merc retrograde! are you feeling me fellas?

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by krebbsmann on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 and has 17 replies.
its a period of deep thought and constant conflicts in mind .... i feel like reconnecting back with an old flame lately. i m just in deep self preservating but at the same time seeking adventure and romance thought.
any crabs feeling the same?
apparently merc goes direct on 10th....and i fucking hate this time!
Ah ah. I didn't know. Now I get it. So much torment. xD
November is supposed to bring an early respite with the favourable eclipse.more social time as well.
I do feel there's a massive change going on inside me which only I am aware of but not others.
Lol cc...come here! If you ain't hugged by a ain't been hugged they say! :p
god knows what! october has been challenging... :/
i know about uranus squaring pluto that could be a problem...
Whatever the hell is going on, it needs to stop. This past month has been a challenge on all levels, especially the communication portal.....shit needs to stop.
its mostly the indecisive period where i cant make a decision ..and the weighing of the pros and cons is getting a bit delayed... like theres too much conflict in the head about whats right and whats wrong...
Oddly enough, I've had very clear clarity and a time of finally dropping away a lot of old baggage.
Then again, I have a retrograde Mercury, so maybe I'm really Spock back in my Mirror Universe smile
So this reconnecting thing is happening to some of us then...
Interesting....definitely applies to me. Lots of communication confusion....with regards to romance as well..
Posted by xMoonMan
For those not using the Chrome web browser, I adjusted the html code, hopefully you can see the color also.
Posted by CancerOnTheCusp
Oddly enough, I've had very clear clarity and a time of finally dropping away a lot of old baggage.
Then again, I have a retrograde Mercury, so maybe I'm really Spock back in my Mirror Universe smile

I posted this in one of the other Merc. retrograde threads, very interesting if you haven't already read it.

Click Me - Mercury Retrograde
Not everyone feels the effects of Mercury retrograde. Those born with Mercury retrograde in their natal chart, for example, may not notice the effects described above.
When Mercury is retrograde in the natal chart itself, the thinking processes are generally more acute, and the sense of humor rather quirky. People with Mercury retrograde take in information differently than those with Mercury direct in their natal charts. How many people are born with a retrograde Mercury? Roughly 18% .

click to expand

It's quite interesting. I have Mercury retro in my natal chart, never really noticed any difference. Thanks for sharing.
No it started on 23rd Oct to 10th Nov. Happens cc. But I agree Oct has been overwhelming. I was happy till sept and made peace with my past but in Oct I m again lured by it.
Shadow period?
I think its fading.... or maybe its just the festive season! Its like I m busy and having fun but still somewhere at back of my mind I m feeling uneasy.
6th nov is not good.... Rest hopefully it will be. It doesn't feel like a Jupiter influenced year anymore.....some challenges lie ahead.
You in love with cancer male, I wish you good luck and for you to go get him but no chasing him unless he wants you to.