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Jul 22, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 627 · Topics: 42
Hi everyone,
So I have fallen for a Cancer Man but I'm not sure how he feels about me. We don't live In the same state. In in NYC and he's in Chicago but we did go out while I was visitng Chicago before we met we talked for a while. Anyway the date was super! After that be had a bday a few days ago and I sent him my wishes through text and he replied that he was so glad we met and he looks so forward to seeing my face sooner than later.
Is that a good sign or he just wants to be friends? BTW we didnt make out on the date just kisses on cheeks and big tight hug after it was over.
Thank you
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May 09, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 1530 · Topics: 124
He is a cance. they dont jum into relationhips so fast.
PM me if nything happens im te cnce mn exert sice ive dealt with their bs fr so long -_- Just tke it easy an dont rush him but do let him know your interested in himbecase he obviosly is too. Cncer men il aways be the mst timid
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May 09, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 1530 · Topics: 124
and wat is your sign? you personally sound like a mix of fire and water to me.