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Jun 29, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 142 · Topics: 35
What is the low down with these two as friends and potentially as a couple? If you have 1st hand knowledge of this pairing that woudlbe helpful. I know cancer men love many women, can they be true to one? If so does it matter what age they are when they settle their womanizing ways? Finally does their characteristics change if they are confined for any period during their life, and their usual life style is altered? Thanks for the info...
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Dec 04, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 107 · Topics: 14
When Cancer and Sagittarius make a love match, they both need to be patient and give the relationship time to grow and mature. As it develops, each love partner will discover that they have much to offer one another. At first, it just seems like Sagittarius is the thrill seeker who enjoys the occasional adrenaline rush, and that Cancer derives much more satisfaction from emotional security. Early in the relationship, Cancer may want more of a commitment than Sagittarius is willing to give. But as time goes by, Sagittarius will learn to appreciate the strong emotional support that Cancer offers. Essentially, Cancer is a good person who needs to deal with family and emotional issues. Cancer's hugs are world class and Cancer's snuggles are second to none. Cancer is naturally inclined to be touchy about some, but not all relatives and needs to work on the family tree and make some sense of it all. On the face of it, the restless, freedom-loving Archer and the conservative, home-oriented Crab have little in common. You share a fondness for travelling and an interest in other people, but Cancer seeks emotional sustenance, where Sagittarius is looking for adventure and the lure of the new.
Yet scratch a little deeper and some curious similarities appear. Fiery Sagittarius is the home of Jupiter, the planetary lord of healing, expansion and philosophy. Sensual Cancer, a Water Sign, is ruled by the changing Moon. Mix fire and water and you risk creating a soggy mess, but remember that when properly harnessed this mixture can create enough steam to drive a locomotive. Give each other plenty of room to move. Jupiter is optimistic, outward-looking and expansive, but the moody Moon is nurturing, inward-looking and growth-oriented. However, Cancer is the exaltation of Jupiter, so this mighty force leads both you and your Sagittarian charmer on a spiritual journey. The different ways in which this energy comes out mark the complementary facets of this otherwise unlikely pairing. Jupiter is expansive; the Moon nurtures growth. Jupiter seeks philosophical enlightenment, but the Moon waxes and wanes, so Cancer's awareness expands through harnessing deep, almost psychic powers of intuition. Help each other explore the missing parts of yourselves.
Cancer is not necessarily the most direct individual. Security is something Cancer is always aware of. Usually it's a top priority. Cancer is definitely strong and protective of turf. Essentially Sagittarius is a good sport.
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Dec 04, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 107 · Topics: 14
This combination of growth and expansion and of masculine and feminine energy can sustain the relationship, but seek to develop mutual goals and work together on projects you can share, so that the energies can be put to work instead of degenerating into jealousy and restlessness. These two lovers, Cancer and Sagittarius, have different approaches to life; Cancer lives on emotion and tradition, and Sagittarius is the restless wanderer. Cancer's emotional tidal wave can be difficult and overwhelming for Sagittarius to accept. And Cancer might be resistant to accepting their Sagittarian mate's restlessness and craving for external activities. A Cancer partner can offer a Sagittarius a secure home base, a place where Sag can go to keep their dreams and ambitions in perspective. The Sagittarius free spirit can lend Cancer's daily life a little diversity and excitement.
Folks tend to like the naturally enthusiastic Sagittarius. Sagittarius can cultivate tolerance and thus be able to get along with many different types of people. Sagittarius can get the power of positive thinking to work overtime. To do so, Sagittarius must clarify ideals and pursue life with a spirit of adventure.
Cancers sensuality and romantic imagination arouse the Archer, who is a risk-taker but really quite cerebral. Basically cautious and emotional, you Cancer find it hard to meet on common ground with this adventurous loudmouth. If you love a Sagittarian, and want the relationship to grow, give the Archer plenty of room to move and maintain a light-hearted strength, a strong home-base to which this gadabout can return when he or she tires of chasing rainbows. In the relationship between Cancer and Sagittarius adjustment is the key. You both need to give more than you get. This association requires extra sensitivity. At first, each may be somewhat irritated about each other. In time, with work, the very thing that caused the irritation may lead to personal fulfilment. You can't force growth in this alliance- go along with the changes. To beat the odds, change your routines. The Moon (Emotion) rules Cancer, and Jupiter (Philosophy) rules Sagittarius. The Moon is about love, nurturing and the maternal instinct. Jupiter focuses on expansion, optimism, luck and travel. Together this is combination of growth and expansion and of masculine and feminine energy; the two can sustain each other. When working toward a common goal, these two can combine their energies to great effect.
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Dec 04, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 107 · Topics: 14
Sagittarius can be very tactless, so resolve not to take offence at some typically gauche remark that your fiery friend might blurt out at the most inappropriate moment. The Archer's need for freedom and independence can be quite threatening, for stability and security are more important to you. Do lots of travelling together, but keep a secure home to return to and these issues can be balanced and resolved, especially if there are more compatible elements in your charts, such as Moon Sign, or Rising Sign. Otherwise it's a long road to nowhere.
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Feb 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 582 · Topics: 34
I was with a Cancer male for over 7 years when I was younger. Bad mix. He was very controlling, munipulative, abusive and he cheated. I would never ever date a cancer man again.