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Oct 14, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 105 · Topics: 15
I'm a Taurus just for reference. I met a wonderful and sweet man 2 weeks ago at a karaoke bar I occasionally visit. (He lives 2 hours from me.) I didn't notice his interest in me while we were all hanging out at the bar (although looking back I see the signs that were there). My girl and I ended up spending time with him and his buddy after the bar and we spent all night talking and laughing and just enjoying each other's company. He asked me some pretty deep, personal questions and once I think he was satisfied with who I am as a person, started holding my hand, touching my leg, we even cuddled (omg best cuddles EVER btw!) for the last 2 hours we were together. We had some pretty personal conversation! We have been texting since but I find I always have to start the conversation (I keep it light like "hope you're having a good day" and always something he can either answer or choose not to answer) and he answers me pretty quickly usually. Never more than a couple of hours after. I've suggested one venue to go to as I know cancer men are shy and he outright told me as much. It was a no go due to other plans and I know he's crazy busy and has a lot of stress in his life right now. He has said "it would be nice to have a drink right now" but he lives 2 hours from me so spur of the moment is difficult. I've suggested calling to try to set up plans. I've tried saying that we should get together soon....he's texting less the last couple days but still at least once a day. But I don't know how to get this to the next level! We've talked about how well we clicked and everything! And he's told me about a pretty serious and sad event that just happened in the last couple days (that's when the texts slowed down). I don't want to push him away but I'm so confused as to how to move this forward! I want to at least hear his voice if not see him again! Help!
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Jun 27, 2016Comments: 975 · Posts: 5791 · Topics: 44
If he’s distancing himself now it’s because he’s not entirely interested in you. That might be due to another girl in his life or he just doesn’t think you’re everything he wants. When a cancer really wants you, we chase.
There are some cases that love grows on us slowly. You’d need to prove to him why you’re the perfect gf. That would mean lots of praise, a few gifts, no craziness, etc.
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Oct 14, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 105 · Topics: 15
I definitely have not been acting crazy or anything. Should I just stop texting him and see what happens? He even suggested last weekend that he would be interested in visiting with my grandmother! Then expressed interest in seeing the bees I keep. Then this "tragic event" happened and he still answers me but says very little. But still expresses that he hopes I had a great day etc. I want to give him space but don't want him to feel I am ignoring him when he's going through something like this. It's hard to give him gifts (I told him I have honey for him) when he lives so far away too 😕
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Oct 14, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 105 · Topics: 15
Also I'm 99% sure there is no other woman. Except I have reasons to suspect that he's having issues currently with his ex. He's been single for 3 years.
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Oct 14, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 105 · Topics: 15
He has been going through a lot of crap lately too! I went to see him last Wednesday and he opened up to me a bit. Confessed that he was trying to make me not like him (no wonder I was so confused!!) He told me how happy he was that I came and showed me around his property excitedly. We held hands, cuddled. Now I'm confused again. Should I maintain texting him first?? He always replies relatively quickly. But I'm concerned that he's not interested because he doesn't ever initiate conversations...
How often do you see him? And why did he want to make you not like him? That is weird