New Cancer to the Scene

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by runthejewels on Tuesday, July 14, 2015 and has 9 replies.
I almost can't believe that people truly come here for real advice as this is just a giant hate fest. I couldn't even get passed half of these rants without laughing. I can't understand how someone can be so invested in harboring over the past. I thought cancers were supposed to be the clingy ones? I also can't believe how controlling, manipulative and dark-minded many are here (cancers and other signs). I hope it's all about internet courage and not realistic behavior. I'm concerned. Astrology is just astrology and is not meant to answer most of your questions.
Yeah? Well I think I've had enough already.

Rest your mind and spirit and trust in God or whatever your source of motivation is. How many hours a day is wasted like this? Yikes! Some of you sound a bit psychotic and vindictive. Some of you sound like you fell in love with a cartoon character and fantasized a while dra in your head. Some of you sound like you need romance to sustain life. But to say the least, I do find it interesting. I wasn't aware people play so many games (but it does help to see how my past encounter went downhill). You guys helped me to see that some people would rather play silly games and manipulate to give off a false sense of power, while forfeiting what could've been a great relationship. You guys pay too much attention to things that really don't matter and let the things that really do matter slip through your fingers. We are all a work in progress but it starts with you.
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Haha. That's oddly accurate in a way.
No, I didn't come here with any other purpose but to see what this site is all about. And that was my general observation in light of a number of these conversations. Excuse me if I make you feel insecure. Is what I said inaccurate? Anyone that knows how to read and comprehend objectively can see most of what I noted. And many of this nonsense should be looked down upon. I can see if most of what goes down here is constructive but it's not (hence my reasoning for saying something in the first place). Some things ring truth but most of it is a bunch of bs and emotional void and ego filling. Shoot me!
I understand what you're saying but you are incorrect in your assumption of me being hateful. Judgmental? Perhaps but isn't that the point of people coming here and spilling their business on the Internet? They are seeking keen and harsh criticisms aka judgments and opinions. This isn't court. You don't know me and you obviously don't understand where I'm coming from. Exhibit A (group of people) is looking for advice on how to love, find love, secure love and/or understand love (or the lack thereof), utilizing astrological knowledge. I see exhibit A looking like hate and all sorts of negative that completely deviates from accomplishing any of the aforementioned in any sort of realistic way (and mostly has nothing to do with astrological knowledge). I basically pointed out why Exhibit A may be repeating the same issues or having trouble. Basic observation. Basic advice. If you see my advice and observation as being hateful then that really sounds like a personal problem. How else can I point out the hate issue and the issue of over sensationalizing astrology without explaining exactly why I believe what I believe in? _???Perhaps colorful and cheery wording would've made a difference? Know the difference between someone hating vs someone being hateful vs someone pointing out obvious issues that stem from hate. Most of the authors of these conversations personally admit to being the hateful negative type (no judging needs to occur to understand that). It's cut and dry. Perhaps you should explore what inside of you caused such a reaction as opposed to a response. I said excuse me IFFFF I made you feel insecure. I wasn't saying you are insecure, I was excusing myself for any unintentional steps on your toes if you're feeling insecure from my comments. Obviously it led you to care enough about it to take the time to post and there is a reason why you see my opinion as funny when I was simply stating what's glaring most people in the face. Why are you so defensive? You could of simply passed it by. Simple.
Hello new Crab! I'm not following with the hate fest. Some are just trolls trying to get a rise out of others. They're pretty funny. And you wonder if some of these posters are true or just making crap up. You'll understand what I mean if you stick around.

A lot of times an OP will leave out a ton of details and we find out about it and LOL through the thread. I don't think that's hate though it's just "uhm yeah you left out WHY this happend. Now put your helmet back on and get back on the field!."

Have a wonderful smacktastic day!
I hope you had a smack-tastic day too! *five-fingered smack to your back* Ok I'm ready! Tap me back in!

Lol, who are the trolls around these parts?
Posted by runthejewels
I almost can't believe that people truly come here for real advice as this is just a giant hate fest. I couldn't even get passed half of these rants without laughing. I can't understand how someone can be so invested in harboring over the past. I thought cancers were supposed to be the clingy ones? I also can't believe how controlling, manipulative and dark-minded many are here (cancers and other signs). I hope it's all about internet courage and not realistic behavior. I'm concerned. Astrology is just astrology and is not meant to answer most of your questions.

Well, at least from my POV, it initially was frustrating with some of the posts. You make the natural assumption that someone is posting in good faith, and you answer honestly, only to find out that some *critical* details were left out of the story that would change the entire picture, usually to the detriment of the OP (original poster who started the thread). The people who run this site created the little used Validation forum, I suspect, as a joke for the number of threads that go across all the forums that are as i described.
And the trolls....some are obviously pulling chains. Some are just plain malicious. And there are a small few that that, IMHO, are downright sick (japansbestkeptsecret comes to mind).
The attention whores are obvious. You'll see them posting the most ridiculous crap to generate responses. I'd put them in the troll category, but they're not coming here generally with an agenda.
Then you have the posters with agendas (some of whom are predatory). One of them was mentioned in another post.
That said, welcome to the Internet!

It pays to keep a skeptical mind when reading here. You'll sort out who the genuine posters are.