I'm a cancer female and have been dating and getting to know cancer guy for the past two months. We get on great, we both feel comfortable with each other, he made so much effort taking me out for meals, cooking for me, inviting me around his home, meeting his mum briefly and his grandma and all was going so great. He is going away on his first ever holiday at the beginning of April and he just randomly text me to say that he was having second thoughts because of the holiday as he really likes me and doesn't want to hurt me if anything happens while he is on the holiday as it's not fair on me. We were not in a relationship so technically either of us could still do what we wanted so yes it does suck but i appreciate his honesty. I had a bit of an emotional moment told him I really like him too and didn't understand why he was doing this when everything was going so well between us but I hope he has a good holiday and he wished me all the best. Anyway... what I want to know is, is the likelihood that cancer guy will come back around and contact me again?
Well we're definitely past the friend zone as we have had sex just the once. On the one hand I want him to come back around as I feel like if this holiday hadn't come up, things would definitely have progressed relationship wise but then on the other hand, I don't want him to come back around as I will end up back in my feelings... it sucks being an emotional crab lol
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Sep 14, 2018Comments: 224 · Posts: 556 · Topics: 16
I don't think he deserves you if he's considering the possibility of hooking up with some random instead of being loyal to you. He either has some online hook up lined up, or he's just a player. You don't need someone like that in your life. Find a decent man with good intentions that doesn't make actual plans to hook up with someone else. He sounds like a pig and you shouldn't want to hear from him again. You're worth more than that
Thanks for the replies guys. I'll just wait and see what happens I guess