my fellow cancer guys!!!

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by krebbsmann on Saturday, December 8, 2012 and has 7 replies.
do u talk to yourself and stay in an idealized land of yours in your head..dreaming sometimes...acting as if you are the center of the world in that world of romance of ours??? or is it just me and i m weird??? also are you homebodies as well..not socialising much...and maybe making few friends in the process??? i like day dreaming but seriously its becoming a bit of a problem i am really feeling like a airhead. no socialising, studying at home(as exams are on)..but still not going out much these it the same with you guys??? say last 3-4 weeks or so.
The dreaming part, yes when I was very young....not much anymore except when something brings on nostalgia. The social part, that has never been the case with me. I can get lazy but by and large I love to go out and have fun meeting new people. I do spend time alone for a couple of weeks sometimes but that's usually to analyze and figure out something important ot just to laze and chill. I don't avoid people, I feel best in a large group or a house party.
2 weeks to analyze??? too long dont u think?
Posted by krebbsmann
do u talk to yourself and stay in an idealized land of yours in your head..dreaming sometimes...acting as if you are the center of the world in that world of romance of ours??? or is it just me and i m weird??? also are you homebodies as well..not socialising much...and maybe making few friends in the process??? i like day dreaming but seriously its becoming a bit of a problem i am really feeling like a airhead. no socialising, studying at home(as exams are on)..but still not going out much these it the same with you guys??? say last 3-4 weeks or so.

I can strongly relate.
Snap out of it. It can do you some very serious long term damage to your morale, character & personality. Dream & procrastinate as much as you want, just don't let it get it in the way of your career and social life.
I know..its like the alarm bells are ringing in my head.... just need to figure a way out!
YOU KNOW WHATS THE PROBLEM??? i have too much control on my life...scrambling for it to maintain balance between fun and sticking to my much that i miss out on the fun and i m suddenly feeling like a loser homebody who is no fun when i hear about a nightout my friends had and i was not there.... :/ that really treetrunks my mind,my mood,my well being and my response to others who are left figuring out why am i so quiet 5 mins later when i was so lively and talkative 5 mins before!!! but my parents like me to stay indoors...which i know is wrong but i really feel vulnerable to such strong emotions of loserville when i m having no fun!!! maybe all i need is a good nightout with my friends...and i ll be fine. i like to strike a balance you know! and no u are wrong..i like large parties and huge group of friends..i have my identity intact with them! i dont suffer from health problems regularly! i feel bad that this week it was written in my horoscope that i need to face situations as they come and not scramble for control and lose out all the fun! but treetrunk me!i still did!!!!! :/
oh yeah, i am an cancer aqua moon an my dreamland contains extremely vivid and dynamic imagery