Hello everyone, I'm on and off here every blue moon but back with a question.
I've been dating 3 women for about 3 months now and they are all keepers.
One is a Taurus, second is a Scorpio and last but certainly not least the final lady is a Cancer.
When I'm with the Taurus girl we have so much in common and she excites me, the Scorpio girl is like your favorite candy bar, I just can't get enough of her but I find myself falling for the Cancer woman, she literally is the total package and I think about her non stop even when I'm with the other two.
What is the best match for me long term? I'm a Virgo and I don't want to keep this charade going any longer
your heart and guts know better than astrology. go for the cancer
I think you just answered your question. Good luck!
I'm very indecisive lol
But thank you, I know which way I need to go
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Mar 24, 2017Comments: 9 · Posts: 1000 · Topics: 33
Taurus. Unless ur goal is to play yourself
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Jul 24, 2016Comments: 605 · Posts: 5516 · Topics: 158
a couple of questions
what do you like about the cancer more than the rest?
what are the pros and CONS of dating each lady?
and to answer your original question astrology wise based on ONLY on sun signs taurus would be first,(cause both earth signs), scorpio would be next and then cancer would be last but this doesn't take inconsideration SUPER IMPORTANT THINGS LIKE MOON, VENUS AND MARS SIGNS ..example if your moon sign is leo for example and the cancer has an aries moon this could explain why you like her a bit more than the rest ..I personally think the moon signs are more important than the rest ..
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36261 · Posts: 40761 · Topics: 321
Do they all know about each other?
Go for cancer.. she will nurture your earth with her water.
I'm taking the chance with the Cancer, she is humble, intelligent, grounded, wise, caring, loyal, funny, and she is head turning Gorgeous.
The Taurus girl is immature and self centered and the Scorpio is more of a physical attraction, nothing more beyond that.
But this Cancer is the kind of woman you settle down with, I don't worry about anything with her.
this makes me cringe.
I maybe wrong and possibly they are aware of one another but if not ... wow