Posted by GC01Yea I might be but just wondering if dudes have a sixth sense about it
Did he cum in you? Are you on any type of birth control? What if you are pregnant!? ?
Posted by -Flo-Dang that's nuts
Pisces knew I was pregnant a week before I tested positive.
Posted by -Flo-Weird I've never had a guy say that to me before! I kind of hope I amPosted by Stensco21Yeah he kept rubbing my stomach in his sleep for days. I would slap him off, he proceeded and it drove me nuts. Until he mumbled baby while sleeping and I freaked out.. my period was two days late, I took a test and there it was baby.Posted by -Flo-Dang that's nuts
Pisces knew I was pregnant a week before I tested to expand
Posted by -Flo-This guy has it too the on point intuitionPosted by Stensco21Yeah that voodoo intuition lmaoPosted by -Flo-Weird I've never had a guy say that to me before! I kind of hope I amPosted by Stensco21Yeah he kept rubbing my stomach in his sleep for days. I would slap him off, he proceeded and it drove me nuts. Until he mumbled baby while sleeping and I freaked out.. my period was two days late, I took a test and there it was baby.Posted by -Flo-Dang that's nuts
Pisces knew I was pregnant a week before I tested positive.
He was always on point about to expand
Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeShe is Scorpio moon and he is a saggie moon... I didn't want to piss in her cheerios... Cause I know she is into this guy... But moons are super important in a long term relationship...Posted by Cancan26Lol what's his moon
Yikes I hope not your moons is not compatible ....
click to expand
Posted by CaramelizedCoffeePosted by Cancan26Hmmmmmm i think fire moons go crazy over scorpio moons. It's the scorpio moons who fuk everything upPosted by CaramelizedCoffeeShe is Scorpio moon and saggie moon... I didn't want to piss in her cheerios... Cause I know she is into this guy... But moons are super important in a long term relationship...Posted by Cancan26Lol what's his moon
Yikes I hope not your moons is not compatible ....![]()
Anyways so what you think about taurus and leo moon compatibility
I myself do not care for most fire moons. I mean i don't really attract them
I attract more water moons or earthclick to expand
Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeOh my gosh yesssssa! Or another Leo moon would be good to... Kind of a king to your queen type of deal..
I think i need a gemini moon. Leo and gemini moon go great together
Or libra moon
But they're so chatty
Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeI know lol!Posted by Stensco21Girl all this is bs if you love the man its all good
I have a ton of sag placements and Venus in sag. I love his sag moonclick to expand
Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeNah I don't agree in the aqua /Scorpio moon co worker... They will start off heavy, hard and fast like opposites do.. The CRASH AND BURN.. It would be a disaster the sun and the moon are opposite -_- a little opposition is fun a lot is a mess...Posted by Cancan26He's very airy. Gemini venus to my leo venus. Libra mars to my Virgo marsPosted by CaramelizedCoffeePosted by Cancan26Hmmmmmm i think fire moons go crazy over scorpio moons. It's the scorpio moons who fuk everything upPosted by CaramelizedCoffeeShe is Scorpio moon and saggie moon... I didn't want to piss in her cheerios... Cause I know she is into this guy... But moons are super important in a long term relationship...Posted by Cancan26Lol what's his moon
Yikes I hope not your moons is not compatible ....![]()
Anyways so what you think about taurus and leo moon compatibility
I myself do not care for most fire moons. I mean i don't really attract them
I attract more water moons or earth.. Well Taurus moon and Leo moon is not compatible either BUT in your case you have bit of synastry going guess is the Leo was attracted to you because of your moon since his sun is in Leo and of course your cancer sun probably really likes the Taurus moon... What's the rest of his chart
Chiron in taurus..
He is way more compatible with my aqua sun scorpio moon coworker
To be honest nobody is compatible with A cancer sun Leo Moon
We have a tough life
But i do like Aries in generalclick to expand
Posted by -Flo-Your the only one....
I love Scorpio moons.
Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeNigga I happen to like poetry. I think he got embarrassed cuz he's been pretty white after that lolPosted by SomeSortOfMermaidRight. I was like what is this poetic bs
He probably knows he came in you/something was up with protection or something to that effect.
smh @ "I feel it in my soul"
Why are some water folks so cringe?click to expand
Posted by Stensco21QuitePosted by CaramelizedCoffeeNigga I happen to like poetry. I think he got embarrassed cuz he's been pretty white after that lolPosted by SomeSortOfMermaidRight. I was like what is this poetic bs
He probably knows he came in you/something was up with protection or something to that effect.
smh @ "I feel it in my soul"
Why are some water folks so cringe?click to expand
Posted by CaramelizedCoffeePosted by Cancan26She's incompatible though according to you. So. I would go seek a more compatible sign for you to be held byPosted by -Flo-Your the only one....
I love Scorpio moons.
Hold meh big daddy![]()
*whisphers never let me go*
click to expand
Posted by xXxQueenliciaXxXI kind of took it as a hint that he wants to get me preg and see what I would say
I've had guys say similar things to me. It's called wishful thinking.
Sometimes they end up being right, but it's not because they "knew". It's pure luck that they guessed correctly.
Guys don't know anything. They're stupid.
Posted by d0s3rHe don't lol
ask him if he's got enough money and guts to raise that baby
Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeI said I ain't preg and then said that baby gonna come out all redneck and then he stopped texting so idk it got awkward. Idk what I should have said or what he wanted me to say
I see it in my soul is not even poetry its straight lame
Did he start singing hymns soon after
Or ride a white horse
Posted by xXxQueenliciaXxXPosted by Stensco21Posted by xXxQueenliciaXxXI kind of took it as a hint that he wants to get me preg and see what I would say
I've had guys say similar things to me. It's called wishful thinking.
You think that what he was doing?
Sometimes they end up being right, but it's not because they "knew". It's pure luck that they guessed correctly.
Guys don't know anything. They're stupid. to expand
Posted by xXxQueenliciaXxXI honestly wouldn't care if I got preg and I'm just trying to figure out why the hell he said that! If he's nervous about it or genuienely wants me to bePosted by Stensco21Posted by xXxQueenliciaXxXPosted by Stensco21Posted by xXxQueenliciaXxXI kind of took it as a hint that he wants to get me preg and see what I would say
I've had guys say similar things to me. It's called wishful thinking.
You think that what he was doing?
Sometimes they end up being right, but it's not because they "knew". It's pure luck that they guessed correctly.
Guys don't know anything. They're stupid.
I think it's a possibility.
What I can tell for certain is that he has getting you pregnant on his mind and he seems all for it.
If you don't want to be pregnant, be careful. He might try to to "accidentally" cum in to expand
Posted by CaramelizedCoffeePosted by Stensco21Lol you black he white?Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeI said I ain't preg and then said that baby gonna come out all redneck and then he stopped texting so idk it got awkward. Idk what I should have said or what he wanted me to say
I see it in my soul is not even poetry its straight lame
Did he start singing hymns soon after
Or ride a white horseclick to expand
Posted by xXxQueenliciaXxXCool yea he's responsible but I make a ton of money so I'm not worried about that lol not taking it lightly but I'm fine in that areaPosted by Stensco21Posted by xXxQueenliciaXxXI honestly wouldn't care if I got preg and I'm just trying to figure out why the hell he said that! If he's nervous about it or genuienely wants me to bePosted by Stensco21Posted by xXxQueenliciaXxXPosted by Stensco21Posted by xXxQueenliciaXxXI kind of took it as a hint that he wants to get me preg and see what I would say
I've had guys say similar things to me. It's called wishful thinking.
You think that what he was doing?
Sometimes they end up being right, but it's not because they "knew". It's pure luck that they guessed correctly.
Guys don't know anything. They're stupid.
I think it's a possibility.
What I can tell for certain is that he has getting you pregnant on his mind and he seems all for it.
If you don't want to be pregnant, be careful. He might try to to "accidentally" cum in you.
One thing I've learned about guys, if it makes them uncomfortable, they won't bring it up. They tend to keep topics that make them uncomfortable to themselves.
So the fact that he brought it up and in the way that he did it, makes it pretty obvious that he wants to knock you up. Or at least least likes the idea of knocking you up.
I saw you say to one poster that he's not financially equipped to handle having a child, but you said to me that you don't care if he knocks you up. That's pretty irresponsible on both sides.
Do not bring a child into this world if you're not mentally and financially ready for one. It's incredibly to expand
Posted by xXxQueenliciaXxXLol prb he loves being at home little cancerPosted by Stensco21Posted by xXxQueenliciaXxXCool yea he's responsible but I make a ton of money so I'm not worried about that lol not taking it lightly but I'm fine in that areaPosted by Stensco21Posted by xXxQueenliciaXxXI honestly wouldn't care if I got preg and I'm just trying to figure out why the hell he said that! If he's nervous about it or genuienely wants me to bePosted by Stensco21Posted by xXxQueenliciaXxXPosted by Stensco21Posted by xXxQueenliciaXxXI kind of took it as a hint that he wants to get me preg and see what I would say
I've had guys say similar things to me. It's called wishful thinking.
You think that what he was doing?
Sometimes they end up being right, but it's not because they "knew". It's pure luck that they guessed correctly.
Guys don't know anything. They're stupid.
I think it's a possibility.
What I can tell for certain is that he has getting you pregnant on his mind and he seems all for it.
If you don't want to be pregnant, be careful. He might try to to "accidentally" cum in you.
One thing I've learned about guys, if it makes them uncomfortable, they won't bring it up. They tend to keep topics that make them uncomfortable to themselves.
So the fact that he brought it up and in the way that he did it, makes it pretty obvious that he wants to knock you up. Or at least least likes the idea of knocking you up.
I saw you say to one poster that he's not financially equipped to handle having a child, but you said to me that you don't care if he knocks you up. That's pretty irresponsible on both sides.
Do not bring a child into this world if you're not mentally and financially ready for one. It's incredibly selfish.
And yea I think him bringing it up was a hint
Is he ready to be a stay at home dad?click to expand
Posted by Stensco21Cancer men LOVE talking about impregnating their female. It's like foreplay for them.
And I said lol why you say that
And he said I can feel it in my soul
Why does he think that? Has anyone's bf ever guessed that they were preg
Posted by LadyNeptuneI was kind of thinking the same thing too lolPosted by Stensco21Cancer men LOVE talking about impregnating their female. It's like foreplay for them.
And I said lol why you say that
And he said I can feel it in my soul
Why does he think that? Has anyone's bf ever guessed that they were pregclick to expand
Posted by Astrology101Cancer why?Posted by Stensco21What's his mars sign?
I think he thinks we're soul mates
He always says you know we are meant to be
And you know we're supposed to be together so idk guess I'm in a romantic sitcom I didn't know I was in heheclick to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneMy cancer mars understands what you saying herePosted by Stensco21Cancer men LOVE talking about impregnating their female. It's like foreplay for them.
And I said lol why you say that
And he said I can feel it in my soul
Why does he think that? Has anyone's bf ever guessed that they were pregclick to expand
Posted by Astrology101Posted by Cancan26I've heard of Scorp and Sagi Moons getting married tho.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeShe is Scorpio moon and he is a saggie moon... I didn't want to piss in her cheerios... Cause I know she is into this guy... But moons are super important in a long term relationship...Posted by Cancan26Lol what's his moon
Yikes I hope not your moons is not compatible ....
click to expand
Posted by -Flo-Don't scare me!!! Cap told me about over 2 months ago, if I had my girl pregnant, I'd be like this (starts rubbing my tummy and baby talk) I sort of by inertia put my hand on his head and passed my fingers through his hair and then he smiled and we kept walking.Posted by Stensco21Yeah he kept rubbing my stomach in his sleep for days. I would slap him off, he proceeded and it drove me nuts. Until he mumbled baby while sleeping and I freaked out.. my period was two days late, I took a test and there it was baby.Posted by -Flo-Dang that's nuts
Pisces knew I was pregnant a week before I tested to expand
Posted by -Flo-Well Piscis are highly intuitive and psychics.Posted by AerazoYeah but it's one thing to say it might happen and than actually predict that it will.Posted by -Flo-Don't scare me!!! Cap told me about over 2 months ago, if I had my girl pregnant, I'd be like this (starts rubbing my tummy and baby talk) I sort of by inertia put my hand on his head and passed my fingers through his hair and then he smiled and we kept walking.Posted by Stensco21Yeah he kept rubbing my stomach in his sleep for days. I would slap him off, he proceeded and it drove me nuts. Until he mumbled baby while sleeping and I freaked out.. my period was two days late, I took a test and there it was baby.Posted by -Flo-Dang that's nuts
Pisces knew I was pregnant a week before I tested positive.
His was asleep when he said and did this, not even aware the next morning. His intuition is pretty strong, not just for that but for to expand
Posted by -Flo-???Posted by Aerazo*fixedPosted by -Flo-Well penis are highly intuitive and psychics.Posted by AerazoYeah but it's one thing to say it might happen and than actually predict that it will.Posted by -Flo-Don't scare me!!! Cap told me about over 2 months ago, if I had my girl pregnant, I'd be like this (starts rubbing my tummy and baby talk) I sort of by inertia put my hand on his head and passed my fingers through his hair and then he smiled and we kept walking.Posted by Stensco21Yeah he kept rubbing my stomach in his sleep for days. I would slap him off, he proceeded and it drove me nuts. Until he mumbled baby while sleeping and I freaked out.. my period was two days late, I took a test and there it was baby.Posted by -Flo-Dang that's nuts
Pisces knew I was pregnant a week before I tested positive.
His was asleep when he said and did this, not even aware the next morning. His intuition is pretty strong, not just for that but for everything.
?click to expand
Posted by d0s3rI can see that
for some guys, getting you pregnant is control.
ur body gets ruined and u become a mother. now other men don't look your way. he feeds you illusions of being soulmates, a better reason to submit to him since he alone is undesirable without the fate provided by a higher power.
now ur pregnant and ur stuck with him - he has the power he wanted. even if you eventually see past the soulmates bs, ur trapped now.
yea i'm projecting
Posted by EllygantHis Venus and sun and mars fall in my fifth and seventh house
Scorpio is also the solar fifth house for Cancers. It's common for them to feel a fifth house like draw to us in general, romance, sex and children.
Posted by EllygantCan you explain the solar fifth house to me?Posted by Stensco21Yeah he totally wants to knock up and lock you down. The toothbrush was only the beginning.Posted by EllygantHis Venus and sun and mars fall in my fifth and seventh house
Scorpio is also the solar fifth house for Cancers. It's common for them to feel a fifth house like draw to us in general, romance, sex and children.
Be careful though, Cancers that rush into things quickly often side step just as fast when they realize they've committed to more than they were truly ready to expand
Posted by EllygantWould those planet placements make me want him or him want me? Or both?Posted by Stensco21Yeah he totally wants to knock up and lock you down. The toothbrush was only the beginning.Posted by EllygantHis Venus and sun and mars fall in my fifth and seventh house
Scorpio is also the solar fifth house for Cancers. It's common for them to feel a fifth house like draw to us in general, romance, sex and children.
Be careful though, Cancers that rush into things quickly often side step just as fast when they realize they've committed to more than they were truly ready to expand
Posted by EllygantPosted by Stensco21Planets in the fifth means the idea of it will be comfortable to you. Planets in the seventh means you connect with him over whatever the planet rules.Posted by EllygantWould those planet placements make me want him or him want me? Or both?Posted by Stensco21Yeah he totally wants to knock up and lock you down. The toothbrush was only the beginning.Posted by EllygantHis Venus and sun and mars fall in my fifth and seventh house
Scorpio is also the solar fifth house for Cancers. It's common for them to feel a fifth house like draw to us in general, romance, sex and children.
Be careful though, Cancers that rush into things quickly often side step just as fast when they realize they've committed to more than they were truly ready for.
Typically the planet person gives the energ and the house person receives it in the area of their life. Sometimes aspects might counter this though.
If you also have planets in his fourth, fifth or seventh, in addition to any moon-mars contacts, I would not be having unprotected sex, just to play it safe lmao.
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Posted by EllygantPosted by Stensco21I think you two probably really want to make babies together. Lol.Posted by EllygantPosted by Stensco21Planets in the fifth means the idea of it will be comfortable to you. Planets in the seventh means you connect with him over whatever the planet rules.Posted by EllygantWould those planet placements make me want him or him want me? Or both?Posted by Stensco21Yeah he totally wants to knock up and lock you down. The toothbrush was only the beginning.Posted by EllygantHis Venus and sun and mars fall in my fifth and seventh house
Scorpio is also the solar fifth house for Cancers. It's common for them to feel a fifth house like draw to us in general, romance, sex and children.
Be careful though, Cancers that rush into things quickly often side step just as fast when they realize they've committed to more than they were truly ready for.
Typically the planet person gives the energ and the house person receives it in the area of their life. Sometimes aspects might counter this though.
If you also have planets in his fourth, fifth or seventh, in addition to any moon-mars contacts, I would not be having unprotected sex, just to play it safe lmao.![]()
Lol his mars is cancer my moon is Scorpio
My mars is libra his moon is sag.
What you think?
His Pluto is conjunct my sun and moon and Mercury too
But just be careful. Want, connection and being on the same level is so important to us water signs. So if you both are sharing in that it's easy to get wrapped up in it. We often overlook the more important practical realities when we feel a strong connection.
Especially since Scorpio, Sag, Libra and Cancer energies can be rather impatient or downright impulsive when it comes to wanting to expand
Posted by ShadowcatIt's weird huh??? LolPosted by Stensco21Lol that would creep me out
And I said lol why you say that
And he said I can feel it in my soul
Why does he think that? Has anyone's bf ever guessed that they were pregclick to expand
Posted by EllygantTrue lol he's needyPosted by Stensco21Lmao. So it begins.
He didn't text me for two days and after I texted him this morning he said he was going to wait to see how long it would take me to text back
Remember crabs are like scorps. They want someone to give them security without them having to ask for it.
Ballsy of him to admit it and offer up an explanation tho. What are his other placements?click to expand
Posted by WonderlesswaveI actually like it lmao
Wait lol i dont wanna skim through the thread
But did you dodge the bullet ??
If a guy ever told me he got me pregnant id bounce i already heard that shit once and i ain't having it.
Posted by WonderlesswavePosted by Stensco21Lmfao word ??Posted by WonderlesswaveI actually like it lmao
Wait lol i dont wanna skim through the thread
But did you dodge the bullet ??
If a guy ever told me he got me pregnant id bounce i already heard that shit once and i ain't having it.
Fuck that ? nahh alright go for it
A libra rubbed my stomach and told me that shit ommmmgclick to expand
Posted by WonderlesswaveShit! I bet I am too lmaoPosted by Stensco21Lmfao no I really was pregnant aint no fucking pick up linePosted by WonderlesswavePosted by Stensco21Lmfao word ??Posted by WonderlesswaveI actually like it lmao
Wait lol i dont wanna skim through the thread
But did you dodge the bullet ??
If a guy ever told me he got me pregnant id bounce i already heard that shit once and i ain't having it.
Fuck that ? nahh alright go for it
A libra rubbed my stomach and told me that shit ommmmg
Lmao it's prb just a pickup line and us girls are not getting itclick to expand