im curious..

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by crudemood on Tuesday, February 6, 2007 and has 15 replies.
lets make up a hypothetical situation.
we're at a party
okay so lets say a cancer was in the bathroom with someone alone and a bunch of people are outside..
now there might be a rumour about cancer and random person dating..
all of us are outside and we hear a scream in the washroom, apparently it was cancer who screamed and random person says nothing happened, and I'm sure nothing happened, because I was that random person. i was pretty high, and i suppose since she knew she was going to take advantage of that. and screamed, knowing everyone would hear.
we're not really together, but other ppl probably would disapprove of us two together, just a vibe i get.
i cant figure out her motive behind that because after that shes been back to normal. normal as in she still gets me food and takes care of me etc.. as if that thing never happened.. might not be a big deal to her but it was to me. why would she scream like that? is she secretly evil?
edit: okay we're not dating and nor is the situation fake.. it really happened.
help? any reason whyd she yell like that? argh, whats up with her.
lol..poor crude
she's probably not crazy, just having a little fun with you...unless she screamed like she was in pain, not pleasure..then thats a little wierd..what kind of scream..pain or pleasure?
yeah that was my question what kind of scream was it? That will create the entire context for what this may (or may not) mean.
hmm what kind of scream was it.. let me think.
well like the kind of scream when you surprise someone and poke them at their sides kind of scream. a surprised shocked kind of scream, of what i remember anyway.
so... whats the verdict?
for pete sakes crude, you were too high to have other people that were there say about it?..the type of scream is important here..
or........ask her!! quit being a silly guy and ask her. if she says she was just playing, then believe it. go along with whatever she she says she was just playing then say..i was gonna scream back, but i was afraid someone would come in and kick your but..and she says she was scared by you being there, then say, i thought u needed my help.
if she was joking, laugh it off. if she was serious, then run for the hills.
i love you menbay you're the best.
i dont know but im starting to get along with cancer alot, and thats not supposed to happen im a libra.. tho ascendant is scorpio, maybe that has something to do with it.
well i had asked her and her reasoning was she was trying to scare me apparently because i was tripping out and according to your advice, i should just leave it be then and take her word for it. you've been right before menbay so this time im going to let it go..
but i have to say her scream was very out of character.
lol..thanks for the compliments crude...
thats actually pretty funny. you might not remember a lot from that night, but her playfulness, you will not forget. she sounds like a lot of fun and you are in for a wild ride. enjoy it..we cancers can be a ton of fun. we like to be playful, laugh , and are very witty. we go for effect in a lot of situations, discussions, and actions. sounds to me, like you are intrigued by her..thats a good thing.
is it a cancer trait to be playful and laugh? i always thought of them as serious creatures. but i think i looked it up and her rising is gemini, i think thats why we get along so well. i do like to think that i bring out her playful side of her, but id probably be a bit egotistical to say so. yes, im very intrigued by her.. i think i made a new best friend,
she's such a cool person
you guys are such givers, sometimes it makes me feel bad that you're willing to almost bend your back backwards to do things.. so sometimes i'm afraid to ask her to do things for me because i know she'll say yes. it did take a long time to get to this level with her though.. about a year.
so does it usually take this long to 'get to know' a cancer? well from your own personal experience. smile
more difficult a question the you realize, crude.
women cancers:
it is our nature to trust until given a reason not to. not like most people where you have to earn it first. we look at each relationship(not just romantic) as a blank slate. it is like playing chess. we move, you move..we analyize your actions and react accordingly. we have an inheritant need to please and do without being asked. if you ask us, we sometimes resist because it was not our idea..our greatest pleasure is to hear, I wish..." we will do whatever we can in our power to make it happen. ask us to do too much and you will find it met with resistance. do not say and show appreciation..and we will quit doing, thinking it yourself dirt bag.
hurt us and that shell goes up. we can physically feel it. we cannot bring it down, not even with consious effort. that famous shell we have is hard to get through, even for us. we live our lives guarded, without even realizing it sometimes. it does come down, with open communication. we seek someone who gets it...and loves us for it. you will know if we are ever about to make a difficult choice. we retreat within ourselves, my time is 2 weeks. whether i am consiously thinking about my choice, or i am analyzing it on another subcious level, i am processing... there is nothing anyone can say or do when i am desiding something....
i have had many people ask me what was wrong while this is happening..i do not want any outside advise at this time, so i make some excuse up to fend off questions. when we deside, thats it...we act on that is drastic..and we are better for it.
it only happens with big things..relationship changes, job has to be something big. it may not have anything to do with you...really. we will still shut you out.
if we are scared by something..we will run. isolate from what we are scared of. it is not that we don't care..we DO....we just have to and do not worry, we will be jump in with both feet and take care of the situation..break down afterwards...alone...for a very short makes us our own hero..we need to be that..
men cancers are totally different...totally.
"i have had many people ask me what was wrong while this is happening..i do not want any outside advise at this time, so i make some excuse up to fend off questions. when we deside, thats it...we act on that is drastic..and we are better for it."
she nevers answers when i ask if she's okay. she does answer but its a lie and i know something is bothering her. or there was this one time she was looking through the apartment magazine looking for an apartment. she told me she was moving out due to family issues which seemed like a green light for me to ask more.. i asked her questions regarding her family situation, something i never dared do before, and she answered me openly and truthfully. but then after a while she shut up because maybe i was prying too much.
" we are scared by something..we will run. isolate from what we are scared of. it is not that we don't care..we DO....we just have to and do not worry, we will be jump in with both feet and take care of the situation..break down afterwards...alone...for a very short makes us our own hero..we need to be that.."
sometimes she'll just totally ignore me like i'm not there, unless i start converation with her or play around with her then she'll acknowledge my presence by either poking me or trying to make me laugh. i guess i get it now, she was scared of something.. commiment? opening herself up to me? wonderful to know, because of you menbay ive learned the ins and outs of cancer which makes it that much more comfortable for me. ur very helpful menbay merci merci.
I am just paying it forward...I am with a pisces guy that i would have never figured out without this website. i don't see this as cheating at the game of love, but rather deepening our relationships thru understanding...
i also feel as if i am evolving as a person, both through my understanding of others and my understanding of myself. so you see crude, i am getting as much as i am giving..
i try to give as much as i take in, but i can only help in the libra's boards, i can't pretend i know all the ins and outs of all the other signs. but when possible.
but i believe in karma so lots of good is going your way soon.
i just remember another thing cancer did to make me doubt her. we were sitting there just having conversation, then people start joining in the convo and then somehow the conversation was focused on me and cancer said yeah, and started to say how i was dating this really ugly girl and we're going to have baby soon, i let her know that hurt, in not a too serious tone but made my point, and got up and walked away. i was offended she'd say that, how dare she make fun of me like that.
menbay, is it you're dating a pisces? is that going well? im asking because as fish and crab, you're supposedly not compatible.
"we're going to have baby soon, i let her know that hurt, in not a too serious tone but made my point, and got up and walked away. i was offended she'd say that, how dare she make fun of me like that."
is this true or was she making up a story?
"i try to give as much as i take in, but i can only help in the libra's boards, i can't pretend i know all the ins and outs of all the other signs. but when possible."
lol..i can totally relate..i am lost on the other boards!! i feel at home here. i like to read the pisces board to understand him better..but i can't give advise i can.
without the pisces board, i would have been LOST in my relationship...they taught me how to look at things differently..a great asset i now apply in all my interactions, not just my romantic one.
I am TOTALLY in LOVE and it is mutual..we are talking about getting married. we are soul mates.