I was just wondering how well all of you Cancers get along with Leos?
I am seeing 2 girls right now, who are both Cancers, and we always get along in a mellow relaxed way. I like Cancers a lot, it just seems they hide inside themselves. They are very deep thinkers, but they are very hesistant to reveal those feelings, whatever they may be.
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Aug 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 184 · Topics: 38
I think we can be too selfish and indifferent.
a lot of my friends are leos, but i'd never date one. but i'm on the cancer/leo cusp..
Cancer and leos often (not always) go well together. Both tend to be somewhat ambitious and hard-working (especially the males) but what makes it all work is that Leos love and demand the spot light and cancers like to keep a very low profile. In addition, Leos need to bask in the constant applause and approval of others and no other sign is more complimentary, supportive, or affirming than a cancer in love. So when you feel that you guys get along and everything is "easy going" that's because unlike many other signs you will almost never find yourself competing with a cancer for the spotlight that you love so much because they could care less about it. Secondly, every little thing you do well will be appreciated and that appreciation would be verbalized. So it seems easy going because there is little to no opposition to some of the things you need most. Cancer like leos for their passion and the loyalty that they show once you've buttered them up with a few compliments, congratulations, and legendary cancerian hugs.
Its not an ideal match but can definitely work better than most others.
I love Leos! I have never dated one but I love all Leos as really good friends...