Help! I am getting the silent treatment !!!!!

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by sinder on Tuesday, January 16, 2007 and has 13 replies.
I was so sad over a bunch of things that i drank too much last night. I am not a drinker so it gets to me really bad. anyway, i wrote a poem to the cancer guy i am dating that was saying that i felt bad about lots of things that we should be friends and i that i was upset over finding out some personal stuff about past girlfriends etc...
'Now he wont; talk to me. he wont answer his phones, text, email. he blocked me from his website.
i am so sad, i don't know what to do. any help please give it.
if he's anything like me, it was probably the grammatical errors that turned me off
i have to admit, you are funny fiddlesticks! smile my first chuckle since this has happened
Well, he finally responded so i guess we'll take it from there....going to meet in person and try to gain some understanding here...........
omg, fiddlesticks was right, it was p****ed all along regarding the grammatical errors. He said that I could date a harem full of men as long I spelled each of their names correctlysmile
LoL yeah, it's their way of saying they didn't take offense. Making light of the unimportant smile They'll bring it up when you're not under the influence... of alcohol or emotions lol They really don't get offended easily... I don't know why that's in every cancer description...?
The fuzzy, cuddly ones... yes, ok, there are some very sensitive ones 253A% 252F% 252F% 253Fpartner% 253DZSzeb008% 255FZNxmk788KNUS% 2526i% 253D36% 252F36% 255F27% 255F3% 2526feat% 253Dprof/page.html" target="_blank">
What's good is that you've got what bothers you out in the open and now you can talk about it... which you are smile
yea- i can't hold it in too long...........we are going to finally talk this week. It will be a very important talk. We are going to move forward or the relationship will try to remain freinds only.............
am i the only one here dying to her what you found out??????
i wanna hear the
tell me what dirt you wanna know? smile
" i was upset over finding out some personal stuff about past girlfriends"
come on dish
I'm with menbay12....the significance of what this could be about is totally wrapped up in what you find spill it, what are the details so that we can accurately assess the situation.
In respectful disagreement with raisingpeanuts, I will say that cancers love to be connected when they care for you so being shut out means that he was definitely offended....probably so much so that he is trying to achieve as much separation as possible so that he can will himself into not caring----or even disliking you---which cancers are extremely capable of.
We treat the people we feel a kindred connection to very warmly sweetly on average and treat people who we see as adversaries or enemies with the utmost bonechilling coldness...therefore if he can just convince himself you are an enemy than he doesn't have to worry about caring about you...which has probably become painful for him after whatever you revealed....
But before we get to aaaalllll dat...WHAT DID YOU SAY??? WHAT DID YOU FIND OUT???
That info is critical to providing a reference point of how justiable----or overly sensitive----or anywhere in between and maybe a bit of both--his reaction was...
oops justiable = justifiable