foul mood

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by cansir on Wednesday, August 27, 2008 and has 20 replies.
just wanted to see if any other cancers have been in a foul mood lately? seems like everyone and everything has been bothering me..
Yes i am feeling the same. Because of that Im feeling depressed....
i hear ya moirah..i have been trying to snap myself out of it but just can't seem to do it at the moment..
I totally feel you, I don't even feel like hanging with people this weekend. I dont feel like being annoyed. I was in a foul mood last week and the week before. I snapped on a few people and let go of a couple of people. I feel like im in some type of pruning stage or cycle. This week ive been in a reflective mood.
last week i was in a horrible mood and it has carried over into this week but not as bad. annoyed is a good word..i just hope this funk we are in starts to fade soon and we can get back to our sweet lovable selves :-)
I am so over that sweet shyt for a while!!! I wanna get back to my "I dont give Fudge" attitude (can you tell that my shell has went Please excuse my attitude!! IMO, hit the gym, it has helped me a lot the past few weeks!
no need to apologize for your attitude i am a cancer remember..not sure if your shell went up or your displaying your i workout everyday but still hasn't seemed to help the past couple of weeks.
you're right, its the claws. a girl gotta protect herself....a scorp got his claws in me!!!
i feel that too.. tend to keep it to myself and cant stand when people near me keep checkin on me and wanting to know tiny lil details when they know that i could not be bothered to answer. Overwhelming and annoyed that is what i feel...and oh i dont give fudge..feel you flirtycancer.
Hi cansir..good to see you here smile
wow i've been feeling thesame way too.last we i snapped on a couple of people lol.but not intentionally,felt bad afterwards...but the week hasn't been that great for me either.
wel glad i am not the only one :-) hey lost!! would ask how you have been but think i can guess at the moment..
I'm a Sag with a Cancer Moon and I swear right now I could strangle me a mofo. Things are just not going right. People are getting on my last damn nerve and I swear if I could buy my own island I would. I'm trying to calm myself down and think about something else or nothing. I need to clear my mind too much stuff going on in my head...too many thoughts...not good ones either.
yeah mama that is what i am talking about..maybe i am just in an overanalyzing stage at the moment.
When i start to feel overwhelmed I have to take a step back and retreat and put things in order in my mind. If my house is not clean i don't feel right, if i start losing control of things i start to get overwhelmed. I have a lot of things going on in my life right now and trying to keep track of them all and then not having things go the way they should just puts more crap on my plate. I HATE depending on people and i took a chance with something or someone and of course it didn't happen the way it was supposed to happen and it could have if I didn't depend on somebody else. That's why I have to do things myself to ensure it gets done the way it's supposed to get done. I analyze things as well and sometimes overanalyze and it's usually a result of things not going the way I expect or i get overwhelmed with things and feel like i don't have everything under control.
i was doing well up until last week. everything was going great and i was flying high. for some reason though last week had a lot going on and i was involved in a whole bunch of unneeded drama that seemed to suck the joy away. i usually get over things and move on fairly quickly but with the lingering effects of last week and the start of school this week with a few more things sprinkled in here and there i just can't seem to shake this mood.
firecracker...i was feeling good at that time too. Actually, from May to a couple of weeks ago, my mood was great . All the sudden, for the last couple of weeks my claws have been out and highly annoyed by folks!! My mom, who is cancer, usually tells me that Im just annoyed with myself and I put it off on others....SOMETIMES...its!!!
Hey cansir! Winking
oh yeah...last week till this week.. been hiding in my "zone"..looks like drama like us huh? bit frustrated over things here with the family. Flirtycancer...your mom is a cancer? wow that's cool smile
I just keep saying to myself...THIS WILL PASS...THIS WILL PASS!! BREATHE...WOO SAAAHHH...WOO SAAAHHHH. Not that it's working but at least i can say i'm doing
lol @ YaMama
well keep doing that till you absorb the good feeling inside...*breathing in and out as well*
my virgal emailed me asking if i wanted to get coffee so we were suppose to meet at our work cafe. i had already left when she sent me another email saying something had come up and she would be late so i sat there wondering where she was so i called her and she explained that she would be down in a bit. so i waited a little longer then finally decided to leave. so now i am torn between understanding and the make her pay cancer attitude. something has to be going on cause normally i would just let this go..i hope this mood passes soon..