I'm a Libra female. Why do I attract so many Cancer men?

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by lotus on Sunday, October 18, 2015 and has 20 replies.
I am a go-getting, career oriented, independent Libra woman with a lot of Sag planets. Throughout my life, I have attracted a lot of Cancer men who want to take care of me. I like them a lot.....they are a soothing, stable influence, but I find them too moody and/or am not physically attracted to some of them. My chart looks like this:

ASC - Virgo
Sun - Libra
Moon - Sag
Merc - Libra
Venus - Libra
Mars - Sag
Jup - Scorpio
Sat - Libra
Nept - Sag
Uran - Sag
Pluto - Libra

Why do I attract so many Cancers? Is it because my Sag planets are in the 4th house? I may come across as independent but maybe they sense my underlying emotions?

Can you explain it?
But she's a Virgo Ascendant. Cancer would fall into her 11th house, right? The house of friends, I think.
Could be your 4th house placements, I have some, too, but I also have cancer in my 8th house. Or maybe they just like your Libra placements (like Pluto) squaring their Cancer ones.
Posted by AriesIntrovert16
Could be your 4th house placements, I have some, too, but I also have cancer in my 8th house. Or maybe they just like your Libra placements (like Pluto) squaring their Cancer ones.

But I thought squares were undesirable, especially so many created by my Libra planets. That being said, I am an Oct. 21 Libra, on the Scorp cusp (but with only 1 Scorp placement).
I also noticed gemini and leo men with a lot of cancer placements tend to like me a lot.
With all those libra placements, you're probably veryyyy pleasant in demeanour. That laid back and pleasant demeanour will catch their attention. You are perceived as a Virgo externally due to your ascendant. Cancers have a strange attraction to Virgos and he sees you as a Virgo (independent, smart, take charge) kind of girl. They like independent women who will baby them.
Posted by aquarius09
With all those libra placements, you're probably veryyyy pleasant in demeanour. That laid back and pleasant demeanour will catch their attention. You are perceived as a Virgo externally due to your ascendant. Cancers have a strange attraction to Virgos and he sees you as a Virgo (independent, smart, take charge) kind of girl. They like independent women who will baby them.

Are you sure they want to be babied? They want a lot of affection, yes, but I get the feeling that they want to take care of me, which is in itself attractive for an independent woman.
Posted by lotus
Posted by aquarius09
With all those libra placements, you're probably veryyyy pleasant in demeanour. That laid back and pleasant demeanour will catch their attention. You are perceived as a Virgo externally due to your ascendant. Cancers have a strange attraction to Virgos and he sees you as a Virgo (independent, smart, take charge) kind of girl. They like independent women who will baby them.

Are you sure they want to be babied? They want a lot of affection, yes, but I get the feeling that they want to take care of me, which is in itself attractive for an independent woman.
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It's a weird thing how it works with them. They want to take care of you but yet they want you to take care of them as well. It's like baby and being babied. Which is not bad at allllll!!!
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by lotus
Posted by aquarius09
With all those libra placements, you're probably veryyyy pleasant in demeanour. That laid back and pleasant demeanour will catch their attention. You are perceived as a Virgo externally due to your ascendant. Cancers have a strange attraction to Virgos and he sees you as a Virgo (independent, smart, take charge) kind of girl. They like independent women who will baby them.

Are you sure they want to be babied? They want a lot of affection, yes, but I get the feeling that they want to take care of me, which is in itself attractive for an independent woman.

It's a weird thing how it works with them. They want to take care of you but yet they want you to take care of them as well. It's like baby and being babied. Which is not bad at allllll!!!
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They are probably the best men out there, and some of the most faithful.
No. I use to think that too, but lately I'm coming across lots of cheating cancer men.
Posted by aquarius09
No. I use to think that too, but lately I'm coming across lots of cheating cancer men.

I second that. I know a fair few that cheat and end up fathering children with multiple women. Some also have a very casual view on sex.
Posted by LibWman
Posted by aquarius09
No. I use to think that too, but lately I'm coming across lots of cheating cancer men.

I second that. I know a fair few that cheat and end up fathering children with multiple women. Some also have a very casual view on sex.
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Maybe. The thing is that they don't cheat more than other zodiac signs. Pisces and Geminis are the worst in my opinion.
@lotus I agree about Geminis but Cancers can also be master manipulators and are able to hide that side of themselves very well.
Posted by LibWman
@lotus I agree about Geminis but Cancers can also be master manipulators and are able to hide that side of themselves very well.

Indeed. But Gems are just unstable whereas Cancers usually are not (unless they have a lot of Gem placements).
Wow that's a lot of squares.
OP, you and I should meet, I have the same problem with libra women Winking

It could be you have pluto sun and venus in libra, perhaps conjunct -- the closer the more attractive and sexy, to all signs.

Posted by rabidtalker
OP, you and I should meet, I have the same problem with libra women Winking

It could be you have pluto sun and venus in libra, perhaps conjunct -- the closer the more attractive and sexy, to all signs.

Haha, really? Where do you live?
With all that fire in your chart i have no idea. You're probably chewing them up and spitting them out lol.
I have a pisces moon and they still drive me nuts.
You must smell good.
i think your virgo ascendant and mercury in libra is what is attracting the Cancer Men

Virgo's are kind of a muse for Cancer's and Libra women usually have a good sense of taste.

Its probably an ultra feminine vibe your giving off. Cancer Men usually get obsessed over women like yourself, sorry.

I personally wouldn't like you because of your Sag moon but thats just me ;0
Posted by kalin
I noticed that cancer males are into libra females too

The only reason I can think of is a) my moon in Sag in the 4th house b) my Virgo Asc and c) the cardinal influence of the Libra stellium

Yesterday I met another cancer men with whom I hit it off. I am a confident woman in general and they seem to want to take care of me. I like that and feel comfortable with them.