From friends to more with cancer man

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by LeoLoveGoddess on Saturday, January 13, 2018 and has 8 replies.
Cancer Man assistance needed.

Long story short, been friends with cancer man for 8 years. A couple of years ago a mutual friend said he liked me. I didn't think so because he would say flirty stuff but I didn't take it seriously. After our conversation he was coming on strong and invited me to his house. I got sick and couldn't go. He waited three months before asking me over again. I went, we ate watched movies and then we ended up having sex. It was great by the way. I stayed cool and for the past year we been getting closer. But then he says it's hard for him to open up to people, he doesn't trust anyone, and he doesn't want a relationship. I stayed cool and told him I would not try to make anyone do what they don't want to do. I did say that I think the physical part of our involvement would need to stop because I'm not the type of woman that can be intimate and my feelings don't get involved. He said cool and I was fine. A month goes by, he invited me over. Knowing I should have said I had something else to do because I know how it is between us, I didn't. We had sex at his but I am not blaming him at all. I wanted to because it's good. But he is more to me than sex. I know he cares about me to but I think he is afraid of being hurt again. How can I show him he can trust Me? I have his friendship and I have the sex. I want the love and trust or should I just give up on him?
Oh and btw a completely different mutual friend told me that he said he loves me...Im like really? He doesn't express himself to me verbally so I don't know how he feels, which is hard because I want so badly to express how I feel.
Actions speak louder than words with the cancer. I say go for! Life is to short and never knowing can be the worst!
Thanks for the encouragement. I know we enjoy each other's company so I'm cool for right now. Cancer Men are hard to resist lol. When you say actions speak louder than words with them does that mean I should disregard what he said above? He doesn't come right out and say what he wants and I'm more direct than that. I'm just trying to understand him because a one point I thought he didn't like me, but then he acts like he does.
Welcome to the world of Cancers. Patience and consistency is the way to go.
I'm noticing that. He says things like he is indecisive and he procrastinates and since he seems to be indirect I wonder is he telling me to move on or not. Then I feel like I may be overanalyzing everything. That's that Venus Virgo in me lol.
You’re overanalyzing. Verbally he may be afraid but think about his actions. Cancers aren’t (well the ones I have met) too much into casual sex and they know with FWB they will catch feelings. How about going out to dinner or something that will allow you guys to talk since most are chatty Cathys with people they like.
I figured I was. We do talk a lot, which is a good thing. I love going out so I'm definitely open to that.