in pursuit of a cancer

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by taupixie on Sunday, August 17, 2014 and has 4 replies.

SPACE. I've been on the other end of all that contact in the same scenario. Sent me into a crab shell lock down.
Ah he thinks you're interested in someone else. Clear that up quick darling! Also let him think about stuff. People in general really have to make up their own mind.
CC speaks the truth.
Besides, what a crab says and what a crab wants are two different things. The fastest way to get rid of one is to directly chase em.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by J9
Posted by CluelessCancer
You shouldn't approach him at all. Crabs don't respect anything that come to them too easily. Especially men. Men like the chase
You sound desperate and not a person of value

1. says who ?
2. wtf ?

Says me. A woman shouldn't do all the work. Men are hunters. He should hunt. She should be hunted.
click to expand

100% agree. Women waste soooo much time on men who aren't 'in it to win it' and never will be. You want a relationship? Hold out for a man who will court you. This man will take the initiative and contact you. He'll read you for signs of approval. He asks you out on a date. He treats you like a lady. The are basic and common sense requirements. Even if there are other girls willing to make things easier for the guy and they lower the bar, they just get disappointed in chasing after a guy that didn't reciprocate or only did so for a short time in the beginning, when they were flattered by the attention. Then they feel used and maybe lash out. You don't want to be that girl (tho I have and lots of women have). You want to be the girlfriend whose respected and cherished. Don't settle for any man whose not a suitor. Just don't. They aren't worth your time and more often than not they lead to a trail of tears followed by nights where you're only date is with Ben & Jerry and you're becoming "chunky monkey" watching the Bridget Jones on a Saturday night.