Libra Woman/Cancer Man...sexually curious....

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by saymyname7247 on Saturday, September 1, 2007 and has 134 replies.
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Why am I so attracted to this cancer man? We have been just friends for several years now. Lately, our friendship has been feeling kinda weird. We both have been kinda flirting with each other. I think for is more sexual curiousity. I appreciate our close friendship and would prefer not want to jeopardize it. He just has a real gentle,tender,and mysterious way about him. I am just wondering what one night would be like.
Cancer & Libra
Sexual Compatibility Astrology

Cancer and Libra:
These two could stumble upon each other almost anywhere and wind up getting married the next day. There are strange but true occurrences when a Cancer and Libra meet. These two cannot get enough of one another and Libra will truly appreciate the sensitive side of Cancer.
There will be a lot of baby talk, gifts given and displays of romance. Sex will be great with Libra, and Cancer can sexually energize Libra in a way like no other. This is a memorable and worthwhile encounter that has potential for children and marriage. Cancer must learn to brush up their social skills while Libra could learn a few lessons about patience and tolerance from Cancer. These two will balance each other out beautifully. There are so many promising aspects for sex and love to ignore.
Cancer will create a sparkle in Libra's eyes. Experience this relationship while you have the chance.
Note: Your compatibility with other signs of the zodiac also depends on your planets, rising signs and other aspects!

......then after the honeymoon, cancer chokes libra......buries in backyard for sentimental reasons
Lord hav mercy...sound so tempting. I just do not want to lose a friend. I've heard so many terrible things about libras and cancers. So I am very cautious. I am definetly not an any rush.
I know a Libra/Cancer married couple. She(Libra) told me that they can not talk for a week. She will ignore him until he bows down to her LOL!
This shXX is so weird. I was so shocked at the conversation me and my cancer friend had the other day. We really open up to each other and talked about things we never discussed with each other before. I felt closer to him more than ever. It was so amazing. Then the day after that....he was acting kinda weird. I can't explain. Maybe it was me...thinking he should have given me more attention. I don't know. I can't stand the ups..and...downs of getting to know him. I'm not use to this. I am use to men coming on stronger when they want to take it a step further with me. He is just so laid back...and I can't stand it.
Thanks moon.
Someone told me that cancer men move really really slow. I believe that. My cancer friend and I have been friends for about 3 years. I would consider both of us very attractive. We both were in terrible relationships and lean on each other for advice and emotional support. Not until this year, did I realize that I am sexually attracted to him. Lately, we have been having real intimate conversations. These conversations sometimes last for eight hours straight. I know that we are both physically attracted to each other. However, there is something that truly scares me about this cancer man. I love it when he spends time with me and lets me in to his world. It's almost intoxicating. I can't even imagine how it would be if we were to make love. I just can't stand the roller coaster ride. The ups and downs of this ride...makes me sick. I tell myself that the both of us are just getting out of a relationship of 10 and 12 years, and need this time to heal and learn from our mistakes. I would love to shut my feeling off and just have a sexual relationship, but I'm just not built that way. Because we have been friends for so long...sleeping with him would only be self destruction. He is really honest with me..and I hear him loud and clearly. Right now, he is dating several woman. He tells me everything. I have just decided that I am going to wait. If it is meant to will be. He really is a great guy. I just don't want to be consider the same as the others in his eyes. So...if that means delayed gratification. So be it...
I have not told him how I really feel. I don't plan on it either. I think that I make him feel good, cause I mother him in certain ways. He always ask me for advice. He always shows me that he thinks of me. We make each other laugh. He ask me to go out with him on my birthday. I told him maybe...not sure. Do cancer men, like to chase their women?
Hey you Cancer men,
Libra females are the unsung heroines for you. You guys shy away too fast. If you give us a chance, you will never go back.
I have not told him how I really feel. I don't plan on it either. I think that I make him feel good, cause I mother him in certain ways. He always ask me for advice. He always shows me that he thinks of me. We make each other laugh. He ask me to go out with him on my birthday. I told him maybe...not sure. Do cancer men, like to chase their women?
I think a mixture of both.....You chase and show interest some and let him chase and show interest some but he is not going to continually show you interest on his own. You can be patient with the sex, that is a good thing, but if he really, really, likes you as long as you let him know UPFRONT that in order for you and him to be together, it has too be serious because you don't consider yourself a sexual contact. If he wants the same thing, he will be there for you. If not, then all he wanted was sex.
Ok....Krobe03,I went against my better judgement and took your advice. I let my cancer friend know "UPFRONT" how I was feeling. It took me getting a little buzzed to do it, but I did. He told me that he was feeling the same way. He was attracted to me but couldn't act on his emotions because his life is in such a mess right now. He is going through a divorce and he didn't want to involve me in his craziness. He also said that when he is stressed, he can't "perfrom" at his best. He wrote me a beautiful poem. He said that he valued our friendship and didn't want to hurt me. I am grateful, but disappointed. I am not emotionally free eithier. I am going through a separation and know that I need sometime to adjust and get my life together. However, I know that being with him , would be absolutely amazing. I am not ready to get in another relationship, I just need to have the closness of a man. And I want him. I kinda, feel bad for letting him know how I really feel, but a part of me is relieved. I just don't want our friendship to start feeling weird...because we were finally honest with each other. Help me understand!
Ok....Krobe03,I went against my better judgement and took your advice. I let my cancer friend know "UPFRONT" how I was feeling. It took me getting a little buzzed to do it, but I did. He told me that he was feeling the same way. He was attracted to me but couldn't act on his emotions because his life is in such a mess right now. He is going through a divorce and he didn't want to involve me in his craziness. He also said that when he is stressed, he can't "perfrom" at his best. He wrote me a beautiful poem. He said that he valued our friendship and didn't want to hurt me. I am grateful, but disappointed. I am not emotionally free eithier. I am going through a separation and know that I need sometime to adjust and get my life together. However, I know that being with him , would be absolutely amazing. I am not ready to get in another relationship, I just need to have the closeness of a man. And I want him. I kinda, feel bad for letting him know how I really feel, but a part of me is relieved. I just don't want our friendship to start feeling weird...because we were finally honest with each other. Help me understand!
Hey Saymyname
After letting him know your feelings... you can now back off. I know being a woman, that after you voice your feelings, this can make you feel vunerable. But just keep being you... you have to have A LOT of patience.
Cancer men, they move like crabs... once to the left... several times to the right and then they take a huge leap foward.
So just back off... so that he can think about what you've said and start to miss you. It takes men longer to think about their feelings. Don't call him... don't email him for a couple of weeks. Remain friendly... remain busy.
Yes, saymyname,
CapMermaid, is correct. You don't have to hide your feelings from a Cancer men like you do alot of men. They take your feelings into consideration but share them and back way off and let him come back to you if he wants more from you. He will, it is like OK baby, heres some steak, if you like it come eat, if not throw a piece of chicken out there. LOL! You will pick up on something he wants just give him some time to process it. His ass will be on the chase if he is interested. Just don't try to be too perfect or he will distance himself a bit.
OMG...GIRLS...I am taking your advice and it is working. Lord hav mercy...this is so much fun. You girls know your stuff. When I have more time I will let you know the details. I am loving it..WHEW!!!!
LOL! Good for you saymyname,
Remember, back off, matter of fact back WAY off and give him some room, if you move to fast or try to be too perfect, he will distance himself and run off. If he does, let him and don't chase him. Let him go on and come back around, it like don't try to pin him down after he told you he is going through something serious in his life.
Oh Saymyname
That is a beautiful poem. You go girl. Yeah, you will experience the moving forward and stepping back. I have read some of the posts here and the other Cancers will say that Cancers move sideways, it is not a direct step towards what they want. They have to sit back off and evaluate things sometimes. Just keep doing you, and if he likes to sulk, let him sulk.
That poem is soooo beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes. Just beautiful.
I'm Libra and by boo is cancer, let him be him. From my experience men have to be men regardless of sun-sign. Accept and love him for who and what he is he'll return it all in is own time.
Saymyname, I am going through the EXACT SAME THING with a Cancer (July 8) guy! UGH! And I'm a libra (Oct. 15) and this man is THE ABSOLUTELY MOST difficult man I have ever talked to! We both like each other, a LOT, and on a number of occasions, we have expressed action. I have expressed it verbally. He confesses that he is having trouble discussing his feelings and emotions. But, I stick through this "self-conflict" that he has, because his 'credentials' are awesome, he's a great guy, and we are SO COOL as friends and the flirty-flirty side of things! But, sometimes I think to myself "girl, just let him go, and ignore him for like a month or two..." and the 'committed' side of me says "you know what? he's not crazy or a psycho or anything, just be patient and give him a chance...just give it time".
I'm the type that has GOT to hear 'it'! I have to hear it from 'you'. So, I guess the ultimate question is: "Is it best to express your emotions in ACTIONS and not necessarily SAY it, or SAY the words we want to hear and NOT show it...?"
I'm the type that has GOT to hear 'it'! I have to hear it from 'you'. So, I guess the ultimate question is: "Is it best to express your emotions in ACTIONS and not necessarily SAY it, or SAY the words we want to hear and NOT show it...?"
I am supposely the Cancer basher, however, I am the same way you are. I don't assume anything and if you make me assume without telling me exactly what you want from me, well your arse is in trouble. You can show him with your ACTIONS and still get the same results. I don't know and I know I uproar alot of other people but ignore him for a couple of months and see if he doesn't become emotionally available.
Alright, Krobe3, here we go! I think I might give it a shot.
When we first got to know each other it was like fireworks went off, seriously! We could talk about almost anything (except sexual discussions, I hate it when guys leap there, and for the record, he's been very respectful about not doing so), like our current endeavors and our future goals, finishing with our degrees and pursuing our careers. Fantastic! So, we text each other constantly after exchanging numbers. And mark this true, Krobe3, but I juggle a pretty hectic schedule, so I didn't talk to him for a couple of days. I didn't think it was a big deal, but did he? Heck yeah! He thought I snobbed him! It was funny to me, but he text me 'oh, are you ignoring me now? well, that's not very nice!", and boy, do I love being missed! So, I might have to take on this even 'bigger' challenge and just lay low for a while, and see what happens. He's such a sweetheart, I guess I don't want to lose him, therefore, I try to be 'tactical' about the way I handle him.
ps: the other day he revealed that he has never cried! My GOD, who does that?! Darn, Cancers! Ugh! He said that's just another part of him, always not being able to express his emotions. Don't get me wrong, now, he knows how to 'act up' and be silly, funny, disappointed, etc. But 'speaking his mind'....a totally different story, hun!
ps: the other day he revealed that he has never cried! My GOD, who does that?! Darn, Cancers! Ugh! He said that's just another part of him, always not being able to express his emotions. Don't get me wrong, now, he knows how to 'act up' and be silly, funny, disappointed, etc. But 'speaking his mind'....a totally different story, hun!
Back off a bit, and see if that still remains a problem. I get bashed alot but Cancer men can sit up and say they don't like a challenge as much as they want, but deep down, the ones I have met, thrive off of a good challenge. I used to have a very emotionally unavailable Cancer man, who is very much more open nowadays. So you have to ask YOURSELF do you really want to be bothered with a man who doesn't constantly show you the same amount of interest that you show him?
This is gonna be kinda wierd...and against how I usually am. I love to be affectionate and to display how much I DO, yes...this could be a challenge, but one I believe is worth taking. I'm on it, like white on rice! Everything we've ever DONE with each other and the way we act toward each other points to the 'YES' direction EXCEPT VERBALS from him! So, this will be the ultimate answer here. If he can't equally communicate, then I guess it's back to 'square one' for both of us. And it's no hard feelings, its just real. That's just the way it's gotta be. He's a wonderful person and friend and I would vouch for that on anything because its true.
Krobe03, you're a trip because he absolutely enjoys a challenge. He's SO active in extracurricular activity, it's nuts! He's a full-time student, a part-time employee, involved in college level basketball and wrestling and works out on a almost daily basis! My girls are always poking fun at him, when we talk, and say 'girl, he's probably so busy all the time to occupy his emotions without showing them'. And to answer you're question, Krobe03, ultimately...NO, I don't want someone, in the long run, who can't express themselves to me as much as I can. I mean, we all know that not every couple shows their affection in EXACTLY the same form, but dang...! His FRIENDS compliment me (verbally, of course) more than he has! Ugh! These Cancers! Enough to make a sista SMOKE! lmao! Geez, I mean, I met his mom, he showed me baby pictures and family pictures and he's just been a complete HONEY! It's crazy, I'd hate to say 'bu-bye', but really...with all this 'questioning'....a girl's about to lose a big ol' patch of hair! lol
Oh, and Krobe03, you know anything about Cancer men and Gemini girls? His ex girl's a Gemini and is STILL on his JOCK, although he's so DONE with her...we've cracked a couple of jokes about her before, but, like most of the 'dark past chics' that every man has had, he doesn't like to talk about her AT ALL. lol
Hi all,
I was away from the board for a while, due to moving house and loads of work and styding.
But this discussion attracted my attention, due to something I noticed very often in practice.
Cancer men and Libra women are often extremely happy together. This you won't find in many books, but real life shows it a lot, I know many, many couples of this combo who are still in love after many years together.
Some of them have been married for 40+ years, for instance several of my mother's and father's friends. Libra women just have something very reassuring for Cancer men, I personally think that it is the mixture of gentleness and femininity, but also they are very cool headed and reasonable and I think that Cancers are very attracted to that. Basically, Libra women often know how to handle Cancerians the right way, gently but firmly.
I really think that this is one of those pairings that is underestimated in astrology books, but works really well in real life, all other things being equal, of course. There is just something nice and gentle and lovely about this coupling. Often, a Libra woman will have some Scorpio planets, and Cancer men some Gemini planets, so this would further enhance their compatibility.
But NOT so much Libra man and Cancer woman. For some reason it does not work that well the other way around. There is a very strong initial attraction there, but they don't see eye to eye in the long term. I am a Cancer married to Libra, and although I would not exchange him for anyone else (because Librans really are lovely people to live with), we did have our initial period of adjustment to each other's essential natures.
Just wanted to add my long-time observations, I am all in favour of Libra woman-Cancer man relationship, especially when Cancer man has grown up and matured a bit.
As for Cancer woman-Libra men, hmmmm, try it by all means, it will be challenging, but if both people are happy to meet each other in the middle, it will also be very rewarding. But if not, perhaps Cancer woman is better of with someone else.

I like your observation, for real. That's what I didn't understand. All the horoscopes point out of my favor for me and my Cancer man. Saying "this pair was absolutely NOT meant to be", and while I'm reading it, I'm like: " it really like THAT? Me and him get along GREAT!" His problem, ultimately, is initiating things. "Man-ing Up" if you will, speaking his minds...expressing himself, verbally....It's like I have to make the decisions and suggestions 90% of the time. And he'll agree to do whatever I want; but it would be nice if he stepped up to the plate! I'm not contacting him for a while, and I'll kinda 'snob' him. We'll see if he comes around. It would be nice, but if he doesn't...well, a girl's gotta do what she's gotta, right?

No, really, it is true, it is one of those much wronged pairings in astrology.
However, water signs are notorious for finding it really hard to express their emotions. Which does not mean they do not have them, but to actually come up and say it, it is very, very hard for them. And this is often a huge point of contention between them and air signs, as air signs are all about communication.
So while the air sign would love a Crab to TALK to them, the Crab wants air sign to INTUIT their emotion, to "read their mind". This is the major difference and stumbling block between the two signs, major communication style difference. Often cool, reasonable Libran logic can't even start to imagine how irational and grossly self involved Cancerian sentiments are, they (Crabs) sometimes really overreact to the slightest imagined rejection. Poor Libras can't get their head around these subjective cookiemonsters (trust me, I sometimes felt sorry for my own Libra husband when he had to deal with my emotional outbursts, poor guy, when I just remember confused look in his sweet eyes...). I mean your Crab sounds a bit like a sulky baby, too.
I also think that it is better to leave him for a while, Crabs usually come around when they had some time to sulk and feel misunderstood. But if he is mature enough, he should realise how silly touchy he is, and he should be back. When he does call back, you should just be nice and polite as if nothing ever happenned, no preassure or accusations, just as if nothing had happened. That should do it. Just be careful of imature Crabs, they are really the lost cause, no matter what other person's sun sign is. Other then that, when both people are evolved and mature, I really think Libra f. - Cancer m is a splendid pairing.

...and, if everything goes "tits up" btw. a Libra and Cancer, I would strongly recommend another Libra or a Sag for a Libra girl. Those couplings are just divine, so...plenty more fish in the sea...
Yeah, Lubencia just about hit that right up on the head snazzylibra. Let him alone for a while if he is emotionally unavailable. I had to do the same thing but before I left I TOLD my crab he needs to tell me how he feels because I cannot read his mind. I told him that we should never be at a point where he is mad at me or he cannot talk to me or tell me how he feels. He told me that it is hard for him to suppress his feelings however, I told him to tell me because in order for me to protect his heart from the pain and suffer I will cause him just based off assumptions that he will remain hurt alot.
If he goes off sulking which will take weeks for him to fully come out of, let him sulk, you find other very attractive things to do for yourself while he is off sulking. Once he returns back you can talk to him about all the good things that you have done for yourself, which is will find VERY attractive but don't let him come back in too easy. Just talk to him but let him come to YOU! He will come to you if he really cares, I promise.
Once he comes back, OMG, you are going to hear ALL kinds of things you would not imagined to hear from from a suppress unavailable crab. The key is to let him know, you will need him to tell YOU how he feels and I guess once is gets comfortable with you and you don't burn him to bad in the process, he will start talking, I am willing to promise you.
I meant misp.
I guess once he gets comfortable with you, and you don't burn him to bad in the process he will start talking. I am willing to promise you.

"However, water signs are notorious for finding it really hard to express their emotions. Which does not mean they do not have them, but to actually come up and say it, it is very, very hard for them. And this is often a huge point of contention between them and air signs, as air signs are all about communication.
So while the air sign would love a Crab to TALK to them, the Crab wants air sign to INTUIT their emotion, to "read their mind"."
How did you accomplished this feat "read their mind"? I think I do but lack the confidence of oing with my gut feelings for fear of being wrong, or embarrassed. Thanks so much for your post....its right on time for me.
As ironic as it may seem. There were times that I enjoyed my Cancer's silence or uncertainty. I've never dealt with a man like this, so, in a crazy way, it was kinda interesting. What I did, since we were definitely friends first and I knew him well enough, I would ask him questions, FLAT OUT! I'd just say in a 'cute-sy joking kind of approach', "Oh, God...I don't know WHAT your problem is...I mean are you AFRAID of me, or something...I mean, am I losing my touch... that's it, isn't it...I just don't have that 'spice' anymore, huh? Did our flames die out, or what?" I would exaggerate, totally! He loved it, he thought it was too cute and he would grin (and cover his mouth, he hates smiling, although he def. has a gorgeous smile). Then he'd disagree and say that he hasn't lost interest in me and that the 'fire's still there'. It's wierd. He won't just 'up and say it'...whatever 'it' is. I'd have to exaggerate and say things like 'what? do you even like me?' and he'd say '(My name here), I never said that I DIDN'T like you'. Just insecure and unsure of expressing himself! But I knew it from when we first got to know each other. He used to try to hug me every chance he got, and, I'd say "Get OFF OF ME!" But, I wanted him close to me, seriously! It's like, when I say NO, he's all about YES. And when I say YES...his emotional expressions are NO-where to be found! lol Let me know if I got you anywhere with this, hun. You know us Libra's gotta have each others back! lol
Krobe03 and Lubenica,
Yes, I have def. told him how I feel, about a week ago. And stared at him CrAzILY when he looked at me blankly!
I said...'well, what are you gonna say? You just gonna sit there? I mean, can I get a 'thank you'? anything? something?' and he said, '(my real name here), it's just not the right place for me to tell you how I feel' (we were at work together) Since both of us are extremely busy, juggling work, school, etc. we barely get a chance to see each other, so I said 'Oh, yeah, like there's ever really a PERFECT time!' and he's like, 'there will be...' ugh!
Anyway, long story short, he DOES know how I feel, and I have told him, that when he's ready, he better let me know. So, it's on him, now.....
So, I'm layin' low. He's always been worth a wait, but this patience thing is kickin' my butt! Ow!
You know how us Libras do, we want answers, like YESTERDAY! Agh!
My computer's been actin' up! Ugh!
Another thing. When's your birthday? Mine's Oct. 15.
With the 'confidence' topic you referred to. About you lacking confidence. I'm not quite sure how I can help with that one.
I'm extremely confident in myself when approached by/ or when I approach, but I never flaunt. I come across very sure of my actions and decisions, is all. That's just a personal thing, I guess. Arrogance or ego won't get you anywhere. Just remember, everything you do is a risk. A 50-50 chance. Know that if you act on something, it just MIGHT NOT work in your favor. Be ready to accept that. Don't always EXPECT it, you know, avoid being pessimistic, but be optimistic and aware that he may or may not be 'feeling you'.
Mine is October 14th and yes your post has helped me tremendously thsnks so much.
Me and that CrAzY Cancer man....
Wow...we hadn't talked to each other or even look at each other in the EYE since Oct. 31...until today...
He is waaaaay too much for me. It's a mess. He is acting as though he is "too good" to talk to me...of course waiting for me to come around, like I have been doing, for the most, I did. I think that all he wants is for everything to be 'ok'. As long as he 'thinks' we are on a good note, he's cool with it (not communicating). He's not as tough as he looks, so I knew exactly what to do. I got 'dressed' in thatt Libra charm that us Libras carry SO well, and walked right up to him (he was cornered) and said in the sweetest, sexiest little voice, "Hi, (his name here). How have you been? Has my (his real name) been good lately?" and he burst out in a million giggles as though he was tickled to have me talk to him...kinda reverting to a shyness... and he says, "Yes, I been good", as though NOTHING ever happened! Ugh!
You know something, in conclusion, I'm already talking to this other guy. Me and the Cancer man can be 'friends', but that's about it. It started off extremely sweet and almost like heaven, but he got way to comfortable, and doesn't believe he has to WORK or do his part to keep me close...Great man, but he can't tell me how he feels. Nobody's perfect, but seriously...?! UGH!
Somebody give a girl some feedback! Oh, the new guy I'm talking to is a Virgo, Sept. 3. Let me know if there's some input on that one!
Well....I have learn this one thing...a cancer can not be rushed or pushed into doing anything. You have to learn him and allow him to slowly open up to you. Believe me when I say that it is well worth the waiting game. It is so intoxicating when I am in his world. He leaves me wanting more and more. However...he only dishes it out a little at a time, and that's what keeps me coming back. It is frustrating sometimes cause I am so use to men being more up front, and me being more in control of the way I would like the relationship to go. The cancer leaves you wondering what their next move is going to be. They keep you guessing....therefore having more control of the relationship.
Update!....I am still on the ride of my life with my Cancer friend. He can be the sweetest man alive and also the strangest. I must have the patience of an angel to but up with this confusing man. We were both at a party together. I was looking so fierce. If I must say. We ...mainly me...was flirtly so hard with him. I know he was feeling me. We spent so much time together at the party. I was hoping that things would finally pop off between us....but it didn't. So I just kinda drank more than I should have and left him at the bar. He was such a gentleman. He saw that I got home safely and even call me twice the next day to make sure that I was ok. I am so frustrated with him right now. I am getting tired of playing the cat and mouse game with him. It was fun at first...but now I have no problem ignoring him. I have done everything that I know to do to let my friend know that I want to take this friendship to another level. He just won't bite. So now I am backing way off. I will continue to be his friend...but I have to detach myself a little. It seems that that is the only language he understands. I have done that in the past..but then when he comes on to me...the things I told myself I would not do...Go out the window! Anyways,...we will always be friends.
How old is your Cancer friend? Please don't say he is in his late twenties, early thirties and you minus well get ready for the rollercoaster ride of your LIFE if he is in that age brackett. You would do better detaching yourself like I have been saying ALL along, this is the only way he relates and please don't let the man KNOW you are that much into him because once you bite, he is running. LOL! Most Cancer men I have met want you to invest something into them first, if NOT don't allow yourself to let him make all the shots.
Krobe how do you know how this man is? Have you had a lot of bad experiences with cancers/ cancer men in general? Because it seems as though youre a little off on your suggestion, at least to me when it comes to cancers.
Moon, what I am saying as you are reading from saymyname is she should detach herself from him. He is aware that she is into him however, he is distancing himself so instead of kissing his arse, she should distance herself too. Not everyone has time or patience to deal with this type of behavior as many women on the boards keep constantly saying to ALL Cancers. That is way to high maintenance. You are a woman so of course you are going to continue to want a man to pursue you and meet your high maintenance needs if that is ONLY how you present yourself. I am not accusing. However, the men like to pursue YOU or at least the ones I have met or have talked too. They don't want a woman to pursue them a great deal just show some interest and let him get around to asking direct questions. Now, I am not saying ALL Cancers are like this but the ones I have met clearly stated they don't like to know a woman is easy to get.
lol this board is so crazy. I usually decline to leave a comment and just read, but it seems like its not so much that they want you to detach/pursue so much as they want you to realize that you have them then decide whether you will keep them or not. I think for some reason that its really clear in the Cancer man's mind that any female he is into COULD (not will or might) let him go at any time she sees fit. In his mind, while that reality is clear, he doesnt want to hold on so tight that she'll know he is vulnerable to being hurt when she decides to do it. He is free to give the signs that he is got (that giggling, shy, caring thing) but he'll try to keep it as casual as you do so he doesn't look like he's trying to hold on too tight (count it to the ego).
Well try letting him go and see how fast he doesn't come running. He does not want to lose either, he is mentally seeing if you care yes, but also mentally testing the waters to see exactly how much you are going to let him get away with.
Sorry for the errors. I am tired!
"was flirtly so hard with him......So I just kinda drank more than I should have and left him at the bar"
well let me say first that this kind of behavior is a turn off to cancer men - remember that during this time he is watching you and getting to know how you are. He is not ignoring you - he is observing. And it sounds like you're making some wrong moves [from his persepctive]
second - I am wondering about something....and I wanted to bring it up just as a point for you to think about - you said you started out looking for a friends with benefits situation, I saw that - I also saw that as soon as you came in here people started advising you on how to pursue a RELATIONSHIP. Is that really what YOU want now? I have noticed in my experience with libras that they tend to be easy to "talk into" emotions... I see it everyday with my libra co-worker. Now, I may be wrong - but I just wanted to point that out so you could analyze whether you are now pursuing him because it's what you've decided you want or because you've gotten caught up in what everyone has been telling you to do.
If it is the latter then perhaps it IS best that you walk away from this your friendship at least before you drive yourself insane.
Just something to think about....
Yes, XF is right on this one. Cancers are very cautious. Friends with benefits will not cut it out with him, it is ALL or nothing sort of deal esp if he really likes you. He is going to watch how you act around him and other men that he may secretly bring into the picture. LOL! No drinking or smoking or going out to much. Matter of fact, NO GOING OUT SOCIALING IN FRONT OF HIM AT ALL! He will believe in his mind you are a sleeze bag. He will let you know if you are socializing to much for him. I personally know a hell of alot of Libra woman/Cancer man marriages and the women will say that you have to detach your feelings from the way they act or you will go insane.
I know that you all are right. Please remember that this cancer man and I have been friends for a very long time. We have told each other very secret things. I trust him and I know that he trust me. We have share very private moments together. Just this year, did the lines of our friendship get crossed. We both admitted to each other that we were very attracted to each other on a physical basis. We have shared fun and intimate moments with each other. We both decided one day that maybe we were risking too much too fast. We both decided that just getting out of a long term relationship and rushing into another would be a big mistake. I totally agree. I am not ready for a relationship with anyone. However,...I love the way I feel when I am next to him. I love the way we connect with one another when we a physical close. I know that I would enjoy sex with him. So I know what I want. He told me that he doesn't want to get hurt my me. He told me that he was scared. So I decided that I would no longer push the issue of us being together. I am at peace with us being friends. He is a very special man and just having him in my life is good enough. I am just having a hard time reading him. Sometimes when he comes on to me..I get frustrated. I don't know whether to ignore him or jump his bones. When I come on to him he enjoys it...but he backs down...and I don't want to get rejected. So...there you have it!
Well...Tonight I am really sad cause I feel like the way I acted at the party was a big mistake. Every since that night he has been kinda distant. I am not sure if I did something that I wasn't suppose to or not. I was just having a good time. I am really social...and maybe that is a big turn off to him. I have a lot of friends at work and maybe that is something that he doesn't like. I don't know. All I know is that he has a lot of girlfriends and I never at jealous or say anything. He made a comment to me the other day as if he was jealous. He asked me was I cheating on him. Jokingly...I said ..that's what happens when you don't act right. I was joking. We both laughed. All I know is that I reviewed my friendship with him...and decided that I want to be closer to him. Deep down in my heart I would like to share a special "something" with this man. I don't just want to be another "chickenhead" he bangs. I just can't stand the back and forth. I am to old for this kinda of drama. You would think that being 108yrs old I would know how to handle this situation...but I don't. Anyways...I have decided to back off. I do mean all the way off. I have to let this man come to me. If he wants something with me ...I know that he will come. If least I know. I mean it this time Moon. I am taking your advice.
Saymyname, he is distancing himself because he doesn't want you to know exactly how much he really likes you. He can distance himself for months. It doesn't mean that he is less attracted to you or he doesn't like or want you, he simply has the fear of getting into something serious at this time. I wouldn't let him distancing him bother me, just move on with your life and don't take it personal. He is going to distance himself and he probably has something else going on in his mind right now. I would not get wrapped up in him distancing or take it personal.Now, just might not be the best time for him. He will come back around when he thinks you are not interested anymore.
I sure hope that you are right, but I really don't think so. Now he is trying to make me jealous. Even through I am not showing it, it is working. I am really starting to hate this. It all seems like a game to me. I am distancing myself, but he keeps talking to me as if we just met yesterday. Today...he maybe sweet and tomorrow he is so cold. I wanna get off this ride. He comes in my office and talks to the other girls in the office as if I am not even there. Then he will go back to his seat and IM me...asking me "What is wrong with you." He will sit and talk to my girlfriend about stuff we haven't even talked about. He comes back here about 5 or 6 times in 8 hours. Sometimes, I just up and leave the office until I know he is gone. I don't treat him mean...I just try my best to ignore him like he ignores me. I feel like I am in high school with this man. He even had the nerve tonight to tell my friend that he had to move his bed because he was keeping the neighbors up next door! Yea rite! When he said that...I didn't even look his way. I hate him! smileand Sad...confused!