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Feb 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 139 · Topics: 30
has the most recent lunar eclipse effected cancer?
i was extremly moodier than usual and not to mention more horny than usuall. i got stressed out easier and didnt know what was causing me to act that way but when i found out that there was a lunar eclispe on the way i had a very strong feeling that it could be the explanation bc the moon is my ruling planet and so isnt the sun so perhaps being right between the 2 or perhaps the sun interacting with the moon has made me a little crazy lately?? i already know that the full moon has this same LESSER effect on me but this full moon has made me insane!
have any of you had this experience or know what im talkin bout? how do i cope?
AFAIK.. eclipses have nothing to do with astrology.. I could be wrong though.
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Mar 04, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 11
yes, eclipses do have an effect in astrology.
"This month, two eclipses will create news. The first is a lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 3, bringing some sort of talks to culmination. Yet this full moon is opposed to Uranus, so a problem is likely to come up as you reach the finish line. It seems to be something that upsets you because it is brought up so suddenly and at the last minute. Be ready for this - you are about to learn about someone's character. If someone is trying to gain an edge by inserting clauses at the last minute, you may or may not call his bluff. If you need the deal (and sometimes we do) you will have little choice but to agree to it, because you may not have set up a track record yet to negotiate the deal more in your favor. In this case, see if you can limit the term of the agreement - say one year instead of three.
At the second eclipse, a new moon solar eclipse on March 18, it may occur to you that you need to go back to college, take seminars, or in other ways increase your education to be more competitive. This would be a good time to sign up. Eclipses are rarely casual events. If you have a chance to learn more, there's every reason for you to take opportunities seriously. Later conditions may not be right. If you can, then do.
Keep in mind that the March 3 eclipse will affect you more than the solar eclipse that comes later, March 18, because lunar eclipses always touch Cancer more deeply. The March 3 eclipse is about an ending, but one that has a surprise twist that you don't expect. It may unnerve you at the time, so you need to be ready for that. Everyone will be feeling the fallout of that eclipse, so you won't be alone. Most people don't like surprises, but the universe, in its wisdom, is about to teach each of us the value of flexibility.
If you were born on July 5 or within five days of that date, you will benefit from the news that arises on March 3, news that will benefit you in the long run.
Think about the other eclipses that fell in the Virgo - Pisces family as this one will this month. What happened on the last set of eclipses on March 14, September 7, and September 22? If any of these dates were important to you, you may see discussions advance now to a new stage."
hope that helps. found it at
mine is starnger than usual but he doesnt see it
Sept 14 we almost broke up and jan 1st was scary
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Mar 20, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2764 · Topics: 36
oh my gosh...YES!!! the lunar eclipse was on the 3rd (last saturday), and it effected me big time!!! i was extremely stressed out and super emotional and i got into an arguement with my bf because i was hurting really bad about something...i came out and told him how i felt, but i think i may have come off kind of harsh about it. anyway, that lunar eclipse definitely got to me.
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Mar 20, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2764 · Topics: 36
"If you were born on July 5 or within five days of that date, you will benefit from the news that arises on March 3, news that will benefit you in the long run."
- i was born on july, hopefully this is true!
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Feb 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 139 · Topics: 30
You all wouldnt beleive the heck i went through that night.. my fiance and i had this awful fight! we were having a family/church get together, we were all eating dinner and watching his dads band. brents best friend called him in the middle of dinner and brent got up and left even tho he knew it wasnt okay with me. i said "your my date and now your going to ditch me?" he said hed wait for me but got too impatient and left anyways.. when i was done eating i called him crying and telling him i was dont to comde get me.. his libra friend didnt care that brent left me at dinner he just wanted brent to come see him with out me. brent is a pisces btw. so brent and i really got into it over the phone last night and he said hed be home but called his dad and told him that he was staying the night at Aarons. he didnt mean for me to know that he wasnt comin home that night.. he thought hed leave waiting all night. my words were harsh and said wrong. brent and i both went to sleep that night in seperate houses and thinking about ending our relationship but as usual he came back and apologized and made it all better. but that night was awful! it was a nightmare!
Signed Up:
Feb 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 139 · Topics: 30
i had alot of mispelled words.. so i corrected them *blush*
"You all wouldnt beleive the heck i went through that night.. my fiance and i had this awful fight! we were having a family/church get together, we were all eating dinner and watching his dads band. brents best friend called him in the middle of dinner and brent got up and left even tho he knew it wasnt okay with me. i said "your my date and now your going to ditch me?" he said hed wait for me but got too impatient and left anyways.. when i was done eating i called him crying and telling him i was done to come get me.. his libra friend didnt care that brent left me at dinner he just wanted brent to come see him with out me. brent is a pisces btw. so brent and i really got into it over the phone that night and he said hed be home but called his dad and told him that he was staying the night at Aarons. he didnt mean for me to know that he wasnt comin home that night.. he thought hed leave waiting all night. my words were harsh and said wrong. brent and i both went to sleep that night in seperate houses and thinking about ending our relationship but as usual he came back and apologized and made it all better. but that night was awful! it was a nightmare!"
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Mar 20, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2764 · Topics: 36
cancerleo...fiance??? when did that happen? last i remember, you were questioning about that aqua guy...
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Mar 20, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2764 · Topics: 36
yeah, that sounds like my night with my bf...only, we slept in the same bed! he was not happy with me at all though. and the next day, when i would try to touch him...he would just push my hand away...
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Mar 20, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2764 · Topics: 36
"- i was born on july, hopefully this is true!"
-LOL!!! how funny...i meant to say July 8th...but i must have been distracted by the quote above...oh well.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3881 · Topics: 128
Moonchild I was gonna say I thought you said your birthday was the 8th July too!
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Nov 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 162 · Topics: 17
I think the lunar eclipse affected me. A couple of days before it happened I was moodier than usual, feeling very depressed and lonely. I didn't want to do anything... After Saturday I was a little better yet I still felt emotionally drained from time to time. And the last couple of days, I am back to normal.
For me this period was very intense, and there was no "real" reason for the way I was feeling, so I am attributing the changes in my mood to the lunar eclipse.
Signed Up:
Mar 04, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 11
you know, i am drunk, but it is so nice to have found so many cancerians all in one place. ahhhhhhhhhhhh
cancerian love
The moons phases usually affect me big time but i have to say that the lunar eclipse did not affect me at all. Saturday night my boyfriend and i went out to dinner with my parents and have a really good time, we went back to their house and watched the moon turn red. I felt quite serene and calm, it was a beautiful thing to witness.
I posted here a couple of weeks ago to say the lunar eclipse had not affected me at all.We have just experienced a solar eclipse and a new moon and i have to say this weekend i thought i was going mad!! I have picked fights and snapped at my boyfriend all weekend (for absolutely no reason at all) and have felt soooo emotional and touchy, have not experienced a mood like this one for a long long time. Anyone else felt over emotional this weekend or was it just me ???. I woke this morning and felt a weight had been lifted from me, it had gone as quickly as it came. Why do we have to be cursed with these damn mood swings......