The last straw

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by crudemood on Tuesday, February 27, 2007 and has 44 replies.
Ok I've been doing alot of lurking on the cancer boards and its just confusing me more so..
This what I've got so far on cancers:
1) They get jealous easily but will do things you make you jealous to see if your interested. Meaning they do like you..
2) Once you show interest they will back off a bit, they are hot and cold.
3) They are moody
4) VERY indirect people
Okay, whats confusing and frustrating me is.
Will Cancers be indirect to rejecting you? Which can be related back to point number 1) that i listed. If they are so indirect won't they do the exact same thing to tell you they're NOT interested?
Its fun at first cancers, you know these indirect mind games and maybe kind of fun but I'm getting frustrated and realizing that maybe I'm just looking for signs that aren't there..
The last straw? I'm finding my self ready to give up soon. Cmon, throw me a bone here.
no, you'll know when a cancer doesn't like you. we'll have nothing to do with you. if you're even a little perceptive, you can sense a coldness. we won't show any interest at all in you and will just not speak to you.
well fiddle sticks, okay thats fair enough. she'll tolerate those she can stand.. but what about one that shes interested romantically
'like' can entail either lover or as a friend.
for example, my cancer does that jealous thing, where she does things to try to make me jealous. she still speaks to me and does pay me attention.. does that mean she likes me or is in love with me
Correct fiddlesticks! If I don't like you, you will know. If I like you, you will know as well but not directly LOL! It's the guys that are perceptive who will be able to see it in my facial expressions and the way I act. I can come off as shy at first when I really like someone, but the more I get to know him, the more I will open up. Kind of like a flower smile The whole jealous thing comes into play because we are so afraid you're going to leave us, we need for you to show us how much you really care.
1) They get jealous easily but will do things you make you jealous to see if your interested. Meaning they do like you..
2) Once you show interest they will back off a bit, they are hot and cold.
3) They are moody
4) VERY indirect people

-yeah, that sounds like a cancer!!! i do get jealous too often, and i do tend to like when a guy plays hard to get, and i can be VERY moody, and extremely indirect...
i am very indirect about my feelings toward someone that i really like, or in a relationship with...i have a weird way of showing my feelings, i guess.
but, if i don't like someone...they will know! and if i am over someone i am in a relationship with, then i will simply leave them and tell them i am over it. i don't beat around the bush and i don't pretend to like someone when i don't...
If a cancer isn't trying to corner you off and have you to themselves, marry you, or dote over you 24/7 spending every minute of the day and dime of cash they have you-----they're not interested. At least not at any serious level. If this cancer is being in between with you they are either A)waiting for the proper time to let you down or B) keeping you around for a convenient screw every now and then.
I think once we fall for someone and come out of our shell we are open books. Can't hide our emotions.
What's the story when they ignore you and then intermittently text to say hi and then retreat again? What's the interpreation of this? To me it's just fucking with the other person. Like what crudemood said - their behaviour can be read either way. That they're interested in you and they're not and perhaps it is both of these at the same time.
"The whole jealous thing comes into play because we are so afraid you're going to leave us, we need for you to show us how much you really care."
This rings a bell. As funny as it sounds I hadn't had a jealous 'episode' in forever. Started noticing that my crab would kind of try to make me jealous... well finally one day he says, "I want to flirt with a girl infront of you" ..hah.. "Hmm, okay.. but WhY?" and he said to make me jealous. Further explanation.. 'different kind of high' Uhumm very interesting. Wish this convo would have ended there LoL
Don't know crabs to really be the jealous type. They will get jealous from time to time but nothing extreme. For example me and my guy had a misunderstanding. He thinks I fukked up on him at this point. Ok, it sucks but he understands. However, after that he starts doing the usual jealous-person type stuff. Was a lil cuckoo I thought, very unlike him. And like moonmaiden said... not so long ago he told me he didn't want me to leave him, to not leave him. They need reassurance sometimes, no matter how secure they seem.
I think CancerLA and lunarlady have good points.
My friend is having the 'usual' crab problems. He's detached, hot and cold... god damn, just about everything all crab-related complaints stem from. I asked my bf to diagnose the symptoms 4 my friends guy lol Basically he said that he isn't taking her seriously and even more interesting that he doesn't respect her.
He should know, he admits to doing the same things in the past. A crab that is serious about you will be very committed. They also open up. I think that in their effort to make things work they may become very direct, putting any disagreements or possible issues quickly on the table. Indirect hinting and mind game bullshit is dropped.
Since initial stages can be tricky my advice to all would be to just assume crab is uninterested and keep things light. Don't get attached too soon. I know they drop subtle hints but I'll beg to differ and advice you to not look too much into them.

In the initial stages i will always appear aloof and slightly disinterested even if i am crazy about the person. I hate being this way but us cancers are just terrified of rejection. It does take a while to open up but once we come out of our shells and feel a little more secure there is no turning back , you will KNOW how we feel trust me !!
this is interesting..... mine talks to me but refuses sexual contact, he wont let me out of his site but for work, and will show up upteen times if doesnt like the guy i am working with, he tries to make me jealous but i dont bite. except with the pornthing,, i feel unwanted when i want him and he wants netgirls THIS MEANS HE LOVES ME FOR REAL?
i should take it that my crab tries to get me jealous to see if I care? And when i dont react just laugh inside. it isnt the reaction he is looking for. And if I say that wasn't appropriate , he gets real mad i am to jealous WHAT IS THE RIGHT REACTION WHEN THEY TRY TO MAKE YOU JEALOUS?
mine also mentions he thinks about marrying me and is glad i not push ( i am just happy be together 2years now that i am his angel from heaven, he never make it through this ordeal alone but
then sometimes he gets real quiet, and will be rude telling me not to speak i try to find out what is wrong so i can be compassionate and understanding, if he just sulks by himself how can i take that. IM BAD i do think if he dont want me why he not tell me to go, and i ask him what he is doing and if pushing my love away is what he really want to do and i get a I DUNNO
and whats this all about when a cancer tell u its over and u ask why? and he has some wild ideas that is so far from my logic, i ignore it cause it don't make sense. I really want this man for life and I tell him I don't want to go anywhere, I just need to know what is going on and if you want space u need just ask, and not be rude. I love him, we got promised/engaged at christmas,
and i know he is using the sex thing against me cause it is important to me and he doesnt like that I want it everyday, but now only when he wants it and he try use porn as much as he can. Even refusing to let me touch it while he look at porn beside me, ( it was hot) He does not understand i find security in consitent love and affection, and he is killing me. what can i do to help him come back
EDITED-this is interesting..... mine talks to me but refuses sexual contact, he wont let me out of his site but for work, and will show up upteen times if doesnt like the guy i am working with, he tries to make me jealous but i dont bite. except with the pornthing,, i feel unwanted when i want him and he wants netgirls THIS MEANS HE LOVES ME FOR REAL?
i should take it that my crab tries to get me jealous to see if I care? And when i dont react just laugh inside. it isnt the reaction he is looking for. And if I say that wasn't appropriate , he gets real mad i am to jealous WHAT IS THE RIGHT REACTION WHEN THEY TRY TO MAKE YOU JEALOUS?
mine also mentions he thinks about marrying me and is glad i not push ( i am just happy be together 2years now that i am his angel from heaven, he never make it through this ordeal alone but
then sometimes he gets real quiet, and will be rude telling me not to speak i try to find out what is wrong so i can be compassionate and understanding, if he just sulks by himself how can i take that. IM BAD i do think if he dont want me why he not tell me to go, and i ask him what he is doing and if pushing my love away is what he really want to do and i get a I DUNNO
and whats this all about when a cancer tell u its over and u ask why? and he has some wild ideas that is so far from my logic, i ignore it cause it don't make sense. I really want this man for life and I tell him I don't want to go anywhere, if want to go he can but i am not leaving the love of my life the regret would kill me I just need to know what is going on and if he wants space u need just ask, and not be rude. I love him, we got promised/engaged at christmas, I also ask if he has to much on his plate and can't be a boyfriend rightnow or if hejust wants space-- he gets mad and says nothing I JUST WANT TO UNDERSTAND ( all of u here are very helpful, i understand him a little better but geeze i still need help WHAT IS THE WINNING RESPONSE HE IS LOOKING FOR
and i know he is using the sex thing against me cause it is important to me and he doesnt like that I want it everyday, but now only when he wants it and he try use porn as much as he can. Even refusing to let me touch it while he look at porn beside me, ( it was hot) He does not understand i find security in consitent love and affection, and he is killing me. what can i do to help him come back, what is he fishing for?
Sometimes I really feel like he doesnt want me and my efforts to treat him good are BAD BAD BAD............
what happens if you just give them lots of space and make friends and stuff to do without him?
or am i to just keep quiet andbe here for him?
and wait for him to back around he always does, but it is killlling me inside, my hearts is feeling the eggshell effect
:no, you'll know when a cancer doesn't like you. we'll have nothing to do with you. if you're even a little perceptive, you can sense a coldness. we won't show any interest at all in you and will just not speak to you."

what about when they do this with an i love you? lots of talk? mention u want to go visit friend in other town and I get a loud SHE CAN COME HERE, lots of talk.
My cancer tried to make me jealous just the other day, well he did make me jealous- we were watching tv like we do every evening when he gets off work and he sees a picture of a ladybug- well out of the blue he says he used to know someone with a screen name ladybug and that he used to chat with her- I was sitting in a chair and I gave him a look but I didn't say anything but I could see him looking at me waiting for my reaction out of the corner of my eye- he looks so sexy when he is looking at me that way. Anyway I DO get jealous and angry but I keep my cool on the outside and I keep telling myself don't respond to it, don't respond to it, don't respond to it...
Then about five minute passes (such willpower) and then I say something like "hmmm I wonder what so and so is doing, I think I will chat with them tonight" and he laughs at me and says how pathetic I am, lol - I finally let it out and tell him how dare he and yada yada yada- he continues to laugh and then tells me I failed the test, lol. I told him I tried to keep my cool- we both laugh and I keep asking him why did he do that he gives me a sexy "because I can" response. I wanted to jump his bones and I tell him that and he says that he knows that too.
I have been hot for him for days now and it's almost like he is just teasing me, you Cancer men know how to turn that whatever it is that you have on and I swear I am like a piece of metal to a magnet when you do that.
It's like you all walk around all sweet and innocent and aloof but then you just turn "it" on... sigh- I love sexy Cancer men
Raining Peanuts said something very sensible:
"Since initial stages can be tricky my advice to all would be to just assume crab is uninterested and keep things light. Don't get attached too soon. I know they drop subtle hints but I'll beg to differ and advice you to not look too much into them. "
Pinning all your hopes and dreams and exprectations on some small inconsequential gestures that a crab makes is foolish and is leaving you open to feeling hurt later on when they don't follow through.
I'd add furthermore that it's a good idea to take their nice gestures as is but not to go out of your way to be avilable for them or make them "feel good" or otherwise put them on a pedestal. I sense that for me it was at this stage where I started to cater to him that my crab backed off big time.
It is hurtful to feel this way, feel rejected, wonder why they're not calling you back, returning your messages. This is not nice behavior in itself and if he's doing this, he can't have you that high on his agenda can he?
Puleeze in order to get a cancer to behave himself-I am just speaking about the Cancer Men. You have to treat them mean!
I hate the games but this seems to be the only way to get them to act like they have some sense in their heads!
I love my Cancer but he is a real pain in the ass. Emotional and jealous one minute, cold and distant the next. Give me a break!
The older I get, the less inclined I am to playing games. And the cancer guy I was
seeing is 12 years older than me. I am not going to go to that level in order to
get him to respond to me. I prefer to go by sincerity and a basic level of trust and respect. Like doing what you say. As in if you say you love or care about someone very much then you're also going to want to speak to them at least every few days. You're going to want to engage with them on a level deeper than simply sending a message every few weeks saying "Hi, how are you" and not wanting any other answer except "Fine thanks".
I don't buy into the whole idea that cancer men are special people who are so indirect that what they say is not to be interpreted as being what they mean. This is making an excuse for unacceptable behavior.
And I also don't see why I shold treat him mean in order to get him to sweet talk me. That's pretty fucked up too. I'm not interested in having that kind of abusive mixed signal relationship going on. It doesn't do anything for me at all to put someone down if I actually like them.
"In the initial stages i will always appear aloof and slightly disinterested even if i am crazy about the person. I hate being this way but us cancers are just terrified of rejection."
-this is soooo true for me as well!!! i always act like i don't care about the guy at all, when really i am head over heels for him! i can't let him know that Winking
cancers aren't for everyone. the cancer women who responded here, have described behaviors that we all (cancer women) display at times.
..and this "If a cancer isn't trying to corner you off and have you to themselves, marry you, or dote over you 24/7 spending every minute of the day and dime of cash they have you-----they're not interested" yep done that too...
the others..( MellowDee,mine2u) describe male cancer behavior...
men and women cancers are totally different.
women cancers in relationships, which you are interested in understanding...
we do not ignore you until we are through, we do give more then we receive, we do play games from time to time to secure ourselves.
if we are in a bad relationship, you will want to choke us, because we will always have one up on you...we are great researchers, and we will discover things you are hiding, we will yell and cry because we feel bad attention, is better then no attention...we will pay you back 10 fold for things you have done wrong and you will never forget it, because we live in the past.
in a GOOD relationship, we are totally different people. you would never know the other side existed. we love like we have never been hurt. we give all that we are. we are extreamly loyal. we will be your biggest cheerleader and always have your back. we can make our own money and don't need yours for security. we are very affectionate and passionate. we will have secreats with you, not from you. we want to take care of you and be appreciated for it.
good or bad, we give chance after chance..we stay in relationships WAY longer then we should because we believe in the good in people. we believe with all that we are, if change is possible, we will not be disappointed. if you are good to us, we are good to you...if you aren't we will eventually be through..and NEVER look back..
"If you are good to us, we are good to you...if you aren't we will eventually be through..and NEVER look back.."
Spot on advice, so true !!!!
so what happens when most of the people around u have taken u for granted or fucked up and your standing there not looking back but your all alone......that doesnt make me happy either......
are you a cancer female?
i doesn't matter if you are or aren't..this is true for everyone...
we all feel like that at times..we all have an inheriant fear of being truly alone.
we are NEVER truly alone. God is always with us. Sometimes, if we look inside ourselves, and evaluate what we see, things look differently when we are through.
Cancer women are born with the knowledge that happiness exists..that there are happy endings. We may not be in the situation that yeilds it, but it is out there, somewhere. We know if we are good people, we will be rewarded with it. it may take a lifetime to find it, but it is absolutly worth the wait.
nope.....cancer male....although that damn pisces moon makes me more sensitive than alot of cancer women Sad lol.
lol...the world needs sensitive men...
it might need them .....but ill tell ya it doesnt appreciate
Menbay, you're very helpfuul as usual. I've noticed everytihg you've said about my cancer to be true. From doting to making us jealous to indirectness.
when you say 'we will yell and cry because we feel bad attention, is better then no attention...we will pay you back 10 fold for things you have done wrong and you will never forget it, because we live in the past. '
does feeling bad attention meaning.. lets say she tried to make the first move and i kind of backed away because i was a bit shocked and didnt know what to expect, i didnt expect it from her.
the story is. a few days ago , she calls me, and we talk about hours. okay, two things..
our conversation somehow ended up on the subject of porn.(dont ask Tongue) and i said that we can learn so much from porn, things we can apply to real life situations which i do honestly believe then she goes to say.. 'well whats the point in learning if you have no one to practice on?'. i dont know about you guys but that sounded alot like flirting with me.. am i right?
then the conversation went on to her answering my question about does she like any other guys, she responds with a quiet no and goes on to trail off, and i took that as a nother sign.
the next day i had invited her to come over, only me and her alone for a couple of hours and she must have got scared or i did something to scare her off. she was looking up 'touch me' and she goes and calls me over to turn up to volume.. and i figured this was a part oof her indirectness and fear of rejection..i don't think i have to explain this one.. but then i went and called her crazy because i didnt know how to react to that. then she says to me she's not interested.. am i wrong to be schocked? there was some major fliting going on the phone and then she pulls this on me?
at work that night, i noticed her looking at me at random times.. did i scare her off
cmon, advice, advice.
well, maybe ive been flirting a bit with a another girl..and maybe cancer must took note of this.. and i think i read that if cancers sense that there is a chance of you leaving for another, they'll back off?
i forgot one more thing that happened..
this also happened on our phone conversation, she started to ask me, if i found any other girls at work hot and goes to list some names, which of course i answered no too.. and then i told her she was making me nervous and then i think i heard her laugh.
in case you missed it...SHE WANTS TO HOOK UP WITH YOU...
what else does she have to do? tatoo it on her a--? when are you gonna stop jacking around and get exclusive? that is what she is waiting to quit being a player and if you like this is time to make your move.
with this girl, here is what is in her head...
she likes you. she wants to be with you. she knows you will hurt her, because of the way you are. she is very attracted to you. she is processing her feelings for you..constantly asking herself if you are worth what she knows is to come. the way she is acting when she is with you reflects her internal conflict with this.
crude you are 20. you are exactly how a 20 year old should be. you are a player. your life is not together. you party. you are carefree. then there is the other side of you..the one who does care, the one that knows in a few years this fun will be replaced with "real life". real life is just as fun, but in a different way. you are holding onto the carfree part with all you have..and that is just what you are supposed to do. she sees both sides and likes you...get it..
she will only have you if you are exclusive with her..if you want that, go for it..if you don't..enjoy this ride..because believe me it will change you forever..
it already has..
Oh. My. God. Menbay. I was being very very cautious about it. The whole 'touch me' thing I think was her trying to make the first move and because I reacted that way it totally scared her off. I'm such an idiot, crude you stupid stupid.. I know cancers don't tend to make the first move... I did invite her to come see my room and she came! I was nervous, I well, didnt make a move there. crap!
well she still looks at me a whole lot at work. Though when I approached her to ask her what was wrong, she got angry at me and kept telling me it was pms. Of course I can read her like a book and I KNEW that wasnt the reason. She totally ignored me but kept looking at me. OY VEI
'you are carefree. then there is the other side of you..the one who does care, the one that knows in a few years this fun will be replaced with "real life". real life is just as fun, but in a different way. you are holding onto the carfree part with all you have..and that is just what you are supposed to do. she sees both sides and likes you...get it..'
She told me the reason she liked me because I was laid back...
When I look back now all signs point to yes... Oh god I am so dumb!
I just hope its not too late because now that I know for sure.. I'm not afraid.
Menybay, you've been really helpful through this cancer ordeal, I dont think you know how much it means and how greatly I appreciate it and if I personally can't repay you for how much you've helped me , I hope you believe in karma because I do .. Tongue
"Then about five minute passes (such willpower) and then I say something like "hmmm I wonder what so and so is doing, I think I will chat with them tonight" and he laughs at me and says how pathetic I am, lol - I finally let it out and tell him how dare he and yada yada yada- he continues to laugh and then tells me I failed the test, lol. I told him I tried to keep my cool- we both laugh and I keep asking him why did he do that he gives me a sexy "because I can" response. I wanted to jump his bones and I tell him that and he says that he knows that too."
- LOL OB smile This sounds like me and my crab sometimes, just laugh at ourselves hahahah
"Pinning all your hopes and dreams and exprectations on some small inconsequential gestures that a crab makes is foolish and is leaving you open to feeling hurt later on when they don't follow through."
- Yes yes, exactly what I meant.

Mine2u, I think you should stop worrying about him. You shouldn't be nice to someone who is being rude, you shouldn't be understanding or considerate of someone who is being a jerk to you. You are encouraging his behavior. I say you GIVE HIM NOTHING. No reaction whatsoever! He wants NOTHING with that attitude! If I was you, I'd interpret his rejection to really mean that he just wants to fukk the computer/tv screen.. right? hah!
My cancer was being such an ass a couple weeks ago. He kept snapping at me and I knew it was because he was stressed out about a problem he had so I remained helpful and unaffected. Once, alright. Twice, whew, ok. Well finally he snapped about something so stupid and when I told him he was wrong he acted like I wanted to argue! Well that just made me angry. I was silent, no response whatsoever and since I was driving that probably gave me away =/ I was fuming! Later (when I put myself together and finally said something, small talk) he confronted me about it saying what was wrong with me?! I wanted to leave that conversation for later, when I wouldn't yell and curse but basically I said to him that he was not going to speak to me in the way he had. Who the hell was he to talk to me like that. And to beeping check himself!
We went quiet for a while. Then I get a text and I knew it was him (next to me) so I started laughing and asked him why he text me. He started laughing too and said "Aren't you going to apologize?" *gasp* and I asked for what?! And he said "For being a jerk" and I was like "Oh, so this is your way of apologizing to me because *you've* been a jerk?" lol I always know the official apology is coming later hahah
And sure enough he got into it the next day and apolized for having snapped at me, saying he was stressed out, knows he shouldn't talk to me like that and how he respects me.. I shouldn't curse at him either blah blah blah
Most IMPORTANTLY he said that I SHOULDN'T LET HIM talk to me like that and to let him know to get his act together if he does it. Cancers are big on you loving yourself first.. they don't respect you if you take crap from them.
well, it looks like i'm getting the silent treatment.
what did i do wrong now. this is just great. to love us crabs..huh? crude it is time to make your move. rejection=silent treatment. not making a move=rejection. you are sending her mixed signals...come see my room..she takes a chance and goes...nothing.
time to walk right up to her and kiss her...doesn't have to be alone..just do it..and soon. you might get slapped, because of the suprise..but i have a feeling she just might kiss you back. sound korney? good, we love that...
Raining peanuts and menbay12...
thannk you for your insight........ I know you are right I can see how i sometimes encourage his behaviour. I just gave up trying to talk to him, I waited until i found my words and told him he was being very disrespectful, I love him and want him and if it was worth pushing me away, my love and support and just decided to give him his space. I just stayed in the bedroom studying for my certification exam and he got upset I was gonna stay in there all day.
We had 5 great days. Hw was attentive and helpful and just plain endearing. He made me dinner and did a load of dishes. We even had sex 2X, a bj for him and another day just a hj for him. (I was wrong to think he would balance my desire afterwords, I am still waiting. We made plans for our future and did some investement learning together. I start to think all is good again. Thinking this, I thought i would be able to focus on my exam so i can the raise and better our financial stability.
He is very financialy and health stresses. He feels controlled and persecuted by WCB. And patience is hard.
I don't want to take his bs but have to let it slide and remind myself he is not himself he is on medication and geeze wonder if he knows the consequences of what he is doing? He says he cannot support me?? not sure when he has but has helped out when i got fired from my awesome job cause i was to stressed for the job and he feels threatened if i call a girl friend, he fears me going back south.
And I don't know what Im thinking to wait for him to make the first move. No wonder we went 16 days. He wants the attention, like i used to give, but forgets all the rejection he has dished out.
I have been here for this man and treated him the best i could although sometimes he sees not enough. I tried. I dont play with temptation as to not make him jealous or think i would think of another. I have a good career and could hold a financial secure fulltime position if this clears. Unfortunetly he has hurt me so bad it affected my last job and now i work part time. And I am guilty of putting up with to much shit. And I cant my full time contract is starting in a week and I wAgain reminding myself that his future heath and financial security is at risk and he is suffering the wild imagination anxiety and depression can bring. HE wallows in what is to me nonsense worries. Like selling everything and moving to street to please wcb. I know patience is hard. And I don't have a magic wand
I agree cancers try to block u out at first slight you say you thinking of not being here for him. Even if that wasnt your meaning directly. BUt for him to shape up you cant take this, you love him and want to be here for him, i want him to find security with me not the internet, that i want to love him the same everyday. You know he told you he couldnt do this alone, and loves you. Be here for him but need soemthing back. Consistency is security to me.
ANd here's me PMSing badly, and 1 smoke a day, which i feel bad about. When he is happy, he is proud I am this far and he shouldnt control it. But then in his mood it is reason to not love me. I am a smoker. I don't fight this to much as I know it is better for my hmm health, and could easy conquer if had consistent love. All I can do is shake my head at the cancer.
To add to my plight, I am his first serious relationship, he is a player from way back. Says it started to hurt women only wanted him for his body when he really liked them. This is my 3rd long term relationship. And i desperatly want to keep it, but am seeing maybe it is good to just be silent.
He seems upset I have another counselling appointment tomorrow, Tonight after his snare that i had to ask the same question 3 times, i couldnt hear as he was walking in other room and my hey don't, i dont want to use that tone with you, after searching wet tshirts and bikini but being talkative and helpful, after he asked for no cuddling. I went for a smoke, he got up and I asked him not to look at girls on net right now. It offends me that I want him and it just hurts. It is disrespectful I recalled him not thinking it would be a good idea for me to do as he does. So after a few minutes of deliberation he moved his computer to the floor so I can only see his monitors reflection in the fish tank, to look at girls. although He isnt playing yet. I ask without response, do u not want me to respect you, i want to respect you. Do my feelings mean anything? Am I worng to want to want to help you? What's so bad about having a healthy loving relationship, I know it would help me to take the full time position and all our financial woes would be absolite. And focus on certification exam(big raise) And read him note i wrote he refused to read in his email. Dont know how much he hears, he blocks the me hurt thing out but i see in his actions sometimes he heard me. .SO you thing silence is best... do I answer his chat? or just shhhhh
onemore thing please...
is it best to give empty house time, should i go make new friends? Or am i just suppose to be here for him but silent.
well she cant stay mad at me forever can she?
i hope she has given up already
its not too late is it? i hope cancers are forgiving
well at least i hope she is.

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