Sun/Moon Combinations: Cancer Sun

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by LunarMaiden on Monday, April 22, 2013 and has 6 replies.

You are passionately emotional and often temperamental. It??s nearly impossible for you to hide those strong feelings of yours, which can lead to regularly occurring explosions or temper tantrums. Sometimes, you are like that terrible two-year-old who cries and screams until they get what they want. Then, they quickly move on. You??re not one to wallow in your feelings and you especially don??t like feeling like a baby, even when you act like one. ???I can do it!?? will be your invariable response to anyone who tries to interfere with your independence. But, still, you are quite sensitive and need the people around you much more than you let on. And although you may not be or feel particularly patient or nurturing, you are quick to defend loved ones and even fight their battles for them.
Celebrity Male: Kevin Bacon
Celebrity Female: Pamela Anderson
Innately warm and cozy, you instinctively know how to make people feel at ease. There is a very strong, down-home vibe about you. All the simple and traditional values like home, family, and security mean the world to you. So much so that you regularly resist the slightest changes in any of those areas. With loved ones, you can be especially possessive. It??s a sort of emotional quid pro quo, in that you crave and subtly demand the same amount of comfort from family and friends that you give them. When you don??t receive it, that??s when you feel off kilter. Because, although you are normally emotionally balanced and stable, your moods and feelings are devastating whenever you??re out of whack. Therefore, your primary motivation is to constantly maintain that inner sense of serenity.
Celebrity Male: Corey Feldman
Celebrity Female: Meryl Streep
A pretty erratic emotional nature can make you volatile and unpredictable. You can be up and then down with the snap of a finger. Known for your changeable ways, people may see you as sort of ???bi-polar??. Sometimes you are cool and easygoing while at other times you can work yourself into an emotional frenzy. Then, everything on your mind comes pouring out, to the point where you can??t even stop yourself. You have to go on such dramatic rants at times, because it fulfills your fundamental need to vent. There is an openness about you, as you like to be able to freely get feelings off your chest. You encourage this open dialogue with others. You make a fantastic counselor as people feel like they can tell you anything. Typically, you always know just what to say to comfort people and make them feel better.
Celebrity Male: 50 Cent
Celebrity Female: Jessica Simpson
Like the tides of the ocean, you have a distinct way of extending yourself and then retreating emotionally. You have a very powerful ability to feel your way through situations and respond accordingly. It??s true that you react more than you act, but this shouldn??t be thought of as a negative quality. You??re effortlessly tapped into your intuitions and your emotions. Whether a man or woman, you don??t struggle to connect with your feeling side. And it dominates your actions much more than your rational mind does. This does make you very moody and irrational at times. You don??t really process things before you do them, which can make you appear like a bit of a ???lunatic?? to others. Yet, this also gives you a very deep connection with those around you. You??re extremely tuned in to the needs of others and dedicated to meeting them.
Celebrity Male: Prince William
Celebrity Female: Sofia Vergara
You may have a bit of a protective shell around you, but you very brightly burst out of it when the time is right. Exceedingly warm and effusive, you??re not one to hold back your feelings and can be easily hurt by those that do. You have a childlike vulnerability and neediness, requiring an above-average amount of tender loving care. But, that??s not to say you can??t be strong. In fact, you??re quite fierce and courageous when you need to be. You recover quickly from most hurts and disappointments, although your pride may take longer to heal. But, rarely do you crumble. Still, the emotional episodes in your life are worthy of a daytime soap opera. Truth be told, you get off on expressing your feelings in such a way. There is always a touch of drama in your personal relationships.
Celebrity Male: Tom Hanks
Celebrity Female: Lil Kim
You??re a bit of a tough-love nurturer. You often refuse to give a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down. That wouldn??t do them any good. Although some may not like this method, you really do only have their best interests in mind. The well-being of your loved ones is a huge concern for you. You worry a lot about them. But, then again, you worry a lot about almost everything. It??s your knee-jerk reaction. By nature, you are very analytical. So, while you can suffer from a lot of anxiety, you??re always trying to make sense out of how you feel. This keeps you, most of the time, from being too irrational. Still, you??re more sensitive than you let on, which may not be apparent from the cool, collected vibe you give off. People have to do their fair share of work to cross those barriers of yours.
Celebrity Male: Bill Cosby
Celebrity Female: Connie Nielsen
The needs of other people are extremely important to you. You strive hard to maintain a comfortable and easy atmosphere for everyone around you. Most people immediately find themselves at ease with you, as you have a distinct boy or girl next door quality. Most of the time, you are sweeter than apple pie. But, your equilibrium can really be thrown off by conflicts, internal or external. There is a lot that you often suppress emotionally, for the sake of pleasing others. Your strong need to make other people happy can make you a classic co-dependent. You are more than willing to dote on other people and others often willingly let you. This doesn??t go unnoticed by you and gives you an inner sense of satisfaction. You are like that parent who just desperately needs to be needed.
Celebrity Male: Josh Holloway
Celebrity Female: Kristen Bell
Radiating fierce strength and deep insecurity in equal measure, you are certainly not an easy person to understand or handle. You are always complex, always emotional, and almost pathologically guarded in your dealings with people. There is a protectiveness to you that is very primal in nature. You will instinctively hurt before you can get hurt. But, there is also a bottomless well of emotion inside of you. Feeling totally dominates your thinking and decisions. There is not much you can do to stop that flood of emotion or your unexpected, extreme mood swing. Yet, you are most encouraged to trust in that instinct of yours, as it is usually frighteningly accurate. In the midst of all your complexity and intensity, you possess great depth and soulfulness, which you invariably display in your close relationships.
Celebrity Male: Will Ferrell
Celebrity Female: Gisele Bundchen
You have an excellent sense of humor and are most attracted to those who share the same funny bone. Humor is the primary way you not only connect with people, but express personal warmth. Seriousness makes you uneasy, as you feel it??s a sign of unhappiness. You hate for others to be unhappy or even to be unhappy yourself. But, this outlook easily becomes a defensive mechanism for you. You have a distinct habit of running away from negative feelings before they catch up to you. When they finally do, you can get seriously depressed, surprising those used to your happy-go-lucky vibe. You like to just shake it off and move on. You??re admirable for your ability to step outside of your comfort zone. Although you have strong ties to loved ones, you don??t mind exploring new pastures. Your true home is the highway.
Celebrity Male: Vin Diesel
Celebrity Female: Shelley Duvall
Extremely dutiful toward your loved ones, you feel a sense of responsibility for your family and friends. You will tend to everyone??s needs to the point of putting your own on the backburner regularly. It is very likely that you are the foundation of your family or inner circle. You keep everyone in line and everything running as it ???should?? be. In the midst of all this, you have little to no down time for yourself. You are like that hard-working mother whose plate is always full and never gets a moment??s peace. But, you suppress your heavy-hearted feelings, hiding behind a stoic face. Although you like to be strong for others, you??re actually really sensitive on the inside. You get down on yourself very easily, feeling overwhelmed, neglected or totally ???blue??. But, you never let ???em see you cry.
Celebrity Male: Ernest Hemingway
Celebrity Female: Liv Tyler
You??re an offbeat character and feel little compunction about displaying your quirks and even neuroses. You possess an innately accepting attitude toward the quirkiness of other people as well. An intuitive understanding of the oddities of human nature allows you to simply let people be who they are. At the same token, you want to be allowed to freely be who you want as well. A certain conflict between your high independence and equally high desire for a ???safe zone?? can creates some push-pull behavior. You want closeness and intimacy but not too much of it. You want to be very comforted but not smothered or possessed. Basically, you want someone to always be there for you but often kept at a clearly defined distance. You possess deep concern for others but maintain your cool. You care a lot about people but never in a touchy feely way.
Celebrity Male: Tobey Maguire
Celebrity Female: Princess Diana
You possess a level of empathy and sensitivity so strong that it??s possibly overwhelming. Although you might necessarily have a bit of a hard shell, for self-protection, you??re anything but on the inside. You have a distinct tendency to want to protect your family and friends from the whole world. You provide them with an unconditional safe haven, which may cripple more than help them at times. You also seek perpetual refuge from the world yourself. You??re notably reclusive, often more than happy to be shut in at home. You need plenty of time to recharge, reflect, and plumb that inner life of yours, in order to prepare for the outer world. You can alternate between being painfully shy and extraordinarily expressive. Your profound empathy can also make you amazingly funny, as humor is the language of empathy.
Celebrity Male: Robin Williams
Celebrity Female: Debbie Harry