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Firstly I would like to say hi because im new to these forums. I have made another post but nobody replied so i thought it would be better to post it in here! Anyways I met this leo girl at the beach. We got on great and there was an instant attraction be
Why are we Cancer's so moody! Just yesterday I set up a dinner plan with friends, cancel it and then finally show up and sulk the whole evening. I didn't want to sulk, I could'nt help it.....Anyone know how to rid this perpetual PMS....
A former virgo work collegue and friend, has dissapeared on me and many of our other work friends. The last time i saw him he told me that i "was real" and that he loved me. This surprised me very much since we were neve
I'd like to kno who kno's more about Indigo/Crystal/Rainbow Children I am learning Quantum Touch and learning more and more about spiritual awareness...
Quite awesome...Will keep u posted tho...I am going for Tibetan Sound Therapy on Thursday!
Considered, I write to them from a city of the interior of Argentina. This contact has only an intention, the one to resort to solidarity. I do not come with lies unusual nor requested reasons, so single with the truth. I have a family comp
What does it mean when an aries-male you haven't seen in a while, notices you and walks straight to you, then acts really tough but tries to be funny and doesn't make too much eye contact?
Hi, I just met this super fantastic Aquarius girl. And now my Scorpio friend that has many many girls already try to get her. I think he is trying to get my girl now. What happend is that he is going via the sister that is ugly like h... <