I wonder whether Cancer women are preceptive. If their mates are cheating would they know? I ask because I have knowledge of a Cancer woman engaged to a Capricorn man. He is cheating with a Virgo woman and has been for the duration of his relationship with the Cancer woman. They generally meet during his lunch hour, after school (he takes evening classes) and some weekends. I just wondered how it is that she doesn't seem to have a clue. If she found out how might she respond?
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Apr 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 367 · Topics: 24
Cancer women will always suspect of cheating there clingy and worry? If you don't give them attention that you used to give her she will know that something is up. And my cheat on him as well. Ask him to take acting classes or just dump the cancer women she because she will turn into the incredible HULK if she finds out.
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Jul 23, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 447 · Topics: 45
When my ex pisces was cheating I knew. I could feel it in my gut plus he started acting different. I did not say anything he got caught because came over one night while I was there and put him on blast. Well let's just say he cried tears and begged forgiveness. I stayed with him for a while after (I was young) and cheated on him after that. He never found out but we finally broke up because he had no trust for me and felt that I would take revenge unbeknownst to him u already had.
I am not sure whether she has any "gut" feelings about this at all. She is not my friend, he is. She seems to be the stronger one in the relationship, making all the important decisions including their pending nuptials. He and this other woman, the Virgo, are both friends and lovers. Sometimes I just wonder what is the best thing to do. I would want to know if my husband to be maintained this type of relationship while in a relationship with me. I don't know how I would respond, but I think I would want to know. He said she is fiercely protective of him, something he likes a lot. I don't know that she would suspect anything considering his schedule doesn't appear to have obvious changes or mishaps. As I mentioned they meet up during working hours or his school days but he talks to her all of the time via email, phone, text messages and im. He talks to her while his Cancer fiance is home (computer) and any time she is out of the house.
I really don't think she has a clue this other woman is apart of her relationship. When he is angry he calls the Virgo. When the Virgo tried to cut the ties he begged her to stay. Apparently Ms. Cancer is controlling and bossy. He said she is very possessive and he loves that about her but his chief complaint is that Ms. Cancer's sex drive is far lower than his own. He seems committed to getting married though and likes having certain luxuries with her that he didn't have two years ago on his own when he met and started dating the Virgo.
I was with an Aries who cheated on me and I would have wanted to know. I didn't have a clue for a long while but then things starting changing in ways I could no longer ignore. I often wonder if I could have saved some time had someone cared enough to let me know what was going on in my relationship. On the other hand I wonder whether I would have trusted the information.
Mr. Capricorn has done a bang up job keeping his affair hidden. Nothing comes to the house in terms of cell phone bills (he talks to Ms. Virgo all of the time) and she doesn't have access to his email accounts (he emails Ms. Virgo all of the time) and I doubt she ever checks his phone (very provocative text messages). I asked him whether she suspects and he said not at all. I asked him if he was going to end the relationship with Ms. Virgo and he said she is his friend and he doesn't want the friendship to end.
he or she if it was u in thie person shoes would you like it if some1 new that think bout that whil3 you're still being deceived by your supposed Lover/Companion...
I am not sure whether she has any "gut" feelings about this at all. She is not my friend, he is. She seems to be the stronger one in the relationship, making all the important decisions including their pending nuptials. He and this other woman, the Virgo, are both friends and lovers. Sometimes I just wonder what is the best thing to do. I would want to know if my husband to be maintained this type of relationship while in a relationship with me. I don't know how I would respond, but I think I would want to know. He said she is fiercely protective of him, something he likes a lot. I don't know that she would suspect anything considering his schedule doesn't appear to have obvious changes or mishaps. As I mentioned they meet up during working hours or his school days but he talks to her all of the time via email, phone, text messages and im. He talks to her while his Cancer fiance is home (computer) and any time she is out of the house.
Signed Up:
Mar 03, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 244 · Topics: 29
we usually figure it out before it happens. we can sense it in the behavior. i can sense something off by body language, change in behavior, etc. when i notice it's usually very subtle, and i will wait and let it play out for a good few weeks before i actually make a decision to confront. i want to be 100% sure, because jumping to conclusions rarely has a positive outcome.