so how long you were able to move on crab?

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by crabberries on Friday, September 20, 2013 and has 13 replies.
Cancer will cry a tears alone,,, get sooo sad, depress, worried over the lost... will shut the door of her room, would shut the door of her world, no contact with friends and family just alone with God alone. She will cry, cry, cry as if theres no tomorrow, but cancer will back again, open her door, meet her family and friends with smile, smile with the world again. She is the most positive willing to help others and mother the world again, she got find a new start, cancerian know her worth veryyyy much... cancer is very patient...
So as i read this im tearing up, Because this is exactly what I have been experiencing since 8/31....
Im going through a break up, my daughter is giving me a hard time about her absent father and Just being the Taurus that she is and being defiant in school!
And this is where im at.
Dont want to talk, dont want to do anything but cry and talk to GOD....
and people say that astrology isnt bologna!
You crabs are so sweet, someone will come along a put a smile to ur face soon. What about the guys how do they handle a break up?
I'm a cancer guy, on the receiving end of a virgo hoodini act. 7 months strong now with no reason givin after I told her I loved her. It was devastating. I never cried, but was torn up inside. The worst part are the memories. I keep replaying everything, every message, reminding myself why I loved, thinking what I could have done to make her do that to me. It still hurts me even now.
Well off course I would be sad. Especially if I given my all to that person. For them to betray my love & trust, that cuts deep. Off course I wouldn't cry about it in person. Maybe around a close close friend or family member. I usually go to my room for shell time to recover. Once a Crab loves you, we love strongly. At least I do. So for a person to mess dat up, you damn right it hurts. I rather be honest & true, than to fake anything let alone feelings.
But one thing I DO know is, that God is in control at all times. No matter what hurts come my way, you gotta have faith that things will get better. Its better that particular person showed their true colors before you really really got invested in them. Besides, their trifiling azz won't have no good luck no way lol. Anyone who is hurting right now, just know there's sunlight after every dark cloud
Do they ever come back?
I've considered mirroring her silence if she does. Would that get the point across or just drive her away for good?
The silence must end or there could be no relationship. I couldn't deal with something where there is no stability and she could just pop out/cut me off like I never existed. I don't think I could just let her back in and pretend that nothing happened.
I've gone through the 7 stages of grief pretty much because of her and her unexplained silence. I can't keep going through that kind of process.
The situation with the silent virgo is more complicated than that. There were too many similarities and syncronicities that attracted me to her. We shared too many interests, hobbies and opinions, we even completed each others sentences and said the same thing at the same time. It was a love bite or twin flame connection.
A few examples of what I mean
I posted in the nostalga thread that the legend of zelda series had a strong influence on my childhood. This chick is a fanatic. The only person Ive ever known that likes the series. She wore zelda shirts and even had a tattoo.
Other similarities- we loved all the same books and authors. 1984, Farenheit 451, Animal Farm, Lord of the Flies. We are both strongly political, and influenced by these authors. We share all of the same political opinions and deeply appreciate history and the same historical figures. We were both homeschooled. We simultaneously used the words eugenics and sheep in different conversations. I can go on and on. It was like we were the same person. That doesnt just happen for no reason
I'm not sure what she ate, but I know she drank dr pepper. Ive drank that stuff 20 yeara