What is the question? You want to know about a Libra and Cancer or are you concerned with her actions after the sex. My guest would be her processing what you two are doing if she is disappearing or just taking a break. At least that is what I would be doing since we were friends first is I distance myself..."Ok, what am I doing or what is really going on here"? Just a guess but what are you wanting to know specifically??
Right, we don't usually like FWB arrangements. We may go for a couple to few months but it always get messy from there. We either get bored and stop if we feel like it's a waste of time and emotion, attached (depending how long), and/or we want something more. Some of us run after we start to feel. All depends on the situation. Since you two were friends first, MAKE SURE, you two are on the same page. Things could get messy with a cancer woman and a FWB arrangement.
Okay sounds like she will give in and open up to you but she will have to analyze her feelings before she confirms anything. The fact that she acts like your girlfriend tells me that she does like you. Something is there definitely there because she is sleeping with you. Eventually she may confess what she feels but the only thing you can do at this point is follow her lead. Don't be too pushy or keep talking about what you all are. Believe me, she will get that defined sooner than later because that is how we Cancers are. Many of us can't continue to sleep with someone without catching feelings so play by ear.
Actions after sex, those are the norm... but I can tell that she likes you back from what you all write. She keeps saying we are just friends but her actions show differently. Just go with it...she will come around.
Thanks we are great friends to the end. We take friendships very seriously but we need friends/partners with lots of patience. Best wishes to you!!
Ok, this is where it gets confusing now and I understand your frustration but.... remember friends first (we are loyal on this note). This is the first thing I thought about when you said cut contact. You two were friends first. How is that so easy for you? Withdraw emotionally, yes, I understand but to end the friendship, that would hurt a lot. If I were you, I would fall back. I was in a situation like this before to a certain extent. My feelings were involved and were not acknowledged and I withdrew completely. I totally understand to protect yourself, please do so. Being hurt is not fun no matter which level of hurt. However, all I have to say is you two are FRIENDS or were FRIENDS first. Let her be happy and you keep yourself happy by keeping a distance so your feelings will not get caught up anymore. If that means giving yourself time to not be bothered for a while so you can get it together, fine. Just think about it before you completely cut contact. She will notice either way (the withdrawal and/or no contact).
We can be selfish sometimes so make sure she is not one to keep you and have her fun. Just reading, I already know it's not going down like that lol. And yes, it's true...we WILL make time for whomever we like. I think that is anyone but yes for the most part.
My best guest, to preserve the friendship incase something goes wrong. I have been there and wouldn't let it go there with an Aqua man. We wouldn't have matched the best anyway but we were too good of friends so I would always go elsewhere. Just a guess though, I could be wrong.
I've had a similar run in with a cancer friend in the past. If you cut off contact chances are she'll figure out she has done wrong, come back and apologize. But she may very well be on the booboo and not accept any wrong doing in hurting your feelings. Direct confrontation could lead to her getting defensive but at least she'll know where you stand. Being her friend just to be her friend when you want more is a waste of time in my experience. You gotta figure out what is most important in this situation and go for it.
I guess at this point, Im going to continue know contact. I've been letting her be the one to contact me, so I guess she'll get the hint eventually.
So its been awhile since I posted...But i guess I'll follow up...Its basically over. In a nutshell this whole situation lasted till about last month...I let her go around june because Im pretty sure she was fucking her ex or had fucked him...she freaking sends me a picture of myself tha was in her phone saying that I should have it...and then I told her happy birthday. We started hanging out again...which led to sex...which led her to eventually telling me that she was "celabit" and then it led to me telling her how much I love her...How I think about her 24/7...to me leaving it alone...to her bringing that up everyday....regardless of the fact that i never brought it up unless she did...which led to a 3 day conversation of her basically bitching at me because, according to her, I was blaming her for myself catching all the while telling me she never saw me as more then a friend...to her telling me we maybe can be together in the future...to her telling me all the extra stuff we did beyond having sex was nothing and she doesnt know why she did it...and her telling me she wants me in her life as a friend forever...which lead to me cutting off...She is just to much...and after the whole hour long conversation on the phone, she was asking me if I had a girlfriend...eventually to end it...I told her that I hope someone hurts her as much as she hurts me...and that she's another bitch on my list. I'm over all this...you can't just use someone and then use the "celabit" exscuse to stop everything..yet still chill with them everyday. I figured by saying something hurtful shed go away and realize that she pushed me that far, to so say something like that. I didnt want to ever disrespect her like that but...it was the only way....Now 2, almost three weeks removed...Im still thinking about this situation...but i wont go back to it...but theyre right when u say u never truly forget a cancer.
Signed Up:
Mar 10, 2012Comments: 136 · Posts: 9227 · Topics: 154
How do you know she was doing the ex? Stop wishing misery on other people. It's over and you are now free to date whomever.