I have a moon square Pluto is that bad people often tell me i have a temper at times and i'm rude and loud plus sarcasti
You can tell it's important because I've included some ALL CAPS. Anyway, the question is: Why do men have nipples? I've
anyone live there or has ever visit? Me and my boyfriend are visiting there labor day weekend and trying to think of som
i think in my personal opinion that Virgos and Capricorns aren't afraid to be themselves at all times and being real al
i think in my personal opinion that virgos and capricorns aren't afraid to be themselevs at all times and being real al
But how about three, four, probably even more?
okay. i'm gonna try to make this short. 4 years ago i met this hot sweet smart fine as hell demon in the sack cancer boy
We've been seeing each other for four months now. I've been trying to hold back on any pressure, not asked 'where are we
Do we really always have to walk on eggshells with earth and water signs? Everytime I am involved with someone that is a