This topic was created in the Cancer forum by sinder on Tuesday, January 2, 2007 and has 12 replies.
Alright........now this has me nervous....I just found out that this cancer man that I am crazy about (except for some bizarre behaviour that i am trying to get a handle on) hates his mom. I mean hasn't talked to her in years. Not even a holiday.
I am new to all this astrology stuff but have read that in the case of cancers, especially the male, that they are suppose to super close to their moms. This is the extreme opposite. I also read that that the way they treat their mom is the way they will end up treating you. OMG! Does anybody know about this first hand?
i don't think i'm super-close to my mom but i'd probably be a wreck if something happened.
it all depends on the person. if you hate your parents, then you hate them. your sign really doesn't affect how you live your life and your experiences--it may just indicate that you're more susceptible to certain actions.
you seem to be freaking out and thinking his behavior is unacceptable and downright scary, when in fact he may be right and his mom may just be an awful person.
I never heard of anyone that ignored their mom to the degree he described. I mean not even a christmas or birthday card? He hasn't talked to her in 5 years.I asked what was so wrong about her and he said she was a control freak. even so, gosh, i would still contact her at least once a year to see if she was alive or dead......i can't imagine that but i guess unfortunately, there are relationships that get that bad. i am just concerned that the personality traits of cancerians really emphasize the mother relationship thing. So far he seems to really fit the characteristics of a cancer to a "T". If that is the case, then i might have concern down the road as i get closer to him. he won't go into details about their relationship and i am concerned about that.He won't even contact his dad because he doesn't want his dad to tell his mom anything about how he is doing.......
well, it seems you're more judging his actions by what you perceive to be "right," when in reality you don't have the background or the complete understanding of the situation. yes, i think it sucks that he doesn't talk to his family, but that's his personal choice and i think it's a very personal thing to be prying into at this stage in your relationship.
are you afraid if his actions towards her will reflect on you? i highly doubt that they will. this specific situation i think cannot be analyzed via astrology. take astrology with a grain of salt... people are too complex to be categorized.
Fiddlesticks...thats for your input....I didn't pry about his mom really, I just asked where his parents lived and he got real quite and i thought perhaps they were dead. Then he sort of told me about this hatred thing towards his mom and i didn't push the issue because i could tell it was a touchy subject.........I have no reference on something like this, everyone i always dated loved they're parents or at least liked them.
oh i understand that astrology isn't set in stone and perfect but i must admit that the characteristics of this man fit the descriptions that i have read about. he even admitted to it. but the son/mom relationship seems to a very very negative thing emphasized in their descriptions. I am not going to chalk him off but they do say that if you want to get an idea of how you will be treated by a man then see how he treats his mom. I have heard that, but i don't know how true it is............
my ex's mother was a nut..we both hated her...lol
seriously, i wouldn't worry about that..might be a very good reason.
what star sign is she?
Hey guys
I just truely never met someone that had a hatred like i saw in him for their own mom. I adored my mom (she passed away a few years ago) and couldn't imagine feeling hate like that towards her and we didn't alway see eye to eye and she was a tad of a control freak herself. Maybe i shouldn't be concerned, but that i feel bad that that area of his life is so hard. (there is my pisces coming outsmile )and as stated earlier, i hope this isn't a reflection of how he may treat women down the road, with coldness, it there are problems........
MellowDee: i am not certain of her star sign. I am uncertain if i even want to bring up the subject of his mum again. If i can do it without ruffling feathers i find out and let you know.
I think the Cancer who loves his mom is easiest to deal with....LOL! As if!
I know a Cancerian woman who hates her (adoptive mom). This woman is certifiable....she decided out of college she wanted to be a hooker, and proceeded to get herself into all kinds of dangerous situations....then she "hooked" a wealthy man whom she completely manipulates and hates...she seems to think that her sad (sob sob) childhood entitles her to manipulate everyone...
She tried to make *me* into her mother figure till I got wise to her games, and told her where to go.
Your parents do their best with you....I think anyone who hates their parents is wasting their life...complete losers IMHO
not everyones' parents do their best with their children.
I have a book called Linda Goodman's love signs, and it says that cancer men that are not close to their mother's are the worst emotionally. but you know, it's true that can be the case with all men,^quote above^..but I think it also depends on what happened b/t them, if she rejected him and wasn't there, nor acted like a real mother, then you can't blame him for not liking her. So if you just show him unconditional love, loyalty, and love him unselfishly, even when he is acting like an a**, then you will probably be an angel in his eyes, not like his mother.
Thats the book I read it in. Linda Goodmans..........I just don't want to get in so deep with this person and end up finding this really nasty side that can be icy cold. I know he can be aloof and I feel like he doesn't care for me sometimes as it is. But when he lays on the charms I am a hooked completely. I was in a bad relationship where i feel like the man i was with tricked me into thinking he was a certain way and i discovered he was another and i am very leery of it happening again.