Posted by GenerousLibraOh wow, it's really so similar! How long has it been since you gave things a second chance and how is it going so far? Happy to read you decided to give it a second chance, hope it will work out for the best!Posted by Libra_gal
So a little while back I posted about a cancer guy I met who confessed he was already committed. He said he will explain me everything, they will break up, I just have to wait bla bla. I called it off for obvious reasons.
Now he keeps contacting me by text telling he's single and wants a normal relationship with me, he's honest and told me everything, he just wants to get to know me better.
It sounds quite nice now that I write it down haha, but my libra gut instinct is rejecting him.
I don't know if any of this has anything to do with cancer men, but what are the chances he's just playing and only trying to meet again? He knows I find him quite irresistible (omg such a handsome man)
Same happened to me a while ago, he came back after 3 months of no contact and same as u I can't really trust him.
What I did was having a candid talk about how I feel he said he missed me and enjoyed my company and wanted that back, it seems genuine I am giving it a second chance but still more cautious than ever. How long were u separated?click to expand
Posted by o110I do not have any idea what was going on in his previous relationship, if it's a previous one. Did not want to hear the details as he first told me he's single and dropped the bomb that he was 'not 100% free' and to 'give him time' only after it was obvious I was into him a lot. In my view nothing he said could be trusted from that point on, there are men painting their partners into a bad light just to justify their cheating and make the side piece wait for them.
depends on what was going on with the prev relationship. if he was stuck in a toxic/one sided/fake pointless commitment for whatever reason, that’s a different story. then I’d give a chance. if he suddenly jumped out of what he thought was love, because he found novelty, then just run away pls
Posted by RaakacYeah I have to stop being confusing after he said he's single and changed his mind about it after seeing I'm into him. How dare I not reply and be fair to the person who had no intention to be fair to me or his partner? How dare I overthink and make scenarios in my head after he showed he cannot be trusted in the first place? Yeah. Sure. You must be right. Thanks for the input.
Say i don't want to know you anymore and move on, you're creating all those scenes in your head that prob isn't even true, you'll overthink as all libra's do and in the end you won't be able to decide anyways, make a decision and stick to it, either move on and reply rather than giving yourself and that other person cunfusing and passive agressive shit without giving a reply. goodluck
Posted by RaakacOkay thanks for your input. Hope you will get better soon.Posted by Libra_galWaste of time, you could have already moved on to better things rather than wasting time on such as bs thing and considering options ir your head that are not real. You already said you can't trust him, so i don't see why are you asking this question. If you can't trust someone you move on, unless you like insecure and passive agressive toxic relationships with constant doubts.Posted by RaakacYeah I have to stop being confusing after he said he's single and changed his mind about it after seeing I'm into him. How dare I not reply and be fair to the person who had no intention to be fair to me or his partner? How dare I overthink and make scenarios in my head after he showed he cannot be trusted in the first place? Yeah. Sure. You must be right. Thanks for the input.
Say i don't want to know you anymore and move on, you're creating all those scenes in your head that prob isn't even true, you'll overthink as all libra's do and in the end you won't be able to decide anyways, make a decision and stick to it, either move on and reply rather than giving yourself and that other person cunfusing and passive agressive shit without giving a reply. goodluckclick to expand
Posted by GenerousLibraOh how I forgot that pulling back and much it frustrates me. I can bet that if I say yes to meet, he'll go back at it smh. I just liked that feeling in my body when touching which I don't get with other signs, this is what makes me undecisive.Posted by Libra_galPosted by GenerousLibraOh wow, it's really so similar! How long has it been since you gave things a second chance and how is it going so far? Happy to read you decided to give it a second chance, hope it will work out for the best!Posted by Libra_gal
So a little while back I posted about a cancer guy I met who confessed he was already committed. He said he will explain me everything, they will break up, I just have to wait bla bla. I called it off for obvious reasons.
Now he keeps contacting me by text telling he's single and wants a normal relationship with me, he's honest and told me everything, he just wants to get to know me better.
It sounds quite nice now that I write it down haha, but my libra gut instinct is rejecting him.
I don't know if any of this has anything to do with cancer men, but what are the chances he's just playing and only trying to meet again? He knows I find him quite irresistible (omg such a handsome man)
Same happened to me a while ago, he came back after 3 months of no contact and same as u I can't really trust him.
What I did was having a candid talk about how I feel he said he missed me and enjoyed my company and wanted that back, it seems genuine I am giving it a second chance but still more cautious than ever. How long were u separated?
I stopped the contact with him back in August I belive, and he surfaced again after the holidays with this news. He also tried to have that talk with me I think, but I keep having very strange sensations in my stomach and just stop replying. This does not stop him from contacting me again and again and I don't know what to do at this point. 🤷♀️
Well it has been only 10 days maybe, we met only once, I decided to stay friends and see how it works cause I have noticed that whenever I show feelings he kinda take a step back but once I detach he comes running back that's a warning sign I know that's why I said I'm very careful this time, also I am keeping my options wide open no exclusivity whatsoever I am done being so loyal for nothing.
Cancer is not a good match for us we don't get them they don't get us, they are very introverted and live in their own misery unless the right person comes along and crack that shell I don't think Libras can do that, on the other hand we need someone to make those dreams we have in our head to come true cancer can't can't do that. But we never knowclick to expand
Posted by RaakacIn agreement.Posted by Libra_galWaste of time, you could have already moved on to better things rather than wasting time on such as bs thing and considering options ir your head that are not real. You already said you can't trust him, so i don't see why are you asking this question. If you can't trust someone you move on, unless you like insecure and passive agressive toxic relationships with constant doubts.Posted by RaakacYeah I have to stop being confusing after he said he's single and changed his mind about it after seeing I'm into him. How dare I not reply and be fair to the person who had no intention to be fair to me or his partner? How dare I overthink and make scenarios in my head after he showed he cannot be trusted in the first place? Yeah. Sure. You must be right. Thanks for the input.
Say i don't want to know you anymore and move on, you're creating all those scenes in your head that prob isn't even true, you'll overthink as all libra's do and in the end you won't be able to decide anyways, make a decision and stick to it, either move on and reply rather than giving yourself and that other person cunfusing and passive agressive shit without giving a reply. goodluckclick to expand
Posted by Libra_gal
Rather confusion! But thanks for the reply, it's very helpful.
Posted by RamOfPeaceWith Gobbs meaningful replies sire would be dead in a heartbeat!Posted by Libra_gal
Rather confusion! But thanks for the reply, it's very helpful.
Nah, drama is right.
Gobbs is generally to expand
Posted by RaakacLol everything I wrote here, he already heard from me. And lol again, I am single for almost one year now. Met this guy last summer, I called it off because he was the one who did the lying (oh lol again, it was not the libra who lied this time *wink*). I've been focusing on work and learning after that, been dating no one, he just popped up telling something I don't know if to trust or not.Posted by sweetpea2977That's the thing i notice about some immature libra's, they brag and compain about relationships behind the back, after they are done complaining they go back to the same relationship because they feel better.Posted by RaakacIn agreement.Posted by Libra_galWaste of time, you could have already moved on to better things rather than wasting time on such as bs thing and considering options ir your head that are not real. You already said you can't trust him, so i don't see why are you asking this question. If you can't trust someone you move on, unless you like insecure and passive agressive toxic relationships with constant doubts.Posted by RaakacYeah I have to stop being confusing after he said he's single and changed his mind about it after seeing I'm into him. How dare I not reply and be fair to the person who had no intention to be fair to me or his partner? How dare I overthink and make scenarios in my head after he showed he cannot be trusted in the first place? Yeah. Sure. You must be right. Thanks for the input.
Say i don't want to know you anymore and move on, you're creating all those scenes in your head that prob isn't even true, you'll overthink as all libra's do and in the end you won't be able to decide anyways, make a decision and stick to it, either move on and reply rather than giving yourself and that other person cunfusing and passive agressive shit without giving a reply. goodluck
The thing is, the problem didn't get solved and didn't vanish, and same shit goes over and over again, until person finds out how the libra was talking shit behind hi's back and leaves them or libra finds another guy, starts to like him, and switches to the other person, and the circle continues lol, never seen libra single for 2 long, not talking about all libra's , but in most cases and my own experience. Never seen a libra have a honest conversation with someone , they want to do good and nice things, thats how they justify their lies saying shit like i had to do it and so on, they can't stand conflict and mature discussion, they don't want person to feel bad so they lie and justify that by saying i had to. For all these other honest and mature libra's out there, my heart goes out to you , may you find the best human for yourself, because those immature one's make it hard for you to find someone who trusts you, Libra sign has a bad rep when it comes to these things .click to expand
Posted by jeaneThank you for the sound advice, this is what I should probably do. Though I do know from experience you're right about libras and crabs not being a match. My first boyfriend was a cancer and we were just not on the same frequency, he always managed to darken my mood somehow and was very talented in emotional manipulation.
he sounds like a bit of a chancer to me but if you like him, then the best advice is always to go slow.
be friends for a bit, see if you like him beyond his good looks and if he is a person of substance and honesty. only time can tell you that. if your instincts are telling you to be cautious, even more reason to tread very lightly. don't write him off but don't get ahead of yourself either. oh! and find out what the situation was with the ex. our history will nearly always determine our future.
i don't think libra and cancer make a good match either but there are always exceptions to the rule i guess.
Posted by baeAbsolutely not option 2 here.
rule number one, never be option number two.