This topic was created in the Cancer forum by Lil.ladie.taurus on Tuesday, February 6, 2007 and has 3 replies.
welll.... as u all kno, i continued my very desperate and clingy state with the cancer until the point he had to tell me once agian: chill, u call me too much.
i was on ym old computer and i found conversations i had with him way back when, so i was reading them.. and it brought a smile to my face.... we were awesome frineds. i could tell he cared for me, even though he didnt say he did...... and back then, i was the problem, and right now im the problem. i saw how i would, even back then, always be aksing about his feelings for me.. its like i could never jsut let our firnedhsip be..and thats when he would always get pissed off at me, i would drill him with quetsions, or get offended by the tiniest little things. so no wonder he got fed up and wouldnt wnat to be with me, or continue a good frinedship...becuase i kept wnating more and more... i was obsessive then, and i havent changed much with him now.
so....as embaressing as it was to realize.... it helped me open my eyes.
JUST LET THINGS BE.. its one thing to tell sumone how u feel, and another to keep HOUNDING THEM ABOUT HOW U FEEL. lol
it was so disgusting my behaviour.
anywayz, hahhaa, i jsut wnated to let that out lol.
wow... thanks.. maybe im alil more mature now.
well good...constant growth is what life is all about
how are things with your b/f?