the male cancer and a love of porn

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by redhedgurl on Tuesday, February 6, 2007 and has 6 replies.
now that i have your attention. question, would you guys say cancer men are especially fond of or prone to looking at porn? please explain any answers. do you feel, as many of the books suggest, that cancer men are very into sex and sensuality, perhaps more deeply than other signs. very into experimental sex? and if you could, please explain to me the nature of your drive. i.e.- i do it just cause it feels good to me physically, or i do it to feel loved, or whatever.
curiosity educated the aries.............ha.
I don't have anyone in my life. I prefer imagination but porn is alright once in a while. Wouldn't use it if i had a partner. It's true that i like freaky stuff, but i'm not sure i would participate, it's just for fun.
I love porn...and i do like doing things that are long as they don't cross the lines of what turn me on....
Porn's pretty cool.
porn > ______
cancers are sensual and sexual and will experiment but they just need a partner they trust-then they'll do just about anything! LOL