Leo woman/Cancer man-Does this work?

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by msleo1 on Saturday, September 8, 2007 and has 2 replies.
Hi Everybody,
I have a question for any Leo or Cancer to answer for me. I met this cancer man on a dating site about a month ago. We have been texting and emailing for about that time frame. Now when I saw his picture that he email me, I was like DAMN, he is sexy as hell(keep in mind I haven't had none in three month so the male body is getting to me!!) And I was instantly turn on by him, which kind of scared me which is why I waited a minute before I met him in person. And I know the feeling was mutual because we would go back and forth looking at each online but not saying anything!! Well to make a long story short, about a week ago I finally met him and the chemistry was off the hook! I knew going in what was about to happen, so by day three we went for what we knew and I have no regrets what so ever. So anyway we have made anything official (it too early in the game for that anyhow) but for the past week I will notice him online chatting for hours at a time. Now me being a Leo, I like attention and he has been giving it to me, but this time I got jealous of him chatting online although I am doing the same thing! (WTF) So I said to him that he was funny and he was like what r u talking about? Then I told him "Sweetheart, it's cool do your thing" becuz I can't say anything about who he talks to online and that I was dating just like he was, but I didn't like it either!
Apparently he must have caught on and now he's saying we should end this now because He just got out of a long relationship and he don't want to give false pretense?! (WTH) I didn't say anything about a relationship, I just want to enjoy the sex and call it for what it is. Now he don't want to do that at all. He has my necklace that I have to pick up but I have this feeling that he is about to play a game. The whole time I have kept my cool and just said ok to not seeing him again but I feel that he is trying to play a game. Any thoughts?
I don't know, I am sorry, I have been in contact with a Cancer male for 10.5 months now and I just start getting to the point now that I am single. I let him know up front that I did not consider myself a sexual contact and I remain a slow contact friend with him for a pretty long time (10 months). He stuck in there with me and we would let go sometimes but I did not fall for his intense level of attraction. After months of being friends he finally came out and told me that he wanted more and I still did not jump right into it. Now, he wants to be in a serious relationship and I am ready to deal with it. But, it took some time for me because I was on these boards venting and picking up on his behavioral patterns.
If he did something I did not like, I did not whine, bitch, complain or anything about it. I just let him "think" he was doing his thing and when the time came back around, I did him the same way, until he finally said, stop playing me. So, yes, you have to learn how to not take his moods so personal and give him room to breath alittle. But, yes, he is very affectionate and loving and if he really wants to be with you, he will weather out the storm with you without running in the other direction.