Sorry You are so Depressed and unhappy LS!

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by krobe03 on Saturday, July 28, 2007 and has 143 replies.
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You came on here asking people for advice on your situation with a Cancer man. You were complaining, whining, groveling, and complaining about a man who obviously pick up the same negativity and left. If you did not like what I (krobe) anyone else wrote, you should not have posted. You got the TRUTH on how you appear then and now. You are unhappy within yourself, YOU and the rest of the GROUP of negativity. But, I have noticed you all are wishing and praying, hijacking boards for your SELF absorbption, and it has chased alot of the CANCER males completely off the boards.
Lol....luv it!
Damn, maybe I need medication
moon eyes - this was krobe's attempt at offending lady scorp and "getting her back" for being the one to finally call her out on her BS.......
lol....Look I didn't scare the cancer males away!!
Kel must of smelled my pheromones
did you notice he came in AFTER someone else left?... who's REALLY scaring them away ??
yea...I noticed
Don't go Moon..we love u!
no reason to go moon - we were just explaining to you what was going on
BTW is everything ok? u didn't revive posts from 1978 tonight
moon has been in the astrology forum today
lol stalker
I wasn't stalking - cancer is my first home, but I do go into other forums you know :0p
I baked a caked today Moon, want a piece? There's sprinkles on the frosting
nah moon don't even worry about it - we're just catching you up to speed
I really wanted to bake a cake..... but I'm just so damn lazy right now..... venus is in retrograde....
venus is in retrograde....
i gotta look up what that means
it means venus themes [love, beauty, and money] will go haywire right now - especially for me since I am ruled by venus.... and venus retrograde tends to make you lazy since it emphasizes self-indulgence
I'll have some ice cream
of course you do - you are a cancer - and we love cancers, even when they worry too much :0)
what kind of cake did you make ?
* catches one of the hearts moon threw*
don't mind if I give this to someone do you?
thanks ;0)
I'll hold onto it for later then.
where is your dxp botfriend?
vanilla cake
yall had so much fun without me, Im hurt. Cake and sprinkles and everything. And Angel My Cancer love called me...Im SO feeling the affects of that retrograde. It gets back on track some time in the second week of August right?
I think september 9th... but maybe that's when venus moves out of virgo - I'd have to check, I think I got it mixed up - I know you guys think I'm perfect but shhhh don't tell one I'm NOT !
please tell me it gets straight before then. lol My cancer is ...being weird and I cant even hardly think straight to know what to do.
sooooo..... he called what happened ?? come on girl details !
lol thank you Mooooon, you're so wonderful!
well - I'm sorry to be right.... but venus moves out of virgo on aiugust 8th but remains retrograde until september 8th
He called me and was all ready to answer my questions and apologize. Then I was telling him how much I missed him and I could tell he was beaming through the phone. And he said he thought I was still holding something against him for not calling so I laughed and pretended to go off on him and I got kinda aggressive and told him I really need some time with him. He said he liked it then told me that he wants me to have his kids and be his wife and then he started calling himself by the nickname I gave him "Mr.SexyTooD*mnFine". At first I thought it was cute, but if he's serious...ok Im scared he's serious...but thats another post
He's been talking about wanting a family for a while now and all this marriage stuff. I think we scare the shet out of one another personally. Im so ready to run from him.
no.....i think its the roving pack of wild females that have taken over the cancer board as thier territory and set up there own version of "the view" that has ran the male cancers off Tongue
see Moon thats it...I think he's serious...only because, its kind of personal but he takes sex REALLY seriously and he gets in a mood when he knows there's no procreation involved and EVERYTIME i say something about my appetite or my stomach hurting he says something about it "just being his baby". He's like a woman with baby blues
u could make it real interesting for us cancer males if u guys could maybe recap for us your favorite shows off of the lifetime channel this past week.......
i wouldnt even say we're in a serious relationship...I guess the feelings are serious but the titles arent. I haven't known him that long although I trust him...see how this leads to fear?
lmao cj you're SO funny. please dont let us run you off lol. We're here for your kind (the ellusive exclusive Cancer male ladies and gentlemen)
CJ - if you guys weren't so busy hiding out in your shells there would be more cancer fun.... but you giuys are off hiding so we have to entertain ourselves...
SF - he may be trying to get your reaction..... but if you're not confortable with it I'm sure you can find a way to tell him that without hurting his feelings
Damn, another cancer male...Hi CJ
Naw Im ok reacting to it. I told him how I feel about it. Just...I dont know...I've been like in this weird confusion and the more I try to think about it the more confused I feel. I guess I feel the same way he does when it feels like pressure is coming to make a decision on how serious this relationship is going to be. I trust him mostly because things havent gotten really "hurt if you leave" deep. Of course I'd love to stay his friend no matter what happens, but its easy to say that now because we're not really out on the ledge yet.
see....when they disappear we're keeping ourselves busy soon as they come back it's all about them - so what's to comaplain about ?
lol Angel you picked that up quick
yeah -it's dangerous ground. once you reach that point there's no going back.
im not sure what the deal is with your cancers but i love company in my shell. stuffs not half as cool if theres noone there to share it with....