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Sep 15, 2014Comments: 3 · Posts: 1574 · Topics: 50
I've read in many threads that you guys sometimes or most of the times have to deal with strong waves of emotions... how do you deal with that?
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Apr 15, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 512 · Topics: 71
I'm not a cancer but in my experience they just shut down.
I usually feel like my inner outer layer freezes and my insides burnnnnnn.
Complete shutout of the person/situations I'm having issues with
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Sep 29, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 1419 · Topics: 92
I don't have waves of emotions I do shut down when things start to get out of control in my life but I don't do that often.
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Jan 10, 2015Comments: 100 · Posts: 2017 · Topics: 43
Gather as much food as I can, go in my shell and close the door....aka...I eat alot and avoid everybody! I Deactivate all social media too...but when I say I avoid everybody, I mean eveeerryyybodddyyyy except my work family and my actual friends get phone time if I feel like picking up.
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Jan 10, 2015Comments: 100 · Posts: 2017 · Topics: 43
^^^^You ride them feel everything and try to find solutions to whatever problem that have you camping out in your shell...or until you feel better..
I also listen music and drink soothes the frazzled nerves..
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Sep 15, 2014Comments: 3 · Posts: 1574 · Topics: 50
^^^ well I guess... whatever it takes right?
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Jan 10, 2015Comments: 100 · Posts: 2017 · Topics: 43
^^Exactly..but that's how I cope with heavy emotions . Let's see how the other crabs do things.
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Jul 16, 2011Comments: 746 · Posts: 5608 · Topics: 190
Shut down......... comfort food, exercise and sleep can work well. Exercise is really good if possible depending on what and who with. One of my best friends is a taurus and any time spent with him is rejuvenation. He is a very calming influence.
It depends on your self-defence mechanism. In my case, when it seems way too much, I just tend to fall asleep. When it comes to someone else and their emotions, I am always there to support them, I make them deal with whatever is happening to them on an emotional level and I do not absorb their energy, I don't know why. When it comes to me and difficult situations at an emotional level, it depends also on the situation. Most of the times I deal with it by being practical and decisive yet there have been certain exceptions, and my body actually lets me know something is wrong.