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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
lmao!! Hey to all the Crabs out there, just wanted to get your attention for a sec. I had to make this board....I'm actually surprised some Cancer-bashin' ass didn't beat me to it! lol This has no meaning what so ever so DON'T TAKE IT SERIOUSLY JUST JOKING! lol You guyz are so crazy, and so am I I
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
I dunno, trash this board if ya wanna, I don't care really, muck it up talk dirty, filthy thoughtz whatever ya want!! lol I just gottta figure you guyz out lol I can't stop laughin' think I'm gonna go think dark thoughts somewhere! lol........any body got any tranqs?
good luck trying to figure us out..i think you will have a better chance trying to figure out why you virgos have so many double standards and are afraid to feel anything lol and people think cancers are the insecure funny
Signed Up:
Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
I mean, what the Hell is logic anyway cansir? logic is biased....based off of ones P.O.V. logic is anything BUT logical...! lol
ah you virgos thinking you all are so clever with it is fine you can stay. i have looked at the virgo board and it is quite boring so no apologies necessary. you virgos contemplating theorems and trying to analyze what came first the chicken or the egg. how can someone inspire feelings in you when you can't do it yourself? always looking to others for your answers. how about yall give us simple minded people a hint since yall are so smart? lol
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3626 · Topics: 27
inspire a virgo......geez.....if thats not mission impossible i dont know what is.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3626 · Topics: 27
oh i know all about virgoness with my virgo rising......thank god im only superficially
what do virgos know about self help? i got it..blame everyone else for their problems..haha
please don't flatter yourself thinking we are wasting our lives away finding fault with virgos. we are not the one's disappearing trying to figure out why no one has invented the $ 3 dollar bill which could help boost the economy. we cancer's are to busy enjoying and living life.
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3626 · Topics: 27
i guess i cant pass judgement....i probably seem to be a virgo to alot of people.
we aren't passing judgement against virgos just stating facts. isn't that what they are into? or is that another virgo contradiction?
plus i think virgos find enough fault within themselves that us sensitive cancers don't have to go out of our way to point it
"we cancer's are to busy enjoying and living life."
that is a good one, if i knew u were selling tickets to some Bull**** I would have made sure it was a sellout.
I dont know any Cancers that are "busy" enjoying life but rather fear life itself and rather live under a rock before facing reality and REAL people. Whats funny is i have noticed Cancers can type how they feel but cant express nothing in PERSON. So before i would go out bash a virgo, i would see my faults closer. Aleast virgos can face the world.
Enjoy your read.
King Bull
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Mar 07, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 294 · Topics: 22
Well that settles it. You truely are King of "Bull"(You might wanna change that).
"that is a good one, if i knew u were selling tickets to some Bull****"
Nice pun BTW.
"Aleast virgos can face the world."
that is funny since a virgo can't even face themselves. i gather your not a virgo "King of Bull**** because if you were you would have caught your type-o. but if you are i am sure you are at home kicking yourself for not being perfect. then again maybe not since you are to busy facing the world..haha
What do you face? Jack**** cause you worry about everything, What are you acomplishing by typing stuff about virgos? your a weak person.
My Kingdom shall prevail when people like you live in our world.
KB, you definitely are the king of bull..
Whats the matter Cansir? Cant take the truth? Your done in your arugment, YOU have been beaten, and yes i am being arrogant now but it only relects what you and only you have displayed. Now truly how many will come to your rescue?
kb, if you said anything truthful i might actually listen but all you have spewed out so far is a bunch of crap. yes you have figured me out and beaten me with your arrogance..haha. such the clever bull you are. why would i need anyone to come to my rescue? you really haven't said anything that is meaningful.
haha good one Cansir, your good. nothing i say gets to you, rats what am i going to do with my life now? lol im impressed yes a dumb lazy bull is impressed by the cleverness of a crab.
nice showdown Cansir for you have out bested myself, I dont think i can pick a fight with you no more. and any of u crabs for that matter, i think i rather sit and watch and learn from you crabs
nice then happy birthday to her.
Have a good one Cansir.
Signed Up:
Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
lol kids, kids, kids, enough eh? lol this is RE~DONKULOUS!!! lol
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Mar 07, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 294 · Topics: 22
So en what was your aim for this post any way, VE?
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Mar 07, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 294 · Topics: 22
So then what was your aim for this post any way, VE?
abc you will probably have to wait a few weeks before you get your answer so i wouldn't hold my breath lol
Signed Up:
Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
My aim was to get a feel for the Cancerian Mind. Simple. I have many a friend who are Cancer....just wanted to see if there was any general affinity with the Crabz.
Oh, yes, cansir I don't dedicate/worship/fantisize about this website; life does go on, for intelligent idividuals......while you pine away for another of my tantalizing tidbits, hanging onto everyword I say, I haven't thought of you the whole time I was
Signed Up:
Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
My point is, I'd rather watch you hang on the hook like a good crab; stuck and hehehehe
i am sure you are drunk alone so have another beer in the dark
Signed Up:
Mar 07, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 294 · Topics: 22
Choke! Splutter!That really is pretty funny Cansir. I guess you have to not be a Crab to really appreciate the hilarity of it:-)
Hilarity. How so?
Signed Up:
Jan 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 213 · Topics: 17
"Well let's see now...fearful, cautious, paranoid, insecure, negative, moody, sensitive, defensive, mean, blamer, self denial, self absorbed...shall I go on? I can"
umm this pretty much not me fearful? yeah mice and rats are nasty and the devil.
cautious? about not jumping in front of an oncoming bus? sure.
insecure? sure I am not to happy about my profile, because it does not do me face forward justice.
negative? I live to look at the glass as half full plus I believe the grass is greener on my side hence my cows are happier.
moody? sure everyone's mood changes throughout the day.
sensitive? yeah I cried watching the lion king. trying to hurt me with words? good luck, physically? bad luck.
defensive? so in other words you want me to seat there nice and quiet while you shit on my face? fat chance.
Mean? yeah, i guess lending my book to the girl who spent an entire year bad mouthing me to the point that it ended her friendship to one of my close friend, an landing her my book after she made snide remarks when though I wasn't aware, sure that is pretty mean.
blamer? you mean like that semester I blamed myself for not studying enough and ending up with an 3.8 gpa? yeah I do play the blame game.
self denial ? you mean passing up the chance to get on that big roller coaster at six flags? yeah what a thrill to not have my heart drop to my stomach.
self absorb? well I will admit i am quiet the conceited cookiemonster?
and yeah I could go on but my head will only get a bigger head from tooting my own horn.
decan good for you not being alone one night out of the year and enjoying it by giving head to your taurus..i am sure he enjoyed it lol. also keep up with the alcohol because it seems to help you make sense..
redrovertoo no need to be bitter. not all of us cancer men are just haven't found the right one.