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Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
He's not going to do anything silly, he was dumped so he ran into your arms. It takes anywhere from 3 months to 6 months for the sparkle of a new relationship to run dull.
Here you come with your cape on ready to save him from his depressing self so now he's all better again because you gave him love and confidence, a rejected male need to know he's still desirable, you gave him that, so now off he goes into her arms.
tiki33, i don't think i made it all that clear. he broke up with me in feb after a 2 year relationship.
he has been seeing this other girl for 3 weeks(so he told me)as far as i am aware he is still with her. but he hasn't returned to his home yet and is still here staying at his parents, but he has told me he might go back. there is so much more to this i.e he hates his new job, he's not made many friends and i think he misses his home.
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
+1 Sugarfoot
If a woman put a man on a pedestal he has no choice but to LOOK DOWN at her. This whole feeling adored and loved and looked up to thing goes both ways. What I see so many women doing is putting a man on a pedestal to keep him, to get him back, to make him not want to go.
Let his ass go because that's the only thing he understands when a break up happens, he understands LOSS, all that other crap some women do, being his friend, being friendly, being concerned, being 100% available is UNATTRACTIVE behavior b/c it makes her appear undesirable as if she can't get another but him so she has no choice but to be available to him.
All that begging on the low being concerned, all up in his miserable business is just a waste of energy because no amount of displaying how much he's needed will help her situation when he's made up his mind to dump her but of course he can miss what he had but doesn't mean he will come back, just means he's keeping one foot in the door just in case the new chick doesn't work out.
Tell him your busy, give him 3 to 5 minutes each call and you will see what you truly want to see and know. I have a gut suspicion he is not unhappy, he's just keeping one foot in the door to keep you around just in case the girl he's really into leaves him. He need safety & comfort in knowing someone will adore him if things don't work out with her.