On Sags

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by cerulean on Thursday, November 15, 2012 and has 9 replies.
I posed this question in the Leo forum and wasn't much enlightened. I was born in the Cancer-Leo cusp (so there are astrologers who label me as Cancer and some as Leo)-hence the reason for posing this question (a copy and paste) here:
Do you get along well with Sagittarians?
This is because I've been noticing a pattern for quite a long time: Those who make me edgy and uncomfortable (even when I meet them for the first time) tend to be Sagittarians (especially females). And this seems to be reciprocated too- there is a great deal of animosity from their part.
It's reached such a fine-tuned stage that I can now correctly deduce that someone is a Sag and it turns out that they are!
Any ideas? Have any of you observed something similar??
Could be your fire side is ruffled by theirs.
Fire signs tend to go to war with each other on occasion.
It's apart of the nature.
I have a heavy Sag influence, USED to have a Sag best friend.
We would annoy each other and bicker.
She was actually an extreme version of myself.
The Sag tendency to put their foot in their mouth may be what annoys you.
Everyone seems to have a problem with that so it's not just you. LOL
Posted by LunarMaiden
Could be your fire side is ruffled by theirs.
Fire signs tend to go to war with each other on occasion.
It's apart of the nature.
I have a heavy Sag influence, USED to have a Sag best friend.
We would annoy each other and bicker.
She was actually an extreme version of myself.
The Sag tendency to put their foot in their mouth may be what annoys you.
Everyone seems to have a problem with that so it's not just you. LOL

I'm a cancer/leo cusp and one of my closest friends is a Sagittarius. We used to work together and it did take us a while to get to that point; but we bonded when we were pregnant at same time and have been close since. Not to say that we don't have occasions where we get on each others' nerves smile
Sorry you didn't have any luck on the Leo Board. I must have missed it.
Sags are ok once you learn how they think. Everything is urgent and I do mean everything. There is always a crisis in their lives. The toilet overflowed, they ran out of gas, they were unfriended on facebook, someone told them they couldn't do something, their doctor told them that in 45 years they are going to need surgery..once you understand this they are cool peeps. Just look in the Sag forum...crisis after crisis. There is even a nuclear event or 2.
My work husband is a Sag. He comes to my desk everyday with another tale of woe. I just say , well why don't you do or say this and then he walks away and does it. I think they are probably the best sign to have as an employee. They follow directions very well. The key, is knowing they are not going to follow you if they have even the smallest amount of doubt that you do not know what they are talking about unlike a Pisces who will just trust that you know where you are going.
They are also very honest. Sometimes, you don't want or don't need honesty. You would prefer to loaf in ignorant land a little longer. Not going to happen with a Sag.
Thanks to everyone- it was good to get some Sag perspectives (ladybliss, Ligea) and from those close to Sags (LunarMaiden, Cancerita, Nala13), but Ligeia, your comment made me think ("You just require too much for the little you put out"). I suppose that a Crab-Leonine "too much" is viewed as "too little" by Sags.
But Jynja, you have been so helpful as always smile I think that you probably identified the root of the problem.
@ cerulean a couple weeks I believe I try to write about this in really didn't get a responses lol. I notice this same thing with a sag and a leo I no ,not only them people with other sags and leos ,recently with a aries too. Every aries I came cross in my path it was all bad. Not all leos I have problem with it seem to be outside leos that's not family . I have a grandmother ,sister inlaw ,and mother inlaw that is leos that I'm very close to them and I am so close with a leo male coworker.
Also I believe it has to do with fire and water. And my case it don't mix. I'm curious about other water signs having this problem. I remember 4 years ago I met my sag coworker for the first time in the first 15 mins I just didn't like her. she wasn't mean but I had receive vibes about her very quick. 4year later everything I thought about her was correct.
Also I'm o degrees in to cancer ,I read that signs that's on the cusp are always misunderstood. And have a hard time finding out who they are or how they fit in ,in the world.
Also I have a leo moon and leo rising ,my be its a placement thing.
Posted by ecent
Also I believe it has to do with fire and water. And my case it don't mix. I'm curious about other water signs having this problem. I remember 4 years ago I met my sag coworker for the first time in the first 15 mins I just didn't like her. she wasn't mean but I had receive vibes about her very quick. 4year later everything I thought about her was correct.
Also I'm o degrees in to cancer ,I read that signs that's on the cusp are always misunderstood. And have a hard time finding out who they are or how they fit in ,in the world.
Also I have a leo moon and leo rising ,my be its a placement thing.

*I totally agree- there are these self-fulfilling vibes and if one ignores it, the results arent that pretty for you...
There has been some amount of debate on dxpnet on cusps- most maintain that there can be only 1 sun sign. I personally find myself having crab traits but it could also be due to crab aspects in my chart. I am none the wiser...
@cerulean for along time I thought I was a gemini until I did my chart. When I read on gemini somethings was way off but somethings was true. When read on cancers it was the same response. When I was younger I felt a lot like a gemini then a cancer, now as I'm older I feel like a cancer more then a gemini. I am very intellectual and have a mind and heart battle ,I can't find this in my chart. If my chart is off I could have a virgo rising that explain my battles.
I do think cusps need to be counted for. Planets are energies for us, if u are 0 degrees in a planet how close do u think the previous planet is ,wouldn't that energy affect u. When I did my chart I was like wow I'm o degrees in cancer what the hell is this lol