I gave my cancer friend who wouldnt text back etc his space. Sunday I sent a mass text explaining some stuff & to my surprise he texted back. I didn't reply went to the store & holy smokes he stopped me in the isle!! this is a large town. He seemed so happy to see me cheezy smile blushing I hugged him in congratulations for his new home. We just kept chatting & laughing I finally told him I had to get going. I sent a text saying it was nice to see him & got a
"could you tell all I was thinking about was ripping your clothes off you" I know I shouldnt since I but I did. He came over that night spent hours with me it was intense. He would not stop till I said I couldnt take anymore. But in the middle of position #9 He stops & asks me "what are you thinking right now?" I fumbled. something along the lines "Ive been waiting for you right now Im yours". Not what I wanted to say "please dont ever leave me" He stayed and we talked he started falling asleep & left. I called him told him how seeing his smile makes life better he giggled and told me to go to sleep silly. No contact the next day.
today I texted him needing help with my tire he texted right back apologizing he was out of town gave me advice called me silly. Ive made him a gift basket for his house dont know if I should try & make plans to give it to him will probably try in a couple days. the pisces/cancer attraction connection I cant get away from but Im heeding advice & giving him plenty of space & trying to be more open with my emotions without being needy. Last time he said He didnt think he was the guy for me via text but then I quit blowing up his phone. he doesnt call or text so I feel like a fwb but when were out he kisses me grabs my hand cant leave me alone. I just need to know how to get more face time with him. call me crazy but im not a spring chicken I can tell this guy is just as drawn to me as I am to him. I think he's scared of me. He knows I have a lot of guys interested in me. Im struggling between how to make him feel as secure as possible without being pushy. Like Hey im here waiting on you even though you dont text me? nah or is it ok if im at your doorstep when you get back in town I've missed you. Its been a month since we've met lol help please
BUT im not into the charts is there something going on right now that would cause crabs to come out? While being ignored by this crab I met and had a great time with a crab last week & just reconnected with a crab I knew briefly last year. He invited me to have drinks with him. 3 different crab guys in 6 days?! I want to take advantage of this & make the best possible decisions. any advice is appreciated
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Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
He told you he doesn't think he's the guy for you aka he doesn't want a relationship with you. Why are you doing this to yourself?
Signed Up:
Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
It's feels like fwb because it is. He doesn't contact you unless it's to come over and fuck.
Him being physically affectionate with you doesn't = like/love on his end.
Women need to stop associating sex/affection with emotion.
no its not that he came over met my kids etc things just moved too fast I got clingy he withdrew into his shell. We've only known each other a few weeks. so I don't think he loves me yet but Yes this guy is totally into me sexually he's love for me to stay the night when im at his house (cancers love their home) etc. He can barely talk when he sees me hes just a hot blushing mess. He is doing the normal cancer tests. makes jokes about how im such a mean mom for making my kids eat healthy. he's been burnt I can tell and my life is coming out of a mess. time and patience and in the meantime enjoying life and who cares what im thinking in the middle of sex?! test test test
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Apr 05, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 3859 · Topics: 121
You're a FWB .. try the other crabs , good luck
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Aug 24, 2011Comments: 17 · Posts: 5119 · Topics: 78
You're fooling yourself a bit and yes you are a friend with benefits. Let's recap: the guy has a history of not texting you back, so you give him space, then he sees you in the store, he acts charming and excited, then later you two have sex. The reason why this guy isn't as responsive is because he doesn't HAVE to be.
The simple fact to remember is if you want to create an emotional connection with a guy, it's best to not engage in physical intimacy too early. Women typically want an emotional connection, guys want a physical connection. Once you give a man his dessert (physical), he has no reason to eat his vegetables (emotional). Remember that.
You're assuming he feels close to you. You're assuming that he'd act differnetly if he only wanted you for sex. How would you expect him to act? Think about it. Of course he's going to seem giddy and playful when he DECIDES to see you. Of course he's happy to see you, why wouldn't he be?
Also there's no judgment here. If you're cool with a friends with benefits relationship, go for it. Also date the other crab guys and see which one is more enthusiastic to be with you. From what you've said, the first guy seems happy because he's getting laid.
Signed Up:
Oct 15, 2013Comments: 243 · Posts: 2393 · Topics: 16
Wow ? I am impressed... we have some rather logical thinking...
Maybe there is hope...
Honesty I know it is hard but some times you need to take a serious time out... to reevaluate. This is like quitting a job but in your two weeks notice. ?
its been a crazy 4 weeks. The 1st week he stayed in contact then drifted off I became clingy. since then ive backed off. in the month hes closed on a house traveled 2 three different states etc. lol my granny always said honey you're sitting on a gold mine & dont even know it i dont expect love in 4 weeks & I wanted the other night as much as he did since theres no one else im sharing my self with. Im going to keep being my fun self enjoy a drink with the other cancer from the past and wait. and barely text him. if someone else comes along he's finito.