How do I get his attention?

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by Ladyvirgo92 on Friday, July 28, 2017 and has 8 replies.
Hi, I've recently noticed that this guy I went to college with has a IG account so know we're following each other but I don't think he notice/know who I am. I've seen him on campus a few times when we were in college but we've never held a conversation, I don't even think he knows I exist. Yet he's very handsome and I would love to get to know him. I notice he goes to homecoming every year, I'm considering going just to see some friends I haven't seen in a while and possibly run into him. But how do I get his attention? How do I get it via social media and in person? I need to know. Please help.
You go to school with him so when you see him hanging out on campus with some people, just join in casually, not really saying anything at first, just see if you vibe with the people he hangs out with, and start from there. You claim to have only recently noticed him, so you should just sort of hang around and see if you actually like the way he is with people before you think to talk to him alone.
Posted by GuardianAnu
You go to school with him so when you see him hanging out on campus with some people, just join in casually, not really saying anything at first, just see if you vibe with the people he hangs out with, and start from there. You claim to have only recently noticed him, so you should just sort of hang around and see if you actually like the way he is with people before you think to talk to him alone.

No I WENT to school with him about 2 years ago. We both graduated. We live in two completely different cities. The only time I'll be able to possibly see him is homecoming. But I guess I can use some of your advice about joining in casually when I do see him.
Introduce yourself and shake his hand.

Go up ...say 'oh yes i have seen you around you are so and so...hi i should introduce myself ..i am so and so ..shake his hand..pleased to meet you...bye smile '

Posted by Ladyvirgo92
Posted by GuardianAnu
You go to school with him so when you see him hanging out on campus with some people, just join in casually, not really saying anything at first, just see if you vibe with the people he hangs out with, and start from there. You claim to have only recently noticed him, so you should just sort of hang around and see if you actually like the way he is with people before you think to talk to him alone.

No I WENT to school with him about 2 years ago. We both graduated. We live in two completely different cities. The only time I'll be able to possibly see him is homecoming. But I guess I can use some of your advice about joining in casually when I do see him.
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Oh, I see. Damn.

If it is just online, do the same thing.

What makes you interested in him?
Yeah looks like homecoming is where you are gonna have your moment.

Observing how someone behaves with several kinds of people can tell you what kind of character he has. He might have a cute face, be a great friend or brother, son, father, but be an absolutely shitty boyfriend.
Posted by Ladyvirgo92
Posted by GuardianAnu
You go to school with him so when you see him hanging out on campus with some people, just join in casually, not really saying anything at first, just see if you vibe with the people he hangs out with, and start from there. You claim to have only recently noticed him, so you should just sort of hang around and see if you actually like the way he is with people before you think to talk to him alone.

No I WENT to school with him about 2 years ago. We both graduated. We live in two completely different cities. The only time I'll be able to possibly see him is homecoming. But I guess I can use some of your advice about joining in casually when I do see him.
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Just say hi ..introduce yourself ..either he takes it somewhere or he doesn't.
Just go up to him and say hi. He'll catch on when he sees you're not trying to sell him something, because that's really all who does any approaching anymore these days. Straight Face

From there you just strike up a conversation. He might do so as well. Exchange numbers and boom! Potential lay in the next couple weeks. congrats!