I'm a Cancer and I tend to clash with...

This topic was created in the Cancer and Scorpio Compatibility forum by glamazon on Thursday, May 16, 2013 and has 33 replies.
SCORPIO WOMEN. I had four scorpio female friends (keyword: HAD), and they all stabbed me in the back. I won't elaborate and I'm not saying all Scorpios are bad, but those girls in particular were just vicious, jealous, and paranoid. I don't deal well with people like that!
Those girls you ran into were probably more immature Scorpio's, often times I've noticed that Scorpio women who have not faced a situation that changes them into more of a mature Scorpio show the bad stereotypical traits. I'm not saying they're bad like this, but later on you'll probably meet some more pleasant Scorpios.
Some people's personalities just have a hard time mixing either way though. :I
I do hope to meet one who is pleasant! But I agree, I think the less evolved the sign, the more the negative stereotypes are exhibited.
yeh, interesting... my best mate is a Scorp gal and she refused to get along with my Cancer ex.
Also, I would never put her and my Cancer gal pal in the same room together, I just know they wont get along.
Yet both are lovely people. Just different animals...
A lot of astrology blogs and sites say that Cancers and Scorpios make a great match, but from personal experiences with family and friends...I think that's a bit of a misconception. Lol Tongue
Mhm, becoming a completely evolved Scorpio must be a tough process Confused
I love Scorpio women! I have many Scorpio female friends. I'm not worried about them stabbing me in the back but if they did I'd cut them off cold. Just because I love them doesn't mean I'm stupid about it! I realize Scorps can be vengeful and even a little jealous if you have other female friends besides them. I nip that shit in the bud really quickly and we have a little chat. It always works out. I'm a Gem (Taurini if you believe in cusps). I have quite a bit of earth and water in my chart; maybe that's why Scorp females and I get along so well.
Hm, I've noticed that I have a strange dynamic with Cancer men but not so much Cancer women. I suppose your experiences have been with Scorpio females who have not yet learned to channel their negative energy into positive. Once we've been through the mill, we come out being quite gentle folk. Personally, I generally get fed up with the attitude of some of the more immature Cancer men I know- and can't refrain from some good ol' fashion sarcastic remarks if I'm around them for too long.
However, my relationships with Cancer females have been significantly more successful. My boyfriends mother is a Cancer, and we relate so well on a level of emotional understanding that conversation flows easily- we've helped each other through a lot and she's said she loves me as she would her own daughter. My grandmother is also a Cancer, we have great discussion about social and political issues. I know one Cancer male whom I get along with also- it all depends on how easy-going to Scorp is in my opinion.
I wonder if Cancer women would get along better with Scorpio men then.
Why is this word used so carelessly?
Such a strong word for someone to detonate towards everyone born under a certain time of the year.
Cancerian women tend to be manipulative I've noticed, but I'm sure they're not all like that. There are the extreme goods and bads of every zodiac sign- may we not judge the ripe from the actions of the rotten.
Posted by MeowScorpii
Why is this word used so carelessly?
Such a strong word for someone to detonate towards everyone born under a certain time of the year.
Cancerian women tend to be manipulative I've noticed, but I'm sure they're not all like that. There are the extreme goods and bads of every zodiac sign- may we not judge the ripe from the actions of the rotten.

Twas in response to CC saying they hated Scorpio women. Maybe I'm not making sense today, oh well.
Posted by MeowScorpii
Twas in response to CC saying they hated Scorpio women. Maybe I'm not making sense today, oh well.

Those are generally comments made from experience, not just random universal hate-spewing.
Posted by mr.crabby
Posted by MeowScorpii
Twas in response to CC saying they hated Scorpio women. Maybe I'm not making sense today, oh well.

Those are generally comments made from experience, not just random universal hate-spewing.
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Exactly my point. All I'm attempting to get across is that we should not let a few bad experiences make us completely cynical of a sign or group of people. There is a lot that goes into a person besides their natal chart, you know.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Water signs can also read each-other really well especially cancers/scorps..so you can't play tricks on either...so when you attempt, you just look extra lame.
Now i can't read gemini's that well...but i heard they backstabbing.

Both of our signs go through drastic evolutions and metamorphosis. There comes a time when emotional game playing becomes useless and a waste of time. Never will you see me "playing tricks", I have so many more productive things to do with my time. I agree, completely with the way you feel about water signs being able to read each other. I've noticed Pisces and Cancers using tactics on me, even Scorpios as well- it's so blatantly obvious all I can do is roll my eyes and pay it no further notice.
Gemini's can back stab, but everyone can. It's whether we still find it beneficial, which it never is.
Posted by MeowScorpii
Posted by mr.crabby
Posted by MeowScorpii
Twas in response to CC saying they hated Scorpio women. Maybe I'm not making sense today, oh well.

Those are generally comments made from experience, not just random universal hate-spewing.

Exactly my point. All I'm attempting to get across is that we should not let a few bad experiences make us completely cynical of a sign or group of people. There is a lot that goes into a person besides their natal chart, you know.
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But maybe it is wise to learn from experience. Otherwise I'd still trust Geminis. Winking
"But maybe it is wise to learn from experience. Otherwise I'd still trust Geminis. "
I agree! It can hopefully make us more cautious, and careful the second time around. Learning is important.
Personally I've been hurt by Gemini's, I am now wary of becoming close to them. However, I wouldn't exactly give one the cold-shoulder, or automatically dislike them- everyone deserves a fair chance. Diversity creates many variations, even in terms of astrology.
There are too many of us on Earth to dislike so many once! smile
From what I've experienced,when a scorpio exhibit the negative traits of the sign it's really bad : green with jealousy, violent , too intense it's tiring but it just needs some time and distance and they will eventually show a gentle and more mature side. However, I tend to clash with the 1st decans ones more that the other two. The first decans tend to exhibit the intense and passionate side of scorpio whereas the other two decans are gregarious, social and flirty so we get along naturally =).

I remember one scorpio girl in HS who spread rumours about me b/c we were crushing on the same guy. Lol nobody believed her b/c she already had the worst reputation.
Posted by MoonBunny
Posted by glamazon
SCORPIO WOMEN. I had four scorpio female friends (keyword: HAD), and they all stabbed me in the back. I won't elaborate and I'm not saying all Scorpios are bad, but those girls in particular were just vicious, jealous, and paranoid. I don't deal well with people like that!

No, it's not just you. Other Cancers and heck, other SIGNS, have given the same story. The backstabbing, the jealousy, the stealing of people's loved ones and friends. Sometimes, the Scorpy whining when no one fell for their tricks.
Every Scorpio woman I've met have been absolutely despicable. Every single one of them. Now, I trust everyone, and everyone gets a fair chance, but I've been backstabbed by Scorpio women too many times I have got to put them on "Default Distrust" until they earn it. Scorp women are the only ones there, no other signs nor the male of that species.
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The most manipulative sign in the fucking zodiac talking about backstabbing. You girls are the most whiny, double crossing bitches of the zodiac! Incredible how hypocritical you are!
Most Scorpio women I met were TRUSTWORTHY AND RESPECTFUL.
Aries women win against all I think.
But just letting you know you Cancer women are the WORST manipulators in the zodiac. PERIOD. And you can't see it because your heads too far up your ass sniffin your own shit-
Posted by firesignsunite
Posted by MoonBunny
Posted by glamazon
SCORPIO WOMEN. I had four scorpio female friends (keyword: HAD), and they all stabbed me in the back. I won't elaborate and I'm not saying all Scorpios are bad, but those girls in particular were just vicious, jealous, and paranoid. I don't deal well with people like that!

No, it's not just you. Other Cancers and heck, other SIGNS, have given the same story. The backstabbing, the jealousy, the stealing of people's loved ones and friends. Sometimes, the Scorpy whining when no one fell for their tricks.
Every Scorpio woman I've met have been absolutely despicable. Every single one of them. Now, I trust everyone, and everyone gets a fair chance, but I've been backstabbed by Scorpio women too many times I have got to put them on "Default Distrust" until they earn it. Scorp women are the only ones there, no other signs nor the male of that species.

The most manipulative sign in the fucking zodiac talking about backstabbing. You girls are the most whiny, double crossing bitches of the zodiac! Incredible how hypocritical you are!
Most Scorpio women I met were TRUSTWORTHY AND RESPECTFUL.
Aries women win against all I think.
But just letting you know you Cancer women are the WORST manipulators in the zodiac. PERIOD. And you can't see it because your heads too far up your ass sniffin your own shit-
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First question : YOU A TROLL OR WHAT ?
We never said that cancers were better people or less manipulative than other zodiacs.No we said that by experience we tend clash to with scorpios . Now you are coming up with your personal shit with cancers it's O-K-A-Y but know here that this thread was not directed to aries so you are the one coming up here to whine over cancers.
Powerful? Common are you really a 41 year old male or a 12 year old HS NERD who just want to argue over HOW BEING POWERFUL IS SUPER DUPER COOL?!!! First ,you'd have to understand and define what power is before babbling about powerful people.

This doesn't surprise me. What surprises me is how well I get on with scorpio women given their world famous stingers. If a scorp feels you've betrayed them, watch out! I guess it all depends on the woman. I find them up front. I know where I stand with them. Can be very black & white. They're definitely passionate women and not to be trifled with.
" First question : YOU A TROLL OR WHAT ?"
No I just think your kind are hypocritical and self righteous so you need a quick slap in the face.
Then you can cry about it or whatever you guys do best.
Posted by firesignsunite
" First question : YOU A TROLL OR WHAT ?"
No I just think your kind are hypocritical and self righteous so you need a quick slap in the face.
Then you can cry about it or whatever you guys do best.

HAHA . A lot of bitterness in that answer .So what kind are you ? let me guess... Your kind is more like : people who got dumped , people who whine over the sign that dumped them and then come up mouths full of hatred over a zodiac... because you've ran out of solutions to solve your personal issues .
Posted by mr.crabby
Posted by MeowScorpii
Why is this word used so carelessly?
Such a strong word for someone to detonate towards everyone born under a certain time of the year.
Cancerian women tend to be manipulative I've noticed, but I'm sure they're not all like that. There are the extreme goods and bads of every zodiac sign- may we not judge the ripe from the actions of the rotten.

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How did you not get that mr. Crabby? I think Meowscorpii made great sense.
@CC Just saw this. I didn't pick Daenarys for my avi because of any correlation I found between her and my zodiac sign. I just like her so far, and I appreciate her struggle. smile
Glad to hear that you like me, I hope I have proven Scorpio women can be kind at heart- that will always be a goal of mine.
Then of course, no one can prove anything to you without your willingness to see things differently. You'll have to find this in the real world, as I suspect you will one day soon. smile
I like Scorps because they are direct and I always know where they're coming from. Cancers are just "crabs" always whining and complaining and I dont' have time to be "gentle" with my words all the time. With my Scorps gf's I say what's on my mind and they theirs. Sometimes they may be offended but I pay them no mind and just move on--they can't stay mad at me. If it's really bad I apologize and still move on (I do want to keep them as friends yanno). None of them have plotted against me because I upset them. And if they did I just wouldn't care; it wouldn't bother me so plotting would be for naught. Give the Scorp women a break they're great people! As for Cancers thinking Gems are backstabbing; eh, who cares? Just another crab ranting. LOL!
i'm scorpio and I have 2 cancer female friends and we get along well. Yes, they are drama queens, always whining and complaining but I can always count on them when I need a friend.
By the way I have cancer moon in my chart and I don't know what that means.
Posted by Iceprincess17
i'm scorpio and I have 2 cancer female friends and we get along well. Yes, they are drama queens, always whining and complaining but I can always count on them when I need a friend.

always there when you need a friend... ahh, yes Cancers can be nice that way. I wonder if they'd still be there for you if they knew you called them drama queens who are always whining and complaining?
For me everyone comes in as equal and gets a fair shake until proven otherwise. But when people show me through actions/words who they really are.. it only takes once for me to believe them and keep them at a safe distance
I have 1 Scorpio female friend. She lives on the other side of the world and we communicate once every 5 years or so. It's perfect
Maybe it's my Gemini rising....... but I have loved every Gemini I have ever come across. Much moreso than my fellow water signs Scorpios. Scorpio men are whatever. I don't care that much for them. It's either a hit or miss, but I've found Scorpio women to be so much WORSE! They are so bossy and I agree with CC, total users. The thing about them that really gets on my nerves is that they are sensitive and get their feelings hurt easily, but they have NO problem being blunt and hurting other peoples feelings. If you are blunt with them, they get their panties in a twist. Total double standards and they are very backstabbing because they crave power desperately. I don't know what is it with Scorpios and wanting to be dominant and in control. I have a few Scorpio friends that I get along with but sometimes their rude bossiness can rear it's ugly head. I don't trust them that much.
Also, I agree about the decans. The first decan Scorpios are double Scorpios and the worse of them. Extremely aggressive. The Scorpios I am friends with are all either the 2nd or 3rd decans.
Posted by nycancergal
Maybe it's my Gemini rising....... but I have loved every Gemini I have ever come across. Much moreso than my fellow water signs Scorpios. Scorpio men are whatever. I don't care that much for them. It's either a hit or miss, but I've found Scorpio women to be so much WORSE! They are so bossy and I agree with CC, total users. The thing about them that really gets on my nerves is that they are sensitive and get their feelings hurt easily, but they have NO problem being blunt and hurting other peoples feelings. If you are blunt with them, they get their panties in a twist. Total double standards and they are very backstabbing because they crave power desperately. I don't know what is it with Scorpios and wanting to be dominant and in control. I have a few Scorpio friends that I get along with but sometimes their rude bossiness can rear it's ugly head. I don't trust them that much.
Also, I agree about the decans. The first decan Scorpios are double Scorpios and the worse of them. Extremely aggressive. The Scorpios I am friends with are all either the 2nd or 3rd decans.

2nd decan are very wussy, though. Big goody two-shoes deal going on.
@shellshocker - they know I am calling them that, who knows they maybe complaining about me somewhere but they know me very well and fought for them so many times. As long as they don't write something negative about me on FB lol.

Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by shellshocker
Posted by Iceprincess17
i'm scorpio and I have 2 cancer female friends and we get along well. Yes, they are drama queens, always whining and complaining but I can always count on them when I need a friend.

always there when you need a friend... ahh, yes Cancers can be nice that way. I wonder if they'd still be there for you if they knew you called them drama queens who are always whining and complaining?
For me everyone comes in as equal and gets a fair shake until proven otherwise. But when people show me through actions/words who they really are.. it only takes once for me to believe them and keep them at a safe distance
I have 1 Scorpio female friend. She lives on the other side of the world and we communicate once every 5 years or so. It's perfect

+10000, her post really rankled my nerves. Scorpion women are the very worst ...too bad you can't throw salt on them...
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You can't?
Posted by Iceprincess17
@shellshocker - they know I am calling them that, who knows they maybe complaining about me somewhere but they know me very well and fought for them so many times. As long as they don't write something negative about me on FB lol.

really Scorp, are you sure they know about that or are you just trying to deflect the fact you said you use your Cancer friends AND talk shit behind their backs. REAL friends don't do this... just fake ass bitches. Maybe you didn't know that before but hopefully you've learned something new today
And I guess it's ok if they talk shit about you... just as long as they don't say it out loud... or put it on facebook or any other public place.
Way to come in and prove a point...