Cancer guy told me he likes me and finds me very hot and wants to have friends with benefit. I agreed since i like him a lot and thought i would get to spend time with him. Firstly he only msgs me when he is horny. Secondly we both work together so he is very secretive and his friends dont know that we like each other. For a matter of fact i know cancer men are serious and sensitive types so it was shocking that he just wanted fwb. But on the other hand he is very protective about me. He wants me to hangout only with him and his friends. If i go out somewhere he asks me where was i and whom i was with. I mean if he only considers me a friend it shoudn't bother him. But he never texts me or expresses anything unless i ask him. He doesn't share anything about his family but keeps asking about mine. If i am out with him and his friends he comes up and tells me to wear the top properly as it shows up some cleavage. He does all this small things and i am falling for him but i dont know what he feels. Is he just with me for sex? Or does he really like me? We just had sex a week ago and it was nice. We were drunk and he passed out on my lap after that. But next day i thought he would talk about us and that moment but he didn't. I so badly wanted to express how amazing it was and wanted to compliment him but he was so laidback i couldn't. Am i being too clingy? Please help.
I am a scorpio and i can get off very easily. But i feel his actions are different. He says its just fwb but when we are together he silently watches me and reassures if i am fine. So confusing. Eeergggh
Signed Up:
Feb 12, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 2284 · Topics: 58
I wonder if these will always be questions younger generations ask? When will Females learn that Males say whatever they want to get their way and learn to draw the line and to have Males meet their standards and not the other way around?
Yes men will say I love you within a week or two if their audience is gullible enough.
Yes men will talk about marriage and kids in a short amt of time if its to the right crowd.
Cmon ladies. Get it together.
Signed Up:
Oct 03, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 264 · Topics: 21
RUUUNNNN! Run far and fast! Do not look back!
Or you can ignore me, express your feelings to him, and watch him run away from you, far and fast... Your choice.
I've been where you are with cancer boys, twice. It's not going to change. He's not going to fall for you.
I think you guys are right. They totally get to know how vulnerable we are when we like them. Thank you so much guys. Im a scorpio btw. I will keep things pretty straightforward.
I am so sad reading all this but you guys are right. I haven't expressed what i feel for him yet because i feel he will stop talking to me. Is there any way where passively i can make him understand what i feel? Or should i sit back and watch him do things for me? How do cancer men act if they like someone?
I am a scorpio and i am intuitive and i feel he is scared of my intensity. Yesterday i was a little drunk and i told him i find him hot and that i miss him. He quickly changed the topic saying that he told me he was out with his mom and reached back home late. and then he said he was too tired and slept off and sent me some kisses. i was upset and i didn't reply to it. He waited for me to reply as i could see him online but he went off when i didn't reply anymore. today morning the first message i got was from him saying good morning and whether i woke up for office or not. Again that was so cute. and i got confused again. Maybe he cares for me but i feel he is not ready to love me. plus they are so soft spoken you can hardly be so upfront about anything to them.
Its easy for all of us to say run and all but when you like someone you can't help it and specially with cancer men who are so charming.
But thanks guys. xoxo
I think as of this stage since you have already shared your feelings, it's too late to regret anyway.
I think you should stop the FWB if that's not what you want and maybe just be his friend. I know it's hard to just withdraw like that especially if you still have the hope that the FWB might turn into something more substantial.
But i feel that if you continue FWB him it will complicate the matter and you will hurt yourself.
Just withdraw but still be friendly so he can sense your vibe and hopefully to get to know you more (if he is interested to).
You need to re-establish this dynamic with him, if you know what i mean.
I hope it helps.