I'm an aquarius girl and I was dating a Cancer man for about a week a little while back, everything seemed pretty much fine and suddenly he just stops talking to me out of nowhere. About 2 days ago I sent him an e-mail telling him that I was sorry for whatever it was I done and told him that I was also sorry for moving the relationship way too fast (which is what happened I think) and he sent me a message back saying that he was just having a rough week and that he will try to contact me soon, since he has not called or anything. I'm just playing it by ear now and if he calls me he does and if he doesn't he doesn't but I want to know how to act if he does start talking to me again, how do I treat him? I know aquarius and cancer doesn't mesh well together but I feel really great when I'm around him, I just don't know how to act...
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3881 · Topics: 128
Be yourself. I think when they sense that you are pretending with them they subconsciously get nervous and back off big time. Just be your natural self. That's what got you together in the first place after all.