place

Posted by CalicoCakes
It really depends on the person and their moon sign + dominant planet, but based on personal experience, most of my cancer friends usually reach out for advice to their close friends. They seek companionship after a long day. They will, however, remain contained so they don't tell you how they really feel on the inside, if this is what you mean? If you don't want people to tell you what to do, then tell them you are capable of making your own decisions and show them you don't need help or butting in.
Im referring to commands not advice & ppl telling you "go do what you want" when they're TOTALLY full of it.

That feels to me like your now telling me what to do just bc what I was going to do wasn't your way.

Someone did this around about telling me what to do crap & I flipped on them. They said "have a nice day" beaaahahaha I blocked them from everything & deleted every fiber of evidence they ever existed.
Yeah, don't tell me what to do.....

If you are pushy, i'll do the opposite

Always been like that since i was little.

But, if you are sincere and give me advice in a kind way, i will listen, evaluate and do it if i think it is good advice.

Not Workpace? thene its was okay to tear their them apart and shut them out of your lilfe, because its just wrong and rude. By the way, what meansOP?

And how can I post GIFS in this forum, copy and paste doesnt work on this site.
Posted by CalmCrab22

I'm intuitive enough to know when someone tells me something bc they're throwing a hissy fit or trying to make me look stupid vs. helping me grow.
Yeah, I'm in agreement with you and I'm trying to point out that there are some that are trying to gain at your expense. It may not be because they are malicious per se, they aren't doing it to do harm for you so much as to help themselves gain. So they will give you "advice" but what they are really trying to do is get you to give them something.

Here's an example: I have a frenemy (best case scenario of what I'd call him) he's in his 40s, he wants very very very very (x50 billion) badly to date a 20 something year old. He feels entitled to this. His "advice" to me is that I need to go to more parties. But reading between the lines what he's really telling me is find parties for him to go to, take him and help him find a 20 something year old to date. I can tell this is bad, self-serving advice because he wants me to do this at the expense of where i'm spending time now which is working (and growing).

You sound a lot like my cancer bf

He is very calm too. Keeps his emotions totally in check. To the point of seeming cold at times, but under the surface is a torrent. He doesnt get emotional when we have a fight but is argumentative and can be mean in a way.

He also HATES being told what to do, he will do the literal opposite thing
I’m a Cancer with an Aqua moon and I can 100% agree to this. I absolutely hate when people try to tell me what to do/what I am doing isn’t the right way. Although Leo is known for their pride, I think Cancer is way more prideful and when we are wrong it hurts our pride tremendously. We are also the one sign who looks for approval from those we love but can’t stand it either because we like to do what we want since we are a Cardinal sign after all. But since we have such good intuition when it comes to assessing other people, we are great with advice, and are TYPICALLY pretty good with our finances, we feel as if we really don’t need help/to be told what to do. We also aren’t the first to raise our hands and ask someone else for their help, and are usually the ones helping (depending on the mood lol).