for rebellious cancers!!!

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by cancimini on Friday, July 14, 2006 and has 24 replies.
MAAAAAAAAAAAAAN, I'm so tired of being helt for the good, boring, nagging, nursing, ordinary, depressed, negative, suffocating crab!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now who's with me? Big Grin
(what a relief! smile )
too bad so sad :p
you're a scorpio, it's your duty to comfort them! smile
they're all depressed after what you just said...and are hiding in their shells I guess...
LOL! I think they're just analyzing this, assessing their personalities and wondering if it could possibly be true. A smile and glint of hope lol jk
But it's true, ppl got cancers all wrong... a lottttt of them aren't ~~boring, nagging, nursing, ordinary, depressed, negative, suffocating crab!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ And some are Tongue it's one or the other...
Sad *sniff* *sniff* Sad
it really depends on your moon, rising, and your star sign. I am moon in Pisces & i'm a cusp Cancer/Leo my pride(leo) always gets to me, and I regret it with Cancer.
What a terrible combination...
We're not boring, nagging, nursing, ordinary, depressed, negative, suffocating crab!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are we???
Not at all! I've always found cancers to be inspiring, soft-hearted, yet strong willed, tenacious creatures. I've seen more cancers win where others have failed, and yet still stay humble. If nothing you guys should be admired. Those labels were made by stupid people, don't listen to what they say, cause, well, they're stupid... Winking
*la la la* storm is my new besssst friennnnddddd
eveything's fine until there's a full moon...then you all go crazy!!!!
but overall,you little crabbies are rather nice,If I'm being honest....
see.. we're back to being "rather nice"...... NONONONOOOOO, NA-A (*shakes head*) Big Grin
moon sign + rising sign + sun sign
= taurus + libra + cancer/gemini
Camncers= okay in small doses....and usually when you're getting away with something you know is underhand/manipulative, you little crab missies are even sweeter to people....Tongue
PS: are you barking at the moon???
if so ,make sure you shave before going out tonight ...smilesmileTongue)Tongue
Teehee smile aww thanks nameless....
If I would be shaving more, I'd be shaving skin honey Winking Big Grin
My mom tells me I was born with a cigar and immediately started to redesign my life from the norm and the expected...I have always been a quiet rebel...most only figure it out after they see my trail...not need to boast and flash....just quietly follow my rebel dreams and leave the crowd behind...I'm totally with you cancimini!!!! I may only howl at the moon once in a great while, but I'm always keenly aware of it's phase and how if affects physiological and emotional changes in's inspirational!
Well ... if cancers aren't sweet and lovable then they can only be one other thing ... oh tsk tsk.
I prefer the sweet, lovable, low-key, caring cancers, as opposed to the "others" Winking
Hi Sweetie....Are you saying that you can't be sweet and rebellious both?
HI stardance!!! smile
Nope, there's no gray area with me when it comes to personality. Either you are or you are not Winking
Hey, I saw the name of one of the posts you made, you are with someone else now ... what happened to the relationship between you and the capricorn guy ???? Sad
He broke my heart when he passed up a chance to come to see me...he's being gone so much it had been 4 mo's since I had last saw him and he just seemed surprised that I was hurt, duh...he just had such a hard time expressing his feelings for me...I know how much he cared but I need so much more...I decided I wanted someone here and now that wasn't afraid to tell me how he feels...and that man walked right into my life 6 weeks has been a wohrlwind romance...I'm really scared but not scared enough to want it to end...
I still think of my cappy sometimes but we ended on a good page....I just told him the timing wasn't right for us and the long distance just wasn't working... Sad If I broke his heart I'm sorry, but I was hurting too...I just made the decision we needed to move on.
Hmmmm, well if you felt that you two didn't need to be together then it was best that you ended it the way you did. That cancer guy wasn't around as much as I would have liked for him to be either. For women and men alike, if that one person you want to share your life with isn't around then it creates a void.
I respect and admire you so much for ending it the way you did. There no leading on, which is wonderful -- like myself, you broke the mode smile True, it's sad because you loved him (my goodness I know how much you loved that man) but you realized that the two of you needed totally different things.
A long distance relationship can work only if it's temporary, but your situations sounded unbearable. People should take people for granted. They must remember one thing:
"One person's gold is another person's glory." Winking *** wink *** wink ***
Thanks sweetie...I know we both tried hard to make it work with our guys....
My new gem actually had told me a couple of years ago that he wanted to get to know me but he was seeing someone else. I told him then that it was tempting but I felt strongly about commitment and I didn't want to interfere with his current significant. He now tells me I left such an impression that he ended that relationship and waited for me to be available....he's so romantic sweetie..I think I'm in real trouble......I might never get over this one...what great luv stories are made of....maybe it's like Brahn says...but I don't think he's pretending....he's as addicted as I am to being together...we keep trying to spend a night apart and he always calls me apologetic saying he wants to be with me...what else is there to do but enjoy.
Well, he should have known better then to try to get to know you while seeing someone else. However, you were the cool and smart one ... you didn't create any unnecessary drama. Winking
I hope you and your gemini have a great relationship. My brother's a gemini (2nd decan) so I know what they are like.
Just don't go too fast too soon okay smile
Yes sweetie...Though we are committed to going as slow as we can, we have been inseperable for 6 weeks and I think we are finally ready to take a breather and process all that we know about each other. I think he is magnificent when it comes to being articulate about his feelings, thoughtful, kind, patient and a brilliant analyst. He is very driven and successful, and active in social events. I am quietly persistent, but no doubt a different duck than the norm and by accident have been successful and ready to slow down and enjoy life a little more. Happy to stay home and make my home comfortable and pleasant. Mixing in a little social interaction is fun, but don't ask me to climb mount everest...I just don't see a practical purpose to prove anything like that, though I admire those that set those goals for themselves and applaude those that accomplish it. My everest is the happiness, comfort and security of the ones I love.
I think if we can respect our differences and provide the freedom to express those differences, we have a good chance of having a great relationship, it certainly has the right as we take a deep sigh with time apart, we'll be spending time meditating on what kind of commitment and trade off will be required to make this relationship work.
Certainly, I dreamnt of someone just like this man most of my life, but the reality is can it really work long term for me, can I really give up the freedom of being single. Or is it the fun of pursuit and discovery that keeps me going, after a long difficult marriage and the pain and wounds of divorce, it gives you a healthy respect for the uncomplicated life, do I want to be lonely but at peace, or comforted with companionship but struggle with the compromise that must be crossed in making a realtionship successful.
Star out.....
Me! Unless I'm suffering from PMS in which case I can be all of that in an hour! And then I just get hungry and whorny! And maybe even violent! But mostly just giggly! The most important thing for us to remember is that when we get that way we should just keep to ourselves or just hang around our other Cancer friends who understand and will help us laugh about it all.