Posted by xMoonManPosted by LunarMaiden
We are the romantic jewels of summer.
From the bright hot sunny days to the cool moonlit nights.
Romance, laughter, hope, beauty; It's our time!!
How are you spending your summer?
Not in the southern hemisphere it aint!!
We are winter babies down under.
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Posted by xMoonManPosted by LunarMaidenPosted by xMoonManPosted by LunarMaiden
We are the romantic jewels of summer.
From the bright hot sunny days to the cool moonlit nights.
Romance, laughter, hope, beauty; It's our time!!
How are you spending your summer?
Not in the southern hemisphere it aint!!
We are winter babies down under.
Why won't you and your country cooperate??!!!
Coz that's how we roll, baby!
LunarM, I hope you find yourself a summer romance that blossoms into something special.....
Perhaps a handsome & charismatic Lion will wander by your cool refreshing rock pool and take a dip.
Some cats like to expand
Posted by xMoonManPosted by LunarMaiden
Yeah, you know, a Leo dude
I just thought with your Sag Asc | Moon, your Leo Merc | Venus, and Aries Mars (lot of fire!)
That a charming and charismatic Leo guy might suit you.
There's one particular year close to you which provided a Leo Sun with a Libra Moon, Cancer Venus and Leo Mars
The previous year to this offered up a Leo Sun, Libra Moon, Cancer Venus, Virgo Merc & Aqua Mars
Keep your eyes open chicky babe, it's a jungle out there.
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