Gemini Sun with Cancer moon and Cancer venus

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by aj123 on Tuesday, February 25, 2014 and has 5 replies.
Thank you for the reply. Any more replies greatly appreciated.
Does he even know how you feel? Maybe you should consider telling him.
Honestly, IMO he doesn't seem very interested. I think if he were you'd see more consistency and you wouldn't be asking these questions.
But I don't know him so I wouldn't be able to tell you for certain.
Never had any experiences with Gemini that I can recall... but I do have experience with Cancers and it's pretty obvious when they are into you (most men in general).
My advice would be to let him be and let him figure out his life. If he wants to be with you he will make it happen. If it's meant to be it will work out in your favor.
For now just live your life and concentrate on yourself.
My ex was a gemini sun with a cancer moon. He wasn't inconsistent in the relationship. I'm not sure if he's pulling back because he's got unresolved feelings for an ex and/or he knows he's going abroad for 8 weeks and his life really is busy. I do think timing has a lot to do with the success of a relationship, not just chemistry. Maybe hang in there for awhile longer and see where it goes. When he goes abroad for 8 weeks, you'll have a hiatus and maybe meet someone new or at least get some distance from this.
single guy + Gemini Sun/Cancer Moon/Cancer Venus going abroad for 8 weeks = Vacation Sex
Wow thanks for all the helpful replies. Please keep posting.
He seems very interested in the conversation but doesn't initiate much anymore..