HOLY CRAP FACE! They do come back!

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by Shaniajam on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 and has 14 replies.
So I was talking to this cancer before my cancer boo. The last time he texted was 9/15/15 and nothing since then... (Nothing serious... He's locked up but because of my skepticism about his charges I decided to cut it off cause I can't deal with that charge around my kids). Then boom almost a month later... He calls!!!! Just checking in to see how you doing. So I kept it short. But it just verified that they do come back! Even as friends or just "to see"
What's he in prison for?
Posted by BonesMalone
My ex boyfriend pops in here & there. The first time he did it I was like why are you calling/texting me. Now when he peeks in I just go along with it. I don't know what makes him check in. Maybe they do it until they find someone who can keep their minds of their exes...I dunno.

Posted by Shaniajam
Posted by BonesMalone
My ex boyfriend pops in here & there. The first time he did it I was like why are you calling/texting me. Now when he peeks in I just go along with it. I don't know what makes him check in. Maybe they do it until they find someone who can keep their minds of their exes...I dunno.

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You ever tried asking him though? Has he saidhe misses you? Any indication of getting back together?
Posted by Wynter
What's he in prison for?

Having and with an under aged girl from a club whom he said he didn't know she was underage but his online profile said "predator" I know cancers can be manipulative so I told him until I see the court papers nothing can come of it.... We ended it rough but then he came back two weeks later and said he would get the documents a month later now some excuse why he can't however that will be it... He ain't getting no passes over here ...matter of fact next time I'm not answering.
Not and but "s e x" with underage girl.
Posted by BlackMamba
u sure know how to pick them.

Ain't it? Lol
Posted by BonesMalone
Posted by Shaniajam
Posted by Shaniajam
Posted by BonesMalone
My ex boyfriend pops in here & there. The first time he did it I was like why are you calling/texting me. Now when he peeks in I just go along with it. I don't know what makes him check in. Maybe they do it until they find someone who can keep their minds of their exes...I dunno.


You ever tried asking him though? Has he saidhe misses you? Any indication of getting back together?

I asked him that before. Never really got a clear answer. He has said he misses me before. Even that he loved me. And that we should have gotten married but that's what his mouth says. I have no idea. But if I somehow lost my mind & decided to leave NYC & move to Richmond we'd probably end up together. He was very emotional but overall a sweet funny guy. I haven't seen him face to face since 2007 though. For now it's out of sight out of mind.
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I see I see... Gotcha
Posted by BonesMalone
Posted by Shaniajam
Not and but "s e x" with underage girl.

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Exactly. Which is why I don't care if he contacts me...
Posted by BlackMamba
u sure know how to pick them.

Do you have girls or boys?
Posted by Damnata
Do you have girls or boys?

Posted by YourFavoriteDXPMember
(hums the theme from "Jaws.")

Lmaooo exactly
Posted by Arielle83
Oh my fucking gawd.

Stay away. Who cares if they come back. He was locked up. He wants pussy.

I agree.. This isn't the one I wanted to come back so he can be gone lol... Just gave me hope that maybe cancer boo will... But as the days go by im starting to come to the realization that there might be someone else.. He's probable not thinking about me, and I can't really based it off his post.. Cause I have no idea what he's doing. So I've definitely dove into my work and kids. The pain will pass eventually.