This topic was created in the Cancer forum by cancerpersonality on Wednesday, May 1, 2013 and has 10 replies.
Update: the leo guy I wrote about a while back is now back and I was nice nothing harsh or cold shoulder and everything was fine. until...... he started asking me to send him a pic -___- total conversation killer and I mean he didn't just ask he begged and pleaded and even tried to take me on a guilt trip. I don't want to be mean and ignore him but he just wont take no for answer and im getting a new phone soon and im thinking about not giving him my new nmber but we go to school together so it would be pretty messed up and awkward.
I don't want to be mean but words just wont get through his head I don't want him. he even wrote me a long text tlling me how much he loves me /; its 12:00am and hes telling m how much he loves me and I tell him you don't even know me but he just says I don't care I love what I know about you. hes getting borderline creepy.
any advice?
How long have u guys in no contact with each other??? Plz briefly tell me the reason why y guys seperated or broke up before?
Do u still love or want be back in his arms??? Coz from what u said above i can sense that u still have feelings for this guy
lol we have been friends since February he had a class with me we have never dated I have never liked him as more than a friend. he just seems to not take no for an answer. he has a crush on me. I never liked him in that way strictly friends on my end. there has never been a relationship.
@ crsutacea Yea It seems like a long time lmao only a few months he got obsessive quick always begging me to send a pic we never dated but he's way over the limit line I tried being nice and keeping my end on a friend level.
@Syzygydresden your absolutely right ahah I have to just cut the whole friendship off. If he didn't come on so strong & always ask me to send him a picture & get to deep into my business he would be cool but he does all that plus I don't see him as more than a friend.
Miss Cancerpersonality, what kind of pictures is he bugging you to send him?
And he is only texting you at like 12AM?
And what does he text you about?
@tkthecrabster hi lol well he bugs me to send pictures of myself No matter what i mean we could talk about how blue the sky is & he will turn it in to "can you send me a pic please" & if i dont he gets mad like "thats messed up" but in this day & age having Facebook & instagram are both ways of seeing others pictures but besides that he texts me anytime of the day it could be 5 am 2 in the afternoon or 10 at night but when he does it's always "I love you I don't care if I don't know you I love you I love you I love you " about 4 days ago around 10 pm he sent me the I love you text. We arent in a relationship so all this comes off extra weird. Plus like they say the whole "send me a pic" is a conversation killer especially when we are No where near that level.
Sorry for the extra long post lol
1st Senorita Cancerpersonality! Thank you for detailed response!
I just have to observe this guy is one consistent guy! WOW!
Yeah i totally understand the whole "send me a pic" conversation would be a killer!
-"I would be like what the hey?"
Anyways back to the subject, he seems desperate, which you probably already came on conclusion of. (which Im sure is highly unattractive)
I just do not understand why he wants a picture so bad?.....than he gets mad about it.
I hate bashing people and i do not mean to but this guy creeps me out! I don't even know him! Sorry!
It seems that he is super obsessed with you maybe he is crazy attracted to you! That is my conclusion.
You have to just throw it down and let him know "Hey buster, stop bugging me already" some dudes need a reality check.
This whole situation reminds me of the Mariah Carey song "Obsessed" maybe you should play the song for him?
And sorry for the long post as well!LOL I don't mind yours! smile
Lol thank you very much for your detailed response. I know we're the same sign because everything you said I was thinking lmao he is a creep to be this far into me and I honestly have No idea why he keeps demanding pictures of me. As far as the Mariah Carey song ahahah I never thought about that but it definitely makes sense and I should play it for him because he is getting on my nerves and I cannot wait to get my new phone along with a new number. This desperation or whatever it may be is really pushing my button.
Thanks again for your insight (:
Awesome i am glad i can be of help! smile