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May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
anyone who says I told you so is a heartless bitch
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Jul 17, 2007Comments: 7 · Posts: 2275 · Topics: 58
*shooing AB with a broom* stoppit, you stop! lol Revenge is pointless, moving on is triumphant.
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Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
Kate, I did tell you so, so that put that blame on me. I think maybe your Cancer guy is dealing with some commitment phobic issues and you will not be able to cure him. If you continue to want to see him, then you will need to become commitment phobic yourself. He will be back to YOU and he will be back to HER. It won't change. He maybe just telling you that he was spending Thanksgiving with her just to make you leave so he wouldn't be held accountable for having the commitment to spending it with YOU!
I wouldn't even let him get to me like that, I would live my life and act like he didn't even exist. He is one of the Cancers who will distance himself just to come back to you for forgiveness and ruin your life if YOU let him. Love him with a long handle stick. From here on out, don't let him get that close to you, stay busy with your life and don't include him in AT ALL. If you want to see him, do it on your terms. Not on his. Don't EVER return any of his calls and keep him on the chase. Only a suggestion.
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Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
Kate, I did tell you so, so that put that blame on me....I meant to say, I didn't tell you so, so don't place that blame on me.
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Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
KROBE - THERE IS ONLY ONE PERSON TO BLAME FOR THIS, AND THE FINGER IS POINTING SQUARELY AT ME. I would never hold anyone else accountable for my actions. If I open the door and let this butter in my life, it is on me and no one else.
I wish you well, but if you two were just friends in your book, why do you even care about another woman? Just my thought of course, because I don't know, maybe it is me but I don't see another woman as a threat esp if we had already established the fact that we were not committed to each other and he could see whom he wanted and you could see whom you wanted during your courting process.
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May 09, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 194 · Topics: 10
remember that cancer is a crab,when he feels you getting away from him he will put out his pincers and grab you ,you can never really be totally free of them,he could love this other woman one minute then love you the next.