i been with the same guy for 5 years, i'm 29, and he's 30 so we're not young, and I was dating his best friend for 2 years BEFORE him and i started dating..
we had our good times and our bad times, because we had many things that we needed to work out.. we had different backgrounds, religions, ethnic background, etc... so NOW that we took all our steps and finally convinced both our parents (almost), he's so distant, cold, he wants to travel all the time, he is spending far more time with his friends than me, and i don't know if it's 'cold feet' or it's just a phase, cuz from dealing with him for the past 5 years, he goes thru many phases, sometimes social, emotional, physical, it's all phases.. all or nothing in almost every aspect, what should i do??? also, he loves me and respects me, but makes jokes about where i come from.. and he never shows me that he is supportive. i don't know if these are the qualities of most cancerian men or does he want us to break up but doesn't have the heart to tell me??? please let me know what you think i should do.. keep in mind that i'm a typical scorpio, emotional sensitive, with bad temper and tendency to dramatize things.
Signed Up:
Mar 08, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 828 · Topics: 22
Hmmm, don't know for sure, but he sounds a little self centered, he may love you, but he should not poke fun about where you came from, a sensitive crab should know better. As for the time away...hmmmm, sounds like he is craving independence, I say let him have it, lots of it, and let him see that you can have fun without him, if he senses a little insecurity about you having fun without him, not cheating though, he might just decide his independence could cost him you. If he comes back, it's cause he loves ya for sure, if he strays away, maybe it's cause he's longing to be free of the relationship.
Good luck!
Its a hard call because we don't know this guy.
Generally speaking though, when a cancer gets distant its bad news. Is he normally affecionate and attentive or is this his MO (he may be a rising Virgo or something in which case this behavior would be "normal"
his ascendant is libra! not leo.. sorry about that
Signed Up:
Jun 26, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 217 · Topics: 26
just give him lots of sex..