so i found out

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by victoriagemini on Saturday, April 30, 2016 and has 84 replies.
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Bloody hell.......I found out he lost interest in me and found a new girl but she's 38 like him which surprised me. This crab man used to date younger women like myself. Which makes the whole looking for a mother thing true. No offense 38 is not old I'm just surprised. Yes I'm dissapoited because texting me I miss you which most likely was a lie and now he has a new girl that's a lot older than me. So my question is do crab men end up with older women?
well i never rdly dated younger than me, woman is either my age or 2-5yrs older, they are more mature and i can have better convo's with them, tho not all of them, now dating aries same age as me and she looks mature, with head on her shoulders, i don't rly care about age, it's just all women i've been with was either my age or older that's all, it's not like i'm looking for younger or older, prob vibes thing or somth, how old is that guy?
Why do cancer men do what they do? No one will fucking understand their shit mentality.
Posted by rakac
well i never rdly dated younger than me, woman is either my age or 2-5yrs older, they are more mature and i can have better convo's with them, tho not all of them, now dating aries same age as me and she looks mature, with head on her shoulders, i don't rly care about age, it's just all women i've been with was either my age or older that's all, it's not like i'm looking for younger or older, prob vibes thing or somth, how old is that guy?

He's 37
Posted by libralotus
Why do cancer men do what they do? No one will fucking understand their shit mentality.

Posted by rakac
well i never rdly dated younger than me, woman is either my age or 2-5yrs older, they are more mature and i can have better convo's with them, tho not all of them, now dating aries same age as me and she looks mature, with head on her shoulders, i don't rly care about age, it's just all women i've been with was either my age or older that's all, it's not like i'm looking for younger or older, prob vibes thing or somth, how old is that guy?

Maybe so the vibe thing but could be also I'm long distance and shesnin his area.. I'm 29 btw
Posted by Impulsv
Maybe he can relate better with his age

Could be but he's very child like for his age.
I feel like men in general loves n drawn to confidence and ambition. I dnt know you but by observing your post you still come off as not as confident and doubtful in yourself. And that's ok bc u are still young and learning this life journey. From previous posts u have posted, it seem like he lost interest a long time ago. You will find an awesome guy that will give u his world but until then enjoy n date a lil! There's a lot to explore n learn.
Posted by victoriagemini
Bloody hell.......I found out he lost interest in me and found a new girl but she's 38 like him which surprised me. This crab man used to date younger women like myself. Which makes the whole looking for a mother thing true. No offense 38 is not old I'm just surprised. Yes I'm dissapoited because texting me I miss you which most likely was a lie and now he has a new girl that's a lot older than me. So my question is do crab men end up with older women?

Nm I see 37.

How is a 1 year difference someone seeking a mother figure.

He wasnt into you. Move on girlie, I think people have been suggesting that for some time Sad
Posted by victoriagemini
Posted by rakac
well i never rdly dated younger than me, woman is either my age or 2-5yrs older, they are more mature and i can have better convo's with them, tho not all of them, now dating aries same age as me and she looks mature, with head on her shoulders, i don't rly care about age, it's just all women i've been with was either my age or older that's all, it's not like i'm looking for younger or older, prob vibes thing or somth, how old is that guy?

He's 37
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so they are almost the same age while you're almost 10yrs younger, distance might be the issue because i don't think years are, distant relationship for cancer is fucking hard, i had one and i wouldn't want to do it again. Big Grin Also depends loads on moon and venus sign, when i commit i commit hard, i don't look elsewhere, most cancer's i've heard can go back and forth, but i can't if i leave i leave for good, might be mine sagiitarrius moon or leo venus, why look back, past has nothing new to say . also depends on situation of a break up, i don't give up when it's hard i'm all in, but when i'm done i'm done, i gaive my all and if a person didn't value that it's their loss rly smile everyone deserves to be happy and have the best people by them who support,trust and respect, love not who complain, scream and insult you smile
Posted by rakac
Posted by victoriagemini
Posted by rakac
well i never rdly dated younger than me, woman is either my age or 2-5yrs older, they are more mature and i can have better convo's with them, tho not all of them, now dating aries same age as me and she looks mature, with head on her shoulders, i don't rly care about age, it's just all women i've been with was either my age or older that's all, it's not like i'm looking for younger or older, prob vibes thing or somth, how old is that guy?

He's 37

so they are almost the same age while you're almost 10yrs younger, distance might be the issue because i don't think years are, distant relationship for cancer is fucking hard, i had one and i wouldn't want to do it again. Big Grin Also depends loads on moon and venus sign, when i commit i commit hard, i don't look elsewhere, most cancer's i've heard can go back and forth, but i can't if i leave i leave for good, might be mine sagiitarrius moon or leo venus, why look back, past has nothing new to say . also depends on situation of a break up, i don't give up when it's hard i'm all in, but when i'm done i'm done, i gaive my all and if a person didn't value that it's their loss rly smile everyone deserves to be happy and have the best people by them who support,trust and respect, love not who complain, scream and insult you smile
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He's a Taurus moon and Venus cancer and we were just seeing each other
Posted by justagirl
Posted by victoriagemini
Bloody hell.......I found out he lost interest in me and found a new girl but she's 38 like him which surprised me. This crab man used to date younger women like myself. Which makes the whole looking for a mother thing true. No offense 38 is not old I'm just surprised. Yes I'm dissapoited because texting me I miss you which most likely was a lie and now he has a new girl that's a lot older than me. So my question is do crab men end up with older women?

Nm I see 37.

How is a 1 year difference someone seeking a mother figure.

He wasnt into you. Move on girlie, I think people have been suggesting that for some time Sad
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I am moving on but he texted me miss you and he still has my social media. Listen I'm happy for him but sad for myself until I get better its on my mind
Posted by Honeybunniie
I feel like men in general loves n drawn to confidence and ambition. I dnt know you but by observing your post you still come off as not as confident and doubtful in yourself. And that's ok bc u are still young and learning this life journey. From previous posts u have posted, it seem like he lost interest a long time ago. You will find an awesome guy that will give u his world but until then enjoy n date a lil! There's a lot to explore n learn.

I'm confident and didn't really care for him that's why he persued me. Then I showed interest and poof. I'm just hurt and yes now I'm self conscious cuz this keeps happening to me. Men seem to only want sex from me or be friends. It suxs because I would like some romance in my life. Seems like other people find each other fast and me ....10 yes nothing. I don't know why God is hiding me.
Posted by victoriagemini
Bloody hell.......I found out he lost interest in me and found a new girl but she's 38 like him which surprised me. This crab man used to date younger women like myself. Which makes the whole looking for a mother thing true. No offense 38 is not old I'm just surprised. Yes I'm dissapoited because texting me I miss you which most likely was a lie and now he has a new girl that's a lot older than me. So my question is do crab men end up with older women?

You're kind of did you come up with the this Cancer gravitating towards a motherly figure by him dating someone his age.

Seems like an excuse to make yourself feel better about being rejected.
Posted by happyface1
Posted by victoriagemini
Bloody hell.......I found out he lost interest in me and found a new girl but she's 38 like him which surprised me. This crab man used to date younger women like myself. Which makes the whole looking for a mother thing true. No offense 38 is not old I'm just surprised. Yes I'm dissapoited because texting me I miss you which most likely was a lie and now he has a new girl that's a lot older than me. So my question is do crab men end up with older women?

You're kind of did you come up with the this Cancer gravitating towards a motherly figure by him dating someone his age.

Seems like an excuse to make yourself feel better about being rejected.
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Kinda slow? Dude wtf.
I don't feel better I feel worse. I'm happy for him sad for me. don't catch on to things very quickly. I thought you were 21 or something like that but you're 30 and kind of naive.

You need to get a grip on that or you will continue to have these issues with men.

You should go by actions not just words and social media when trying to gauge if someone is interested in you or not.
Posted by happyface1 don't catch on to things very quickly. I thought you were 21 or something like that but you're 30 and kind of naive.

You need to get a grip on that or you will continue to have these issues with men.

You should go by actions not just words and social media when trying to gauge if someone is interested in you or not.

We went out... We were physical...this is not just social media and you're going of topic. Bye felicia!
Posted by thinktoomuch
Posted by justagirl
Posted by victoriagemini
Bloody hell.......I found out he lost interest in me and found a new girl but she's 38 like him which surprised me. This crab man used to date younger women like myself. Which makes the whole looking for a mother thing true. No offense 38 is not old I'm just surprised. Yes I'm dissapoited because texting me I miss you which most likely was a lie and now he has a new girl that's a lot older than me. So my question is do crab men end up with older women?

Nm I see 37.

How is a 1 year difference someone seeking a mother figure.

He wasnt into you. Move on girlie, I think people have been suggesting
that for some time Sad

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You again? Geeeezzzz
If it makes you feel better, her age is 83 if you reverse it.
Posted by thinktoomuch
Posted by victoriagemini
Posted by thinktoomuch
Posted by justagirl
Posted by victoriagemini
Bloody hell.......I found out he lost interest in me and found a new girl but she's 38 lik
e him which surprised me. This crab man used to date younger women like myself. Which makes the whole looking for a mother thing true. No offense 38 is not old I'm just surprised. Yes I'm dissapoited because texting me I miss you which most likely was a lie and now he has a new girl that's a lot older than me. So my question is do crab men end up with older women?

Nm I see 37.

How is a 1 year difference someone
seeking a mother figure.

He wasnt into you. Move on girlie, I think people have been suggesting
that for some time Sad


You again? Geeeezzzz

I could say the same to you and this topic Big Grin
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Stop stalking me and write your own shite
Posted by Harukka
It's not about the age, believe me.

I know a man leave girl in 21 age, to marry woman in 32 years old.

I don't know what his sign..but my guess he is a cap.

No he's a cancer sun
Nobody likes rejection and it probably hurts that he picked someone else over you, but don't take it personally. This is a blessing in disguise. Now you're free to find someone who is better suited for you. She was better suited for him than you were, especially given the long distance between uou too. Would you stay with a person while a better fit came along?
Posted by victoriagemini
Posted by happyface1 don't catch on to things very quickly. I thought you were 21 or something like that but you're 30 and kind of naive.

You need to get a grip on that or you will continue to have these issues with men.

You should go by actions not just words and social media when trying to gauge if someone is interested in you or not.

We went out... We were physical...this is not just social media and you're going of topic. Bye felicia!
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Lol....right....I remember you all got physical. That's one of the reasons he never took you seriously.

I thought that was teased him with sex by playing with his penis and letting him finger you....then decided to take the high road and left him with blue balls lol
Posted by bawlikestogomoo
If it makes you feel better, her age is 83 if you reverse it.


Like I said it makes me feel worse. I'm not saying I'm better than her. Just surprised since I know he dated a lot of younger women, so I thought that's what he's attracted to. No biggie
Posted by aquarius09
Nobody likes rejection and it probably hurts that he picked someone else over you, but don't take it personally. This is a blessing in disguise. Now you're free to find someone who is better suited for you. She was better suited for him than you were, especially given the long distance between uou too. Would you stay with a person while a better fit came along?

Yes thanks know at least I had a good time with him and maybe we can be friends.
Posted by happyface1
Posted by victoriagemini
Posted by happyface1 don't catch on to things very quickly. I thought you were 21 or something like that but you're 30 and kind of naive.

You need to get a grip on that or you will continue to have these issues with men.

You should go by actions not just words and social media when trying to gauge if someone is interested in you or not.

We went out... We were physical...this is not just social media
and you're going of topic. Bye felicia!

Lol....right....I remember you all got physical. That's one of the reasons he never took you seriously.

I thought that was teased him with sex by being playing with his penis and letting him finger you....then decided to take the high road and left him with blue balls lol
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I wasn't playing him. Plus it was just a once time thing..if he was really into me he wouldn't just take that situation and leave. He was still speaking to me and I even told him I'm sorry I wasn't ready. If he hated me that much he would of stopped talking to me. Point is he just wanted sex and not to date me. Which is OK..I miss read his intentions. Now stop being cruella de ville and smell some daisies
Such a psycho.

User Submitted Image
Posted by kissmygrits
Such a psycho.

User Submitted Image

Cuz you're 38???LMAO
Posted by Harukka
Posted by kissmygrits
Such a psycho.

User Submitted Image

Maybe he leave you for kissmygrits hahah Big Grin
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I was thinking the same hahahaha
Bwahaha maybe but I've never dated a crab smile

Posted by victoriagemini
Posted by bawlikestogomoo
If it makes you feel better, her age is 83 if you reverse it.


Like I said it makes me feel worse. I'm not saying I'm better than her. Just surprised since I know he dated a lot of younger women, so I thought that's what he's attracted to. No biggie
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If you dont mind a man child, we can be DXP bf/gf until you find someone better. I like potatoes, a lot.
Posted by victoriagemini
Posted by happyface1
Posted by victoriagemini
Posted by happyface1 don't catch on to things very quickly. I thought you were 21 or something like that but you're 30 and kind of naive.

You need to get a grip on that or you will continue to have these issues with men.

You should go by actions not just words and social media when trying to gauge if someone is interested in you or not.

We went out... We were physical...this is not just social media
and you're going of topic. Bye felicia!

Lol....right....I remember you all got physical. That's one of the reasons he never took you seriously.

I thought that was teased him with sex by being playing with his penis and letting him finger you....then decided to take the high road and left him with blue balls lol

I wasn't playing him. Plus it was just a once time thing..if he was really into me he wouldn't just take that situation and leave. He was still speaking to me and I even told him I'm sorry I wasn't ready. If he hated me that much he would of stopped talking to me. Point is he just wanted sex and not to date me. Which is OK..I miss read his intentions. Now stop being cruella de ville and smell some daisies
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Okie dokie smile
Posted by victoriagemini
Posted by Impulsv
Maybe he can relate better with his age

Could be but he's very child like for his age.
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he needs a mummy smile
Posted by victoriagemini
Posted by justagirl
Posted by victoriagemini
Bloody hell.......I found out he lost interest in me and found a new girl but she's 38 like him which surprised me. This crab man used to date younger women like myself. Which makes the whole looking for a mother thing true. No offense 38 is not old I'm just surprised. Yes I'm dissapoited because texting me I miss you which most likely was a lie and now he has a new girl that's a lot older than me. So my question is do crab men end up with older women?

Nm I see 37.

How is a 1 year difference someone seeking a mother figure.

He wasnt into you. Move on girlie, I think people have been suggesting that for some time Sad

I am moving on but he texted me miss you and he still has my social media. Listen I'm happy for him but sad for myself until I get better its on my mind
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He's playing you - using texting you as an emotional bolster. It really sucks, but try to see through his BS.
Posted by victoriagemini
Posted by aquarius09
Nobody likes rejection and it probably hurts that he picked someone else over you, but don't take it personally. This is a blessing in disguise. Now you're free to find someone who is better suited for you. She was better suited for him than you were, especially given the long distance between uou too. Would you stay with a person while a better fit came along?

Yes thanks know at least I had a good time with him and maybe we can be friends.
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Let's be real, this whole "we can be friends" is just a lover waiting in the wings strategy or it's the non cut throat detachment approach. You want your crush close by as you try to get over him. Friendship doesn't include romantic feelings. You can be friends with him once you have someone that you like or have moved on.
Posted by tiziani
Posted by aquarius09
Nobody likes rejection and it probably hurts that he picked someone else over you, but don't take it personally. This is a blessing in disguise. Now you're free to find someone who is better suited for you. She was better suited for him than you were, especially given the long distance between uou too. Would you stay with a person while a better fit came along?

Lol women seem so competitive

"Picked someone else over you"

Maybe there was just no comparison.
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Don't be delusional and think for a second that it's only a woman thing. If I got a dime for everytime a guy said to me "you picked that guy over me", I'd be a rich woman.
Posted by IllaLupus
Nvm seen your sexual encounter was a one time thing

Well he got what he wanted you dangled the bait he went you ripped it out and paddled away in your boat expected him to swim after

Posted by SensitiveBlues
What I don't get is why ten threads about a guy whose not into you and never has been?

I find that weird

So him Persuing me constantly means he never was into me? Whatever
Posted by thinktoomuch
Posted by IllaLupus
Nvm seen your sexual encounter was a one time thing

Well he got what he wanted you dangled the bait he went you ripped it out and paddled away in your boat expected him to swim after

Well any human being as alowed to have sex if they want to. I don´t think we should try and tell women to hold back on having sex, if they want to. But!! Having sex will in no way gurantee you that a man stayes or even that he likes you. That´s the important thing to learn and remember.
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I'm fuqiing livid I am I take it back!
Posted by FutureSeeker
Posted by victoriagemini
Posted by happyface1 don't catch on to things very quickly. I thought you were 21 or something like that but you're 30 and kind of naive.

You need to get a grip on that or you will continue to have these issues with men.

You should go by actions not just words and social media when trying to gauge if someone is interested
in you or not.

We went out... We were physical...this is not just social media and you're going of topic. Bye felicia!

"Bye Felicia"- said by the "mature" almost 30 year old.
im sorry that you are having difficulty seeing your role in anything.
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Posted by juliette
Posted by victoriagemini
Bloody hell.......I found out he lost interest in me and found a new girl but she's 38 like him which surprised me. This crab man used to date younger women like myself. Which makes the whole looking for a mother thing true. No offense 38 is not old I'm just surprised. Yes I'm dissapoited because texting me I miss you which most likely was a lie and now he has a new girl that's a lot older than me. So my question is do crab men end up with older women?

She is 38 like him and that's how you concluded that he is looking for a mother figure? Wtf
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Because men love younger usually
Posted by Impulsv
Well uve been proven wrong apparently

Yeah with him
So anytime a man wants sex on date 2,3 or 4 he is usually not serious about the woman?
Posted by victoriagemini
Posted by juliette
Posted by victoriagemini
Bloody hell.......I found out he lost interest in me and found a new girl but she's 38 like him which surprised me. This crab man used to date younger women like myself. Which makes the whole looking for a mother thing true. No offense 38 is not old I'm just surprised. Yes I'm dissapoited because texting me I miss you which most likely was a lie and now he has a new girl that's a lot older than me. So my question is do crab men end up with older women?

She is 38 like him and that's how you concluded that he is looking for a mother figure? Wtf

Because men love younger usually
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ROFLMFAO!!.....You actually believe that tripe? "All" men after the young chickies? Some prefer them older, some like younger, some like women close to their own age, and some just don't care.

Look, you didn't have anything that deep with him, you had one touchy-feely session with him, and some dates.....and he's moved to someone else who seems to have caught his attention more than you did, so what's the big deal? Who cares how old she is or even what she looks like? Is he the last man on earth and you have to get pregnant to save the human race? No! So find another guy. It really is that simple. IF you insist on making it complicated then you COULD decide that she's smarter, prettier, has more mental connection with him, and the two of them have hours and hours of mind blowing sex while money just magically pours into their bank accounts for no real reason other than they're the most perfect match EVER......but that would be as silly as what you're currently doing by obsessing over a guy who found someone else he'd rather get jiggy with.
Posted by MoonArtist
Posted by victoriagemini
Posted by juliette
Posted by victoriagemini
Bloody hell.......I found out he lost interest in me and found a new girl but she's 38 like him which surprised me. This crab man used to date younger women like myself. Which makes the whole looking for a mother thing true. No offense 38 is not old I'm
just surprised. Yes I'm dissapoited because texting me I miss you which most likely was a lie and now he has a new girl that's a lot older than me. So my question is do crab men end up with older women?

She is 38 like him and that's how you concluded that he is looking for a mother figure? Wtf

Because men love younger usually

ROFLMFAO!!.....You actually believe that tripe
? "All" men after the young chickies? Some prefer them older, some like younger, some like women close to their own age, and some just don't care.

Look, you didn't have anything that deep with him, you had one touchy-feely session with him, and some dates.....and he's moved to someone else who seems to have caught his attention more than you did, so what's the big deal? Who cares how old she is or even what she looks like? Is
he the last man on earth and you have to get pregnant to save the human race? No! So find another guy. It really is that simple. IF you insist on making it complicated then you COULD decide that she's smarter, prettier, has more mental connection with him, and the two of them have hours and hours of mind blowing sex while money just magically pours into their bank accounts for no real reason other than they're the most perfect match EVER
......but that would be as silly as what you're currently doing
by obsessing over a guy who found someone else he'd rather get jiggy with.
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You don't get keeps happening to me. Not just him. Every men I think wants to persue something with me in the end its only about sex. And I mean the guys I am attracted too as well not dudes that hit me up and I feel nothing for them. That's why this hurts really bad. I'm 29 and I Never Never had a boyfriend.
Posted by victoriagemini
Posted by MoonArtist
Posted by victoriagemini
Posted by juliette
Posted by victoriagemini
Bloody hell.......I found out he lost interest in me and found a new girl but she's 38 like him which surprised me. This crab man used to date younger women like myself. Which makes the whole looking for a mother thing true. No offense 38 is not old I'm
just surprised. Yes I'm dissapoited because texting me I miss you which most likely was a lie and now he has a new girl that's a lot older than me. So my question is do crab men end up with older women?

She is 38 like him and that's how you concluded that he is looking for a mother figure? Wtf

Because men love younger usually

ROFLMFAO!!.....You actually believe that tripe
? "All" men after the young chickies? Some prefer them older, some like younger, some like women close to their own age, and some just don't care.

Look, you didn't have anything that deep with him, you had one touchy-feely session with him, and some dates.....and he's moved to someone else who seems to have caught his attention more than you did, so what's the big deal? Who cares how old she is or even what she looks like? Is
he the last man on earth and you have to get pregnant to save the human race? No! So find another guy. It really is that simple. IF you insist on making it complicated then you COULD decide that she's smarter, prettier, has more mental connection with him, and the two of them have hours and hours of mind blowing sex while money just magically pours into their bank accounts for no real reason other than they're the most perfect match EVER
......but that would be as silly as what you're currently doing
by obsessing over a guy who found someone else he'd rather get jiggy with.

You don't get keeps happening to me. Not just him. Every men I think wants to persue something with me in the end its only about sex. And I mean the guys I am attracted too as well not dudes that hit me up and I feel nothing for them. That's why this hurts really bad. I'm 29 and I Never Never had a boyfriend.
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I have no advice on that, I'm just talking about your current fixation about this guy.
Listen Victoria, all men want sex. That's their final destination with a woman. There are no hard rules on when you should sleep with a guy to get him to commit to you. Sex shouldn't even be a factor when it comes to keeping a male. Women think sleeping with a man and at what stage is crucial in keeping them. These are all social constructs. You gotta hook a guy on your personality.

The simple advice to keeping a man/female is the following:

People, at the end of the day, will remember how someone makes them feel. If it's a good feeling, then they seek you out. If it's a bad feeling, they would love nothing more than to get away from you. If you made them feel neutral, that's nothing special and you hold no value. The mark anyone should try to reach is making someone feel good about themselves. This goes back to your personality meshing with his. If your personality meshed well with his, then you would have made him feel good and he would stick to you. I personally feel that you made him feel neutral until someone who made him feel good came along. It has nothing to do with age or whether you slept with him or not or what not.
Posted by aquarius09
Listen Victoria, all men want sex. That's their final destination with a woman. There are no hard rules on when you should sleep with a guy to get him to commit to you. Sex shouldn't even be a factor when it comes to keeping a male. Women think sleeping with a man and at what stage is crucial in keeping them. These are all social constructs. You gotta hook a guy on your personality.

The simple advice to keeping a man/female is the following:

People, at the end of the day, will remember how someone makes them feel. If it's a good feeling, then they seek you out. If it's a bad feeling, they would love nothing more than to get away from you. If you made them feel neutral, that's nothing
special and you hold no value. The mark anyone should try to reach is making someone feel good about themselves. This goes back to your personality meshing with his. If your personality meshed well with his, then you would have made him feel good and he would stick to you. I personally feel that you made him feel neutral until someone who made him feel good came along. It has nothing to do with age or whether you slept with him or
not or what not.

God this doesn't at all make me feel better. It makes me feel worse. How the fuq I made him feel nothing for me. After the first date he asked for another that's why I'm mindblown right now! Except at that second meeting we ended up in bed. So I blew his ego but not having sex and that was bad vibes? But then again he still communicated with me...them telling me mis are sweet I like that...and now boom he has a girl.. Understand this is confusing me a lot.